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Created July 26, 2018 00:58
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<p>In this guide, you will learn how to create a custom video player using the <code>&lt;video&gt;</code> element and <a href="">CanJS</a>. The
custom video player will:</p>
<li>Have custom play and pause buttons.</li>
<li>Show the current time and duration of the video.</li>
<li>Have a <code>&lt;input type="range"&gt;</code> slider that can adjust the position of the video.</li>
<p>The final player looks like:</p>
<div class="cp_embed_wrapper"><iframe id="cp_embed_qyRqMx" src="//;theme-id=dark&amp;slug-hash=qyRqMx&amp;default-tab=js%2Cresult&amp;user=justinbmeyer&amp;embed-version=2&amp;pen-title=CanJS%205.0%20Video%20Player%20-%20Final" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="350" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" allowpaymentrequest="true" name="CodePen Embed" title="CanJS 5.0 Video Player - Final" class="cp_embed_iframe " style="width: 100%; overflow: hidden;"></iframe></div>
<p>The following sections are broken down into the following parts:</p>
<li><strong>The problem</strong> — A description of what the section is trying to accomplish.</li>
<li><strong>What you need to know</strong> — Browser or CanJS APIs that are useful for solving the problem.</li>
<li><strong>The solution</strong> — The solution to the problem.</li>
<h2 id="Setup">Setup</h2>
<p><strong>START THIS TUTORIAL BY Forking THE FOLLOWING CodePen</strong>:</p>
<p>Click the <code>Edit in CodePen</code> button. The CodePen will open in a new window. Click the <code>Fork</code> button.</p>
<div class="cp_embed_wrapper"><iframe id="cp_embed_LBxbam" src="//;theme-id=dark&amp;slug-hash=LBxbam&amp;default-tab=js%2Cresult&amp;user=justinbmeyer&amp;embed-version=2&amp;pen-title=CanJS%205.0%20Video%20Player%20-%20Start" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="320" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" allowpaymentrequest="true" name="CodePen Embed" title="CanJS 5.0 Video Player - Start" class="cp_embed_iframe " style="width: 100%; overflow: hidden;"></iframe></div>
<p>This CodePen:</p>
<li>Creates a <code>&lt;video&gt;</code> element that loads a video. <em>Right click and select “Show controls” to see the video’s controls</em>.</li>
<li>Loads CanJS's custom element library: <a href="" title="Create a custom element that can be used to manage widgets or application logic.">Component</a>.</li>
<h3>The problem</h3>
<p>In this section, we will:</p>
<li><p>Create a custom <code>&lt;video-player&gt;</code> element that takes a <code>src</code> attribute and creates a <code>&lt;video&gt;</code> element
within itself. We should be able to create the video like:</p>
<pre class="html">&lt;video-player src:raw=""&gt;
<li><p>The embedded <code>&lt;video&gt;</code> element should have the native controls enabled.</p></li>
<p>When complete, the result will look exactly the same as the player when you started. The
only difference is that we will be using a custom <code>&lt;video-player&gt;</code> element in the <code>HTML</code>
tab instead of the native <code>&lt;video&gt;</code> element.</p>
<h3>What you need to know</h3>
<p>To set up a basic CanJS application (or widget), you define a custom element in JavaScript and
use the custom element in your page’s <code>HTML</code>.</p>
<p>To define a custom element, extend <a href="" title="Create a custom element that can be used to manage widgets or application logic.">Component</a> with a <a href="" title="Specifies the HTML tag (or node-name) the can-component will be created on.">tag</a>
that matches the name of your custom element. For example:</p>
<pre class="js">Component.extend({
tag: "video-player"
<p>Then you can use this tag in your HTML page:</p>
