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Last active December 10, 2022 05:07
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  • Save darkryder/09c724d4c6550c3ab166053fd5369e1a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save darkryder/09c724d4c6550c3ab166053fd5369e1a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Version 3
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "mfs.h"
#include "ufs.h"
#define MFS_RW_BUFFER_SIZE 4096
#define LOG_SIZE 4096
char logBuffer[LOG_SIZE];
int verboseMode = 0;
void VERBOSE() {
if (verboseMode != 1) return;
printf("[VERBOSE] %s\n", logBuffer);
void INFO() {
printf("[INFO] %s\n", logBuffer);
void ERR() {
printf("[ERR] %s\n", logBuffer);
int _connect(char *hostname, int port) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "Attemping to connect to %s:%d", hostname, port); INFO();
int rc = MFS_Init(hostname, port);
if (rc != 0) {
sprintf("MFS_Init failed for %s:%d", hostname, port); ERR();
return rc;
// assumes absolute path.
// exits on traversal failure
int _traverseToDirectory(char *path) {
assert(strlen(path) > 0);
assert(path[0] == '/');
path = strdup(path); // because strtok is destructive
char *dirname = strtok(path, "/");
// root directory is inode 0
int dirInode = 0;
while (dirname != NULL) {
if (strcmp(dirname, "") == 0) {
dirname = strtok(NULL, "/");
continue; // to handle // and trailing /
sprintf(logBuffer, "looking up child entry %s in parent directory (inode=%d)", dirname, dirInode); VERBOSE();
dirInode = MFS_Lookup(dirInode, dirname);
sprintf(logBuffer, "Found child entry with inode number %d", dirInode); VERBOSE();
if (dirInode == -1) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "Unable to enter %s", dirname); ERR();
dirname = strtok(NULL, "/");
return dirInode;
int rfind(const char *haystack, char needle) {
int end = strlen(haystack) - 1;
for(int i = end; i >= 0; i--) {
if (haystack[i] == needle) return i;
return -1;
// can only be called on directories.
int perform_ls(char *path) {
int dirInode = _traverseToDirectory(path);
MFS_Stat_t stat;
int rc = MFS_Stat(dirInode, &stat);
if (rc == -1) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "Unable to call MFS_Stat on dir (inum=%d)", dirInode); ERR();
if (stat.type != UFS_DIRECTORY) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "The inode (%d) received for %s is not of directory type", dirInode, path); ERR();
int sz = stat.size;
assert(sz % sizeof(MFS_DirEnt_t) == 0);
int nentries = sz / sizeof(MFS_DirEnt_t);
MFS_DirEnt_t entries[nentries]; // should be safe to pass to MFS_Read because struct seems packed. No padding should be necessary.
assert(sizeof(entries) == (28+4)*nentries); // folks, students, if this assert fails, email me!
// Future me: the solution would be to read in X bytes specifically, and explicitly force-read entries by casting at required offsets.
sprintf(logBuffer, "Attempting to read %d children of %s", nentries, path); VERBOSE();
int offset = 0;
while (offset < sz) {
int toRead = sz - offset;
rc = MFS_Read(dirInode, entries, offset, toRead);
if (rc == -1) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "MFS_Read failed"); ERR();
offset += toRead;
sprintf(logBuffer, "Fetched %d children. Here they are!", nentries); INFO();
for(int i = 0; i < nentries; i++) {
if (entries[i].inum < 0)
printf("Skipping entry: (inode=%d)", entries[i].inum);
printf("%s (inode=%d)\n", entries[i].name, entries[i].inum);
return 0;
int perform_insert(const char *fromPath, char *toPath) {
assert(strlen(toPath) > 0 && strlen(fromPath) > 0);
int toCopyFd = open(fromPath, O_RDONLY);
if (toCopyFd == -1) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "Unable to open provided file %s", fromPath); ERR();
// assumes toPath ends with filename to copy as
int fnameSep = rfind(toPath, '/');
char *dirPath = strndup(toPath, fnameSep);
char *fileName = toPath + fnameSep + 1;
int dirInode = _traverseToDirectory(dirPath);
sprintf(logBuffer, "Trying to create new file %s in %s", fileName, dirPath); VERBOSE();
int rc = MFS_Creat(dirInode, UFS_REGULAR_FILE, fileName);
if (rc == -1) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "Unable to create new file %s in %s", fileName, dirPath); ERR();
int newInode = MFS_Lookup(dirInode, fileName);
if (newInode == -1) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "Unable to fetch newly created inode number even though MFS_Creat was successful"); ERR();
sprintf(logBuffer, "Created new file with inode number %d", newInode); INFO();
char buffer[MFS_RW_BUFFER_SIZE];
memset(buffer, 0, MFS_RW_BUFFER_SIZE);
int readBytes = read(toCopyFd, buffer, MFS_RW_BUFFER_SIZE);
int offset = 0;
while (readBytes > 0) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "about to write %d bytes ", readBytes); VERBOSE();
int rc = MFS_Write(newInode, buffer, offset, readBytes);
offset += readBytes;
if (rc == -1) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "MFS_Write failed"); ERR();
sprintf(logBuffer, "Written %d bytes successfully", readBytes); VERBOSE();
readBytes = read(toCopyFd, buffer, MFS_RW_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (readBytes == -1) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "Error while reading input file"); ERR();
sprintf(logBuffer, "Completed all write operations. Written a total of %d bytes", offset); INFO();
return 0;
int perform_cat(char *path) {
int fnameSep = rfind(path, '/');
char *dirPath = strndup(path, fnameSep);
char *fileName = path + fnameSep + 1;
int dirInode = _traverseToDirectory(dirPath);
int fileInode = MFS_Lookup(dirInode, fileName);
if (fileInode == -1) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "Unable to lookup file %s in directory (inum=%d)", fileName, dirInode); ERR();
sprintf(logBuffer, "Trying to determine filesize"); VERBOSE();
MFS_Stat_t stat;
int rc = MFS_Stat(fileInode, &stat);
if (rc == -1) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "Unable to determine filesize. Stat failed for inum=%d", fileInode); ERR();
int sz = stat.size;
char *output = (char *) malloc(sz * sizeof(char));
memset(output, 0, sz);
sprintf(logBuffer, "Filesize=%d. Starting read", sz); INFO();
int offset = 0;
while (offset < sz) {
int count = sz - offset;
sprintf(logBuffer, "Trying to read %d bytes from offset %d foi inum=%d", count, offset, fileInode); VERBOSE();
int rc = MFS_Read(fileInode, output + offset, offset, count);
if (rc == -1) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "MFS_Read failed for inum=%d offset=%d count=%d", fileInode, offset, count); ERR();
offset += count;
sprintf(logBuffer, "File contents (from next line): \n%s\n", output);
return 0;
// similar to mkdir -p. Just bulldoze through and call MFS_Creat for all
// subdirectories. If name already exists, should not overwrite.
