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sdeleuze /
Last active October 25, 2022 14:50
My call for Kotlin as a major frontend language

My call for Kotlin as a major frontend language

I try to push for quite a long time for first class support for WebAssembly in Kotlin because I really believe that frontend development is a domain where Kotlin can be as strong as in mobile, and because this is something that would also help to increase even more the adoption on server-side.

I truly appreciate all the work already done by Kotlin/JS and Kotlin/Native teams. The dead code elimination tool and the initial WebAssembly support in Kotlin/Native are important steps in the right direction. But I believe that Kotlin needs now to make frontend a real priority to take it to the next level.

Need for a consistent and unified web frontend strategy

The first point I would like to raise is that what Kotlin needs IMO is a consistent strategy about web frontend wich includes both Javascript and WebAssembly related efforts. I can u

wtfaremyinitials /
Created March 15, 2016 16:26
Easily write one bit at a time in Java
public class ByteOutputStream extends FileOutputStream {
byte buffer;
byte pos;
public ByteOutputStream(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {
buffer = 0x00;