<pre class="html">&lt;video-player&gt;&lt;/video-player&gt;</pre>
<p>But this doesn’t do anything ... yet. Components add their own HTML through their <a href="" title="Provides a view to render directly within the component’s element. The view is rendered with the
component’s can-component::ViewModel instance. <content/> elements within the view are replaced by the source elements within the component’s tag.">view</a>
<pre class="js">Component.extend({
tag: "video-player",
view: `&lt;h2&gt;I am a player!&lt;/h2&gt;`
<p>A component’s <a href="" title="Provides a view to render directly within the component’s element. The view is rendered with the
component’s can-component::ViewModel instance. <content/> elements within the view are replaced by the source elements within the component’s tag.">view</a> is rendered with its <a href="" title="Provides or describes a constructor function that provides values and methods
to the component’s view. The constructor function
is initialized with values specified by the component element’s data bindings.">ViewModel</a>. For example, we can make a <code>&lt;video&gt;</code> display <code>""</code> by defining a <code>src</code> property on the <code>ViewModel</code> and using it in the <a href="" title="Provides a view to render directly within the component’s element. The view is rendered with the
component’s can-component::ViewModel instance. <content/> elements within the view are replaced by the source elements within the component’s tag.">view</a> like:</p>
<pre class="js">Component.extend({
tag: "video-player",
view: `
&lt;source src="{{src}}"/&gt;
ViewModel: {
src: {type: "string", default: ""}
<p>But we want the <code>&lt;video-player&gt;</code> to take a <code>src</code> attribute value itself and use that for the
<code>&lt;source&gt;</code>’s <code>src</code>. For example, if
we wanted the video to play <code>""</code> instead of <code>""</code>, we would:</p>
<li>Update <code>&lt;video-player&gt;</code> to pass <code>""</code> with <a href="" title="One-way bind a string value to the ViewModel or element.">toChild:raw</a>:
<pre class="html">&lt;video-player src:raw=""/&gt;</pre></li>
<li>Update the <a href="" title="Provides or describes a constructor function that provides values and methods
to the component’s view. The constructor function
is initialized with values specified by the component element’s data bindings.">ViewModel</a> to define a <code>src</code> property like:
<pre class="js" data-line="5">Component.extend({
tag: "video-player",
view: `
&lt;source src="{{src}}"/&gt; //&#x1f440;
ViewModel: {
src: "string"
<p>Finally, to have a <code>&lt;video&gt;</code> element show the <em>native</em> controls, add a <code>controls</code>
attribute like:</p>
<pre class="html">&lt;video controls&gt;</pre>
<h3>The solution</h3>
<p>Update the <strong>JS</strong> tab to:</p>
<pre class="js" data-line="3-13">import {Component} from "//";
Component.extend({ //&#x1f440;
tag: "video-player", //&#x1f440;
view: ` {{!&#x1f440;}}
&lt;video controls&gt; {{!&#x1f440;}}
&lt;source src="{{src}}"/&gt; {{!&#x1f440;}}
&lt;/video&gt; {{!&#x1f440;}}
`, //&#x1f440;
ViewModel: { //&#x1f440;
src: "string", //&#x1f440;
} //&#x1f440;
}); //&#x1f440;
<p>Update the <strong>HTML</strong> to:</p>
<pre class="html" data-line="1">&lt;video-player src:raw=""&gt;&lt;/video-player&gt; &lt;!--&#x1f440;--&gt;</pre>
<div line-highlight="1"></div>
<h2 id="Makeplay_pausebuttonchangeasvideoisplayedandpaused">Make play / pause button change as video is played and paused</h2>
<h3>The problem</h3>
<p>When the video is played or paused using the native controls, we want to change the content of a <code>&lt;button&gt;</code>
to say <em>“Play”</em> or <em>“Pause”</em>.</p>
<p>When the video is played, the button should say <em>“Pause”</em>.
