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Created October 24, 2013 11:12
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Adapted DarkTip character module file to show how
/* **************************************************************************
* The DarkTip plugin is a javascript based tooltip framework that enables
* quick and easy development of modules that hook into specific aspects of a
* webpage and display context sensitive tooltips.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Martin Gelder
* (darkspotinthecorner {at} gmail {dot} com)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
* ************************************************************************** */
DarkTip.registerModule('wow.character', {
'triggers': {
'explicit': {
'match' : /wow\.character:(us|eu|kr|tw|cn)\.([^\.]+)\.([^\(]+)\((en|de|fr|es|ru|pt|it|ko|zh)\)/i,
'params': {
'1': 'region',
'2': 'realm',
'3': 'character',
'4': 'lang'
'implicit': {
'match' : /(?:https?:\/\/)?(us\.battle\.net|eu\.battle\.net|kr\.battle\.net|tw\.battle\.net|cn\.battle\.net|www\.battlenet\.com\.cn)\/wow\/(en|de|fr|es|ru|pt|it|ko|zh)\/character\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/#]+).*/i,
'params': {
'1': 'host',
'2': 'lang',
'3': 'realm',
'4': 'character'
'decorate': function(element, params, data) {
var color_class ='wow.character', 'maps.class.color', data['character']['class']);
var mediahost ='wow', 'maps.region.mediahost', params['region']);
var icon_racegender = 'http://' + mediahost + '/wow/icons/18/race_' + data['character']['race'] + '_' + data['character']['gender'] + '.jpg';
var icon_class = 'http://' + mediahost + '/wow/icons/18/class_' + data['character']['class'] + '.jpg';
DarkTip.jq(element).css({'color': color_class});
DarkTip.jq(element).prepend('<img src="' + icon_racegender + '" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> <img src="' + icon_class + '" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> ');
'queries': {
'character': {
'required' : true,
'condition': true,
'call' : '//<%= this["host"] %>/api/wow/character/<%= this["realm"] %>/<%= this["character"] %>?fields=guild,talents,items,professions,pets,mounts&locale=<%= this["locale"] %>',
'caching' : (60 * 60 * 24 * 1)
'races' : {
'required' : false,
'condition': 'character.race',
'call' : '//<%= this["host"] %>/api/wow/data/character/races?locale=<%= this["locale"] %>',
'caching' : (60 * 60 * 24 * 90)
'classes' : {
'required' : false,
'condition': 'character.class',
'call' : '//<%= this["host"] %>/api/wow/data/character/classes?locale=<%= this["locale"] %>',
'caching' : (60 * 60 * 24 * 90)
// */
'maps': {
'class': {
'color': {
'1' : '#C79C6E',
'2' : '#F58CBA',
'3' : '#ABD473',
'4' : '#FFF569',
'5' : '#FFFFFF',
'6' : '#C41F3B',
'7' : '#0070DE',
'8' : '#69CCF0',
'9' : '#9482C9',
'11': '#FF7D0A'
'prepareData': function(state) {
if(Object.keys(state['data']).length === 0)
return false;
state['data']['character']['talentSpecCount'] = 0;
if((typeof state['data']['character'] !== 'undefined') && (typeof state['data']['character']['talents'] !== 'undefined'))
for(var i = 0; i < state['data']['character']['talents'].length; i++)
var cspec = state['data']['character']['talents'][i];
var temp = {};
var maxtier = -1;
var ordered = [];
if(typeof cspec['spec'] !== 'undefined')
state['data']['character']['talentSpecCount'] = state['data']['character']['talentSpecCount'] + 1;
if((typeof cspec['talents'] !== 'undefined') && (cspec['talents'].length > 0))
for(var j = 0; j < cspec['talents'].length; j++)
temp[cspec['talents'][j]['tier']] = cspec['talents'][j];
if(cspec['talents'][j]['tier'] > maxtier)
maxtier = cspec['talents'][j]['tier'];
if(maxtier >= 0)
for(var j = 0; j <= maxtier; j++)
if(typeof temp[j] !== 'undefined')
cspec['talents_ordered'] = ordered;
if (state['data']['character']['items'])
var avgilevel = state['data']['character']['items']['averageItemLevelEquipped'];
// do something custom...
