<?php |
// JWT Builder is required: |
// Install: composer require lcobucci/jwt paragonie/sodium_compat |
// Then copy and paste the code below |
// run: php turso-token-generator.php |
$requiredExtensions = ['openssl', 'sodium']; |
foreach ($requiredExtensions as $ext) { |
if (!extension_loaded($ext)) { |
die("Error: PHP extension '$ext' is not installed or enabled." . PHP_EOL); |
} |
} |
if (!shell_exec('which openssl')) { |
die("Error: OpenSSL command-line tool is not installed or not in your PATH." . PHP_EOL); |
} |
if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) { |
die("Error: Composer autoload file not found. Did you run 'composer install'?" . PHP_EOL); |
} |
use Lcobucci\JWT\JwtFacade; |
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Eddsa; |
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Key\InMemory; |
use Lcobucci\JWT\Token\Builder; |
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; |
$requiredClasses = [ |
'Lcobucci\JWT\JwtFacade', |
'Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Eddsa', |
'Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Key\InMemory', |
'Lcobucci\JWT\Token\Builder' |
]; |
foreach ($requiredClasses as $class) { |
if (!class_exists($class)) { |
die("Error: Required class '$class' is not available. Did you run 'composer install'?" . PHP_EOL); |
} |
} |
// Set your expires time in days |
$tokenExpiration = 30; |
$accessKeysDir = getcwd() . '/access_keys'; |
if(!is_dir($accessKeysDir)) { |
mkdir($accessKeysDir); |
} |
// Generate privateKey and publicKey |
shell_exec("openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -out {$accessKeysDir}/jwt_private.pem"); |
shell_exec("openssl pkey -in {$accessKeysDir}/jwt_private.pem -outform DER | tail -c 32 > {$accessKeysDir}/jwt_private.binary"); |
shell_exec("openssl pkey -in {$accessKeysDir}/jwt_private.pem -pubout -out {$accessKeysDir}/jwt_public.pem"); |
$privateKey = sodium_crypto_sign_secretkey( |
sodium_crypto_sign_seed_keypair( |
file_get_contents("{$accessKeysDir}/jwt_private.binary") |
) |
); |
unlink("{$accessKeysDir}/jwt_private.binary"); |
$publicKeyPem = trim(file_get_contents("{$accessKeysDir}/jwt_public.pem")); |
$pubKeyBase64 = str_replace(["-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----", "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----", "\n", "\r"], '', $publicKeyPem); |
$key = InMemory::base64Encoded( |
base64_encode($privateKey) |
); |
// Generate JWT tokens |
$now = new DateTimeImmutable(); |
$fullAccessToken = (new JwtFacade())->issue( |
new Eddsa(), |
$key, |
static fn( |
Builder $builder, |
DateTimeImmutable $issuedAt |
): Builder => $builder |
->expiresAt($issuedAt->modify("+$tokenExpiration days")) |
); |
$readOnlyToken = (new JwtFacade())->issue( |
new Eddsa(), |
$key, |
static fn( |
Builder $builder, |
DateTimeImmutable $issuedAt |
): Builder => $builder |
->withClaim('a', 'ro') |
->expiresAt($issuedAt->modify("+$tokenExpiration days")) |
); |
// Prepare response data |
$data = [ |
'full_access_token' => $fullAccessToken->toString(), |
'read_only_token' => $readOnlyToken->toString(), |
'public_key_pem' => $publicKeyPem, |
'public_key_base64' => $pubKeyBase64, |
]; |
How great is this! 🥂