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Last active August 6, 2024 05:53
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#/usr/bin/env bash
# SpyServer HF APRS iGate Script
# Mark Jessop <> 2020-09
# This script enables operation of a HF APRS iGate using input from a SpyServer.
# This is targeted for a Raspbian install. These instructions will probably work on
# other debian-based systems too.
# # System-Level Dependencies:
# $ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool pkg-config git libfftw3-dev libsamplerate0-dev direwolf screen
# Note: I am installing direwolf from the system package manager. You may want to compile it from source.
# # Compile/Install CSDR:
# $ git clone
# $ cd csdr
# $ autoreconf -i
# $ ./configure
# $ make
# $ sudo make install
# # Compile / Install spyserver_client:
# $ git clone
# $ cd spyserver_client
# $ make
# $ sudo cp ss_client /usr/bin/ss_iq
# Note that the spyserver_client makefile has no install target, hence the manual copy.
# # Download a template direwolf configuration file:
# $ wget
# Open this file and edit it appropriately, replacing callsigns, APRS-IS settings and your location for beaconing.
# # Configuration of this Script
# Presumably you have downloaded this script somewhere. You will need to make it executable:
# $ chmod +x ./
# Modify the settings below to match your target frequency, your spyserver settings, and the path to your hfaprs.conf file.
# You can now run this script with:
# ./
# # Starting Automatically
# One option is to start up this script in a screen session on boot.
# This can be performed by adding the following line to /etc/rc.local
# su - YOURUSERNAME -c "screen -dm -S hfaprs /home/YOURUSERNAME/"
# You can then access the screen session as your own user by running:
# $ screen -r hfaprs
# TODO: systemd service, for auto restart.
# USB Frequency, in Hz
# Within Australia, the following frequencies are in use:
# 30m = 10147600
# 40m = 7045200
# SpyServer Details
# Direwolf Configuration File Path
# SpyServer Connection, requesting 12 kHz of IQ bandwidth, and using lots of buffering.
ss_iq -a 1200 -r $HOST -q $PORT -f $FREQ -s 12000 -b 16 - | \
# Convert the incoming signed 16-bit IQ to floating point
csdr convert_s16_f |\
# SSB demodulation using a tight bandpass filter (0-3600 Hz), and then taking the real part.
# (I could probably make this a bit narrower) Also add on some AGC and limiting.
csdr bandpass_fir_fft_cc 0 0.3 0.05 | csdr realpart_cf | csdr agc_ff | csdr limit_ff | \
# Convert back into signed 16-bit format and pass into direwolf.
# I suspect many of the direwolf command-line options are not necessary due to the config file.
csdr convert_f_s16 | direwolf -n 1 -r 12000 -D 1 -t 0 -a 300 -c $DCONFIG -
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