return state['data'];
'getParams': {
'explicit': function(result) {
var params = DarkTip.mapRegex(result, DarkTip._read(DarkTip.route('wow.character', 'triggers.explicit.params')));
params['host'] ='wow', '', params['region']);
params['locale'] ='wow', 'maps.region+lang.locale', (params['region'] + '+' + params['lang']));
return params;
'implicit': function(result) {
var params = DarkTip.mapRegex(result, DarkTip._read(DarkTip.route('wow.character', 'triggers.implicit.params')));
params['region'] ='wow', '', params['host']);
params['locale'] ='wow', 'maps.region+lang.locale', (params['region'] + '+' + params['lang']));
return params;
'layout': {
'width': {
'core': 325
'templates': {
'core': (
'<div class="tooltip-character">' +
'<img class="icon" src="<%= this["_meta"]["path_host"] %>/static-render/<%= this["_meta"]["region"] %>/<%= this["character"]["thumbnail"] %>?alt=/wow/static/images/2d/avatar/<%= this["character"]["race"] %>-<%= this["character"]["gender"] %>.jpg" />' +
/* --- START simple mode -------------------------------- */
'<div class="col-98 darktip-only-s">' +
'<div class="headline-right"><span class="icon-achievenemtpoints"><%= this["character"]["achievementPoints"] %></span></div>' +
'<div class="darktip-row headline cclass-<%= this["character"]["class"] %>"><%= this["character"]["name"] %></div>' +
'<div class="darktip-row"><%= this._loc("classification") %></div>' +
'<%= this._subLoop("templates.fragments.talentSpec", this["character"]["talents"]) %>' +
'<% if(this["character"]["guild"]) { %><div class="darktip-row highlight-medium">&lt;<%= this["character"]["guild"]["name"] %>&gt;<% if(this["character"]["guild"]["level"]) { %> (<%= this["character"]["guild"]["level"] %>)<% } %></div><% } %>' +
'<div class="darktip-row"><%= this["character"]["realm"] %></div>' +
'<% if(this["character"]["items"]) { %><div class="darktip-row highlight-weak"><%= this._loc("itemLevel", this["character"]["items"]) %></div><% } %>' +
'<% if(this["_meta"]["extendedActive"]) { %><div class="darktip-row info-meta"><%= this._loc("extendedInactive") %></div><% } %>' +
'</div>' +
/* --- END simple mode ---------------------------------- */
/* --- START extended mode ------------------------------ */
'<% if(this["_meta"]["extendedActive"]) { %>' +
'<div class="col-98 darktip-only-x">' +
'<div class="headline-right"><span class="icon-achievenemtpoints"><%= this["character"]["achievementPoints"] %></span></div>' +
'<div class="darktip-row headline cclass-<%= this["character"]["class"] %>"><%= this["character"]["name"] %></div>' +
'<% if(this["character"]["professions"]) { %>' +
'<div class="block">' +
'<%= this._subLoop("templates.fragments.profession.primary", this["character"]["professions"]["primary"]) %>' +
'<%= this._subLoop("templates.fragments.profession.secondary", this["character"]["professions"]["secondary"]) %>' +
'</div>' +
'<% } %>' +
'<% if(this["character"]["mounts"]) { %><div class="darktip-row"><%= this._loc("mounts") %></div><% } %>' +
'<% if(this["character"]["pets"]) { %><div class="darktip-row"><%= this._loc("pets") %></div><% } %>' +
'<div class="darktip-row highlight-reduced"><%= this._loc("lastModified") %></div>' +
'<div class="darktip-row info-meta"><%= this._loc("extendedActive") %></div>' +
'</div>' +
'<% } %>' +
/* --- END extended mode -------------------------------- */
'404': (
'<div class="tooltip-character tooltip-404">' +
'<div class="title">404<span class="sub"> / <%= this._loc("not-found") %></span></div>' +
'<div class="darktip-row"><span class="label"><%= this._loc("label.character") %></span> <span class="value"><%= this["character"] %></span></div>' +
'<div class="darktip-row"><span class="label"><%= this._loc("label.realm") %></span> <span class="value"><%= this["realm"] %></span></div>' +
'<div class="darktip-row"><span class="label"><%= this._loc("label.region") %></span> <span class="value"><%= this["region"] %></span></div>' +
'fragments': {
'talentSpec': (
'<% if(this["spec"]) { %>' +
'<div class="block spec darktip-row<% if(this["selected"]) { %> highlight-strong<% } else { %> highlight-reduced<% } %>">' +
'<img class="icon-10x10" src="<%= this["_meta"]["path_host_media"] %>/wow/icons/18/<% if(this["spec"]["icon"]) { %><%= this["spec"]["icon"] %><% } else { %>inv_misc_questionmark<% } %>.jpg"/> ' +
'<%= this["spec"]["name"] %> <span class="role">(<%= this["spec"]["role"] %>)</span>' +
'<% if(this["talents"].length > 0) { %>' +
'<%= this._subLoop("templates.fragments.talent", this["talents_ordered"]) %>' +
'<% } %>' +
'</div>' +
'<% } %>'
'talent': (
'<div class="block talent">' +
'<img class="icon-10x10" src="<%= this["_meta"]["path_host_media"] %>/wow/icons/18/<% if(this["spell"]["icon"]) { %><%= this["spell"]["icon"] %><% } else { %>inv_misc_questionmark<% } %>.jpg"/> ' +
