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# SSDV Image Grabber
# Author: Mark Jessop <> ~2022
# Dependencies:
# * Python 3
# * Python libraries (install using pip):
# * requests
# * wget
# Run with:
# where CALLSIGN is the payload callsign, and
# TIME is a UTC time before the oldest image, as %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ
# e.g.: python3 SP5LOT 2023-05-27T06:00:00Z
# It will first output some statistics of how much of each image was received, and how much
# of each image each listener received:
# Listeners: {'SQ2HCE', 'SP5MS', 'SP5LOT/p', 'SP5LOT', 'SQ3DHO', 'SP5MG', 'SP8NCG'}
# Getting per Image data...
# id,time,total_packets,image_rxed,SQ2HCE,SP5MS,SP5LOT/p,SP5LOT,SQ3DHO,SP5MG,SP8NCG
# 228498,2023-05-27T08:56:21Z,1321,54.9,0.0,0.0,54.9,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# 228499,2023-05-27T08:57:29Z,1362,55.3,0.0,0.0,55.3,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# 228500,2023-05-27T08:59:10Z,2219,34.6,0.0,0.0,34.6,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# ... many more lines
# Note that the image_rxed and the numbers for each callsign is the percentage of the total
# image packets that were received.
# Then it outputs the total amount of data uploaded by each receiver:
# SQ2HCE: 41662 packets (10.17 MB)
# SP5MS: 148916 packets (36.36 MB)
# SP5LOT/p: 64262 packets (15.69 MB)
# SP5LOT: 10560 packets (2.58 MB)
# SQ3DHO: 37 packets (0.01 MB)
# SP5MG: 131880 packets (32.20 MB)
# SP8NCG: 254593 packets (62.16 MB)
# .. then it will start downloading each image.
import requests
import argparse
import datetime
import json
import sys
import wget
API_URL = ""
def get_image_list(callsign="VK5ARG", from_time = ""):# time_delta=-1):
''' Get a list of SSDV images from the SSDV server, using callsign X, and from the last N days. '''
#_timedelta = datetime.timedelta(hours=time_delta*24)
#_dt_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
#_dt_from = (_dt_now + _timedelta).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
payload = {
'callsign': callsign,
'from': from_time
r = requests.get(API_URL, payload)
return r.json()
raise IOError()
def get_detailed_image_data(image_id=1):
payload = {
'include_packets': 'true'
r = requests.get(API_URL+"/"+str(image_id), payload)
return r.json()
if __name__ == "__main__":
_callsign = sys.argv[1]
_from_time = sys.argv[2]
_images = get_image_list(callsign=_callsign, from_time=_from_time)
listeners = set([])
image_urls = []
image_ids = []
for _img in _images:
_listeners = _img['received_by']
_url = _img['image_href']
_id = _img['id']
for _call in _listeners:
print("Listeners: %s" % str(listeners))
heard_packets = {}
for _listener in listeners:
heard_packets[_listener] = 0
print("Getting per Image data...")
_per_image_info = []
_header = "id,time,total_packets,image_rxed,"
_header += ",".join(list(listeners))
for _id in image_ids:
_data = get_detailed_image_data(image_id=_id)
# example output
# {'type': 'image', 'id': 207678, 'callsign': 'VK5ARG', 'image_id': 33, 'width': 1488,
# 'height': 1120, 'subsampling': '2x2', 'quality': 6, 'packet_type': 1, 'packets_received': 1807,
# 'packets_missing': 0, 'last_packet': 1806, 'received_eoi': True, 'created': '2022-05-07T00:32:53Z',
# 'updated': '2022-05-07T00:33:23Z', 'received_by': ['VK5QI'], 'image_href': '',
# 'data_href': '', 'packets': [{'packet_id': 0, 'eoi': False, 'received_by': ['VK5QI']},
# {'packet_id': 1, 'eoi': False, 'received_by': ['VK5QI']}, {'packet_id': 2, 'eoi': False, 'received_by': ['VK5QI']},
# {'packet_id': 3, 'eoi': False, 'received_by': ['VK5QI']}, {'packet_id': 4, 'eoi': False, 'received_by': ['VK5QI']}, {'packet_id': 5, 'eoi': False, 'received_by': ['VK5QI']}, {'packet_id': 6, 'eoi': False, 'received_by': ['VK5QI']}, {'packet_id': 7, 'eoi': False, 'received_by': ['VK5QI']}, {'packet_id': 8, 'eoi': False, 'received_by': ['VK5QI']}, {'packet_id': 9, 'eoi': False, 'received_by': ['VK5QI']}, {'packet_id': 10, 'eoi': False, 'received_by': ['VK5QI']}, {'packet_id': 11, 'eoi': False, 'received_by': ['VK5QI']}, {'packet_id': 12, 'eoi': False, 'received_by': ['VK5QI']},
_img_data = {
'total_image_packets': _data['packets_received'] + _data['packets_missing'],
'image_received': 100*(_data['packets_received']/ (_data['packets_received'] + _data['packets_missing'])),
'id': _data['id'],
'time': _data['created'],
'listener_packets': {},
'listener_ratio': {}
for _call in listeners:
_img_data['listener_packets'][_call] = 0
for _packet in _data['packets']:
for _call in _packet['received_by']:
heard_packets[_call] += 1
_img_data['listener_packets'][_call] += 1
_line = f"{_img_data['id']},{_img_data['time']},{_img_data['total_image_packets']},{_img_data['image_received']:.1f}"
for _call in listeners:
_img_data['listener_ratio'][_call] = (_img_data['listener_packets'][_call] / _img_data['total_image_packets'])*100.0
_line += f",{_img_data['listener_ratio'][_call]:.1f}"
for _call in heard_packets.keys():
print("%s: %d packets (%.2f MB)" % (_call, heard_packets[_call], (heard_packets[_call]*256)/1024.0/1024.0))
print("Downloading Images")
for _img in image_urls:
print("Downloading: %s" % _img)
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