When the video is paused, the button should say <em>“Play”</em>.</p>
<p>We want the button to be within a <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> after the video element like:</p>
<pre class="html">&lt;/video&gt;
<h3>What you need to know</h3>
<li><p>To change the HTML content of the page, use <a href="" title="can-stache.helpers.if">{{#if(expression)}}</a> and <a href="" title="">{{else}}</a> like:</p>
<pre class="html">&lt;button&gt;{{#if(playing)}} Pause {{else}} Play {{/if}}&lt;/button&gt;</pre></li>
<li><p>The <a href="" title="Provides a view to render directly within the component’s element. The view is rendered with the
component’s can-component::ViewModel instance. <content/> elements within the view are replaced by the source elements within the component’s tag.">view</a> responds to values in the <a href="" title="Provides or describes a constructor function that provides values and methods
to the component’s view. The constructor function
is initialized with values specified by the component element’s data bindings.">ViewModel</a>. To create a <code>boolean</code> value in the <a href="" title="Provides or describes a constructor function that provides values and methods
to the component’s view. The constructor function
is initialized with values specified by the component element’s data bindings.">ViewModel</a> do:</p>
<pre class="js">ViewModel: {
// ...
playing: "boolean",
<li><p>Methods can be used to change the <a href="" title="Provides or describes a constructor function that provides values and methods
to the component’s view. The constructor function
is initialized with values specified by the component element’s data bindings.">ViewModel</a>. The following might create methods that change the <code>playing</code> value:</p>
<pre class="js">ViewModel: {
// ...
play() {
this.playing = true;
pause() {
this.playing = false;
<li><p>You can listen to events on the DOM with <a href="" title="Respond to events on elements or component ViewModels.">on:event</a>. For example, the following might
listen to a click on a <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> and call <code>doSomething()</code>:</p>
<pre class="html">&lt;div on:click="doSomething()"&gt;</pre>
<p><code>&lt;video&gt;</code> elements have a variety of useful <a href="">events</a>, including <a href="">play</a> and
<a href="">pause</a> events that are emitted when the video is played or paused.</p></li>
<h3>The solution</h3>
<p>Update the <strong>JavaScript</strong> tab to:</p>
<pre class="js" data-line="7-8,11-15,19,21-25">import {Component} from "//";
tag: "video-player",
view: `
&lt;video controls
on:play="play()" {{!&#x1f440;}}
on:pause="pause()"&gt; {{!&#x1f440;}}
&lt;source src="{{src}}"/&gt;
&lt;div&gt; {{!&#x1f440;}}
&lt;button&gt; {{!&#x1f440;}}
{{#if(playing)}} Pause {{else}} Play {{/if}} {{!&#x1f440;}}
&lt;/button&gt; {{!&#x1f440;}}
&lt;/div&gt; {{!&#x1f440;}}
ViewModel: {
src: "string",
playing: "boolean", //&#x1f440;
play() { //&#x1f440;
this.playing = true; //&#x1f440;
}, //&#x1f440;
pause() { //&#x1f440;
this.playing = false; //&#x1f440;
}, //&#x1f440;
<div line-highlight="7-8,11-15,19,21-25"></div>
<h2 id="Makeclickingtheplay_pausebuttonplayorpausethevideo">Make clicking the play/pause button play or pause the video</h2>
<h3>The problem</h3>
<p>When the <em>play/pause</em> <code>&lt;button&gt;</code> we created in the previous section is clicked, we want to
either play or pause the video.</p>
<h3>What you need to know</h3>
<p>CanJS prefers to manage the state of your application in <a href="" title="Provides or describes a constructor function that provides values and methods
to the component’s view. The constructor function
is initialized with values specified by the component element’s data bindings.">ViewModel</a>. The <code>&lt;video&gt;</code> player has state, such as
if the video is <code>playing</code>. When the <em>play/pause</em> button is clicked, we want to update the state
of the <a href="" title="Provides or describes a constructor function that provides values and methods
to the component’s view. The constructor function