'<%= this["spell"]["name"] %>' +
'profession': {
'primary' : (
'<% if(this["rank"] > 0) { %>' +
'<div class="darktip-row highlight-medium">' +
'<img class="icon-10x10" src="<%= this["_meta"]["path_host_media"] %>/wow/icons/18/<% if(this["icon"]) { %><%= this["icon"] %><% } else { %>inv_misc_questionmark<% } %>.jpg"/> ' +
'<%= this["name"] %>: <%= this["rank"] %>' +
'</div>' +
'<% } %>'
'secondary': (
'<% if(this["rank"] > 0) { %>' +
'<div class="darktip-row highlight-weak">' +
'<img class="icon-10x10" src="<%= this["_meta"]["path_host_media"] %>/wow/icons/18/<% if(this["icon"]) { %><%= this["icon"] %><% } else { %>inv_misc_questionmark<% } %>.jpg"/> ' +
'<%= this["name"] %>: <%= this["rank"] %>' +
'</div>' +
'<% } %>'
'i18n': {
'en_US': {
'loading' : 'Loading character...',
'not-found' : 'Character not found',
'classification': '<%= this["character"]["level"] %> <%= this._loc("characterRace." + this["character"]["race"] + ".0") %> <%= this._loc("characterClass." + this["character"]["class"] + ".0") %>',
'itemLevel' : '<%= this["averageItemLevelEquipped"] %> average item level (<%= this["averageItemLevel"] %>)',
'mounts' : 'Mounts: <%= this["character"]["mounts"]["numCollected"] %> / <%= this["character"]["mounts"]["numCollected"] + this["character"]["mounts"]["numNotCollected"] %>',
'pets' : 'Pets: <%= this["character"]["pets"]["numCollected"] %> / <%= this["character"]["pets"]["numCollected"] + this["character"]["pets"]["numNotCollected"] %>',
'lastModified' : 'Last modified: <%= this._renderDateTime(this["character"]["lastModified"]) %>'
'de_DE': {
'loading' : 'Lade Charakter...',
'not-found' : 'Charakter nicht gefunden',
'classification': '<%= this["character"]["level"] %>, <%= this._loc("characterRace." + this["character"]["race"] + "." + this["character"]["gender"]) %>, <%= this._loc("characterClass." + this["character"]["class"] + "." + this["character"]["gender"]) %>',
'itemLevel' : '<%= this["averageItemLevelEquipped"] %> Durchschnittliche Gegenstandsstufe (<%= this["averageItemLevel"] %>)',
'mounts' : 'Reittiere: <%= this["character"]["mounts"]["numCollected"] %> / <%= this["character"]["mounts"]["numCollected"] + this["character"]["mounts"]["numNotCollected"] %>',
'pets' : 'Haustiere: <%= this["character"]["pets"]["numCollected"] %> / <%= this["character"]["pets"]["numCollected"] + this["character"]["pets"]["numNotCollected"] %>',
'lastModified' : 'Stand vom <%= this._renderDateTime(this["character"]["lastModified"]) %>'
'fr_FR': {
'loading' : 'Chargement personnage...',
'not-found' : 'Aucun personnage trouv&eacute;',
'classification': '<%= this._loc("characterRace." + this["character"]["race"] + "." + this["character"]["gender"]) %> <%= this._loc("characterClass." + this["character"]["class"] + "." + this["character"]["gender"]) %> de niveau <%= this["character"]["level"] %>',
'itemLevel' : '<%= this["averageItemLevelEquipped"] %> Niveau moyen des objets (<%= this["averageItemLevel"] %>)',
'mounts' : 'Montures: <%= this["character"]["mounts"]["numCollected"] %> / <%= this["character"]["mounts"]["numCollected"] + this["character"]["mounts"]["numNotCollected"] %>',
'pets' : 'Mascottes: <%= this["character"]["pets"]["numCollected"] %> / <%= this["character"]["pets"]["numCollected"] + this["character"]["pets"]["numNotCollected"] %>',
'lastModified' : 'Derni&egrave;re mise à jour: <%= this._renderDateTime(this["character"]["lastModified"]) %>'
'es_ES': {
'loading' : 'Cargando personaje...',
'not-found' : 'Personaje no encontrado',
'classification': '<%= this._loc("characterRace." + this["character"]["race"] + "." + this["character"]["gender"]) %> <%= this._loc("characterClass." + this["character"]["class"] + "." + this["character"]["gender"]) %> de nivel <%= this["character"]["level"] %>',
'itemLevel' : '<%= this["averageItemLevelEquipped"] %> nivel medio de objeto (<%= this["averageItemLevel"] %>)',
'mounts' : 'Monturas: <%= this["character"]["mounts"]["numCollected"] %> / <%= this["character"]["mounts"]["numCollected"] + this["character"]["mounts"]["numNotCollected"] %>',
'pets' : 'Compa&ntilde;eros: <%= this["character"]["pets"]["numCollected"] %> / <%= this["character"]["pets"]["numCollected"] + this["character"]["pets"]["numNotCollected"] %>',
'lastModified' : '&Uacute;ltima modificaci&oacute;n: <%= this._renderDateTime(this["character"]["lastModified"]) %>'
'es_MX': {
'classification': '<%= this._loc("characterClass." + this["character"]["class"] + "." + this["character"]["gender"]) %> de <%= this._loc("characterRace." + this["character"]["race"] + "." + this["character"]["gender"]) %>, nivel <%= this["character"]["level"] %>'
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