int perform_mkdir(char *path) {
assert(strlen(path) > 0);
assert(path[0] == '/');
path = strdup(path); // because strtok is destructive.
char *dirname = strtok(path, "/");
// root directory is inode 0
int dirInode = 0;
while (dirname != NULL) { // assume root directory already exists. Creating further ones.
if (strcmp(dirname, "") == 0) {
dirname = strtok(NULL, "/");
continue; // to handle // and trailing /
sprintf(logBuffer, "calling MFS_Creat for %s in parent directory (inode=%d)", dirname, dirInode); VERBOSE();
int rc = MFS_Creat(dirInode, UFS_DIRECTORY, dirname);
if (rc == -1) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "Unable to create directory %s", dirname); ERR();
int newInode = MFS_Lookup(dirInode, dirname);
if (newInode == -1) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "Unable to fetch newly created directory inode even though MFS_Creat was successful"); ERR();
dirInode = newInode;
if (dirInode == -1) {
sprintf(logBuffer, "Unable to enter %s", dirname); ERR();
dirname = strtok(NULL, "/");
sprintf(logBuffer, "mkdir completed successfully"); INFO();
return 0;
const char *usage = "mfscli usage: \n"
"Basic format: ./mfscli ip_of_server port <command> <args...>\n"
" If the server is on the same machine, use as ip\n"
"Verbose mode: you can run all commands of mfscli in verbose mode by \n"
" prepending MFS_VERBOSE=1.\n"
" for e.g. MFS_VERBOSE=1 ./mfscli 36000 ls /files/\n\n"
" - ./mfscli 36000 insert /path/to/local/file/test.txt /files/test1.txt \n"
" This copies the file specified by first path into MFS with \n"
" the location specified by the second path.\n"
" First path refers to a file in your original filesystem (AFS) \n"
" Second path refers to a location in MFS.\n"
" The directory should exist in MFS for insert to succeed. \n"
" - ./mfscli 36000 cat /files/test1.txt \n"
" similar to UNIX cat. Outputs content of /files/test1.txt. Issues \n"
" corresponding MSF_Read, MFS_Lookup, MFS_Stat calls for this. \n"
" Fails if file/path does not exist. \n"
" - ./mfscli 36000 ls /files/ \n"
" Similar to UNIX ls. The path argument is for a location within MFS.\n"
" It should end with a directory. doing /files/test1.txt is not \n"
" supported.\n"
" - ./mfscli 36000 mkdir /files/new/directory \n"
" This works similar to unix's mkdir -p. Basically it calls MFS_Creat \n"
" for each subdirectory. First MFS_Creat(files), then MFS_Creat(new) within \n"
" it and so on. Existing directories would ideally remain untouched \n"
" because MFS_Creat doesn't do anything and returns true for existing dirs\n"
int _assert_argc(int argc, int expected) {
if (argc != expected) {
printf("Incorrect number of arguments! Run ./mfscli for usage help\n");
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
memset(logBuffer, 0, LOG_SIZE);
// TODO: move to argparse
if (argc <= 3) { // bare minumum: ./mfscli host port
printf("%s", usage);
return -1;
char *verboseEnv = getenv("MFS_VERBOSE");
if (verboseEnv != NULL && strcmp(verboseEnv, "1") == 0)
verboseMode = 1;
_connect(argv[1], atoi(argv[2]));
char *cmd = argv[3];
if (strcmp(cmd, "insert") == 0) {
_assert_argc(argc, 3 + 3);
perform_insert(argv[4], argv[5]);
} else if (strcmp(cmd, "cat") == 0) {
_assert_argc(argc, 2 + 3);
} else if (strcmp(cmd, "ls") == 0) {
_assert_argc(argc, 2 + 3);
} else if (strcmp(cmd, "mkdir") == 0) {
_assert_argc(argc, 2 + 3);
} else {
printf("Command not found! run ./mfscli for usage help\n");
return -1;
return 0;
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