is initialized with values specified by the component element’s data bindings.">ViewModel</a> and have the <a href="" title="Provides or describes a constructor function that provides values and methods
to the component’s view. The constructor function
is initialized with values specified by the component element’s data bindings.">ViewModel</a> update the state of the video player as a side effect.</p>
<p>What this means is that instead of something like:</p>
<pre class="js">togglePlay() {
if ( videoElement.paused ) {
} else {
<p>We update the state like:</p>
<pre class="js">togglePlay() {
this.playing = !this.playing;
<p>And listen to when <code>playing</code> changes and update the <code>video</code> element like:</p>
<pre class="js">viewModel.listenTo("playing", function(event, isPlaying) {
if ( isPlaying ) {
} else {
<p>This means that you need to:</p>
<li>Listen to when the <code>&lt;button&gt;</code> is clicked and call a ViewModel method that updates the <code>playing</code> state.</li>
<li>Listen to when the <code>playing</code> state changes and update the state of the <code>&lt;video&gt;</code> element.</li>
<p>You already know everything you need to know for step <strong>#1</strong>. (Have the button call a <code>togglePlay</code> method with <code>on:click="togglePlay()"</code> and make the <code>togglePlay()</code> method toggle the state of the <code>playing</code> property.)</p>
<p>For step <strong>#2</strong>, you need to use the <a href="" title="A lifecycle hook called after the component's element is inserted into the document.">connectedCallback</a> lifecycle hook. This
hook gives you access to the component’s element and is a good place to do side-effects. Its use looks
like this:</p>
<pre class="js">ViewModel: {
// ...
connectedCallback(element) {
// perform mischief
<p><code>connectedCallback</code> gets called once the component’s <code>element</code> is in the page. You can use
<a href="" title="Listen to an event and register the binding for simplified unbinding.">listenTo</a> to listen to changes in the <a href="" title="Provides or describes a constructor function that provides values and methods
to the component’s view. The constructor function
is initialized with values specified by the component element’s data bindings.">ViewModel</a>’s properties and
perform side-effects. The following listens to when <code>playing</code> changes:</p>
<pre class="js">ViewModel: {
// ...
connectedCallback(element) {
this.listenTo("playing", function(event, isPlaying) {
<p>Use <code>querySelector</code> to get the <code>&lt;video&gt;</code> element from the <code>&lt;video-player&gt;</code> like:</p>
<pre class="js">element.querySelector("video")</pre>
<p><code>&lt;video&gt;</code> elements have a <a href="">.play()</a> and <a href="">.pause()</a> methods that can start and stop a video.</p>
<h3>The solution</h3>
<p>Update the <strong>JavaScript</strong> tab to:</p>
<pre class="js" data-line="12,27-30,31-39">import {Component} from "//";
tag: "video-player",
view: `
&lt;video controls
&lt;source src="{{src}}"/&gt;
&lt;button on:click="togglePlay()"&gt; {{!&#x1f440;}}
{{#if(playing)}} Pause {{else}} Play {{/if}}
ViewModel: {
src: "string",
playing: "boolean",
play() {
this.playing = true;
pause() {
this.playing = false;
togglePlay() { //&#x1f440;
this.playing = !this.playing; //&#x1f440;
}, //&#x1f440;
connectedCallback(element) { //&#x1f440;
this.listenTo("playing", function(event, isPlaying) { //&#x1f440;
if (isPlaying) { //&#x1f440;
element.querySelector("video").play(); //&#x1f440;
} else { //&#x1f440;
element.querySelector("video").pause(); //&#x1f440;
} //&#x1f440;
}); //&#x1f440;
} //&#x1f440;
<div line-highlight="12,27-30,31-39"></div>
<h2 id="Showcurrenttimeandduration">Show current time and duration</h2>
<h3>The problem</h3>
<p>Show the current time and duration of the video element. The time and duration should be
formatted like: <code>mm:SS</code>. They should be presented within two spans like:</p>
<pre class="js">&lt;/button&gt;
<h3>What you need to know</h3>
<li><p>Methods can be used to format values in <a href="" title="Live binding Mustache and Handlebars-compatible templates.">can-stache</a>. For example, you can uppercase values like this:</p>
<pre class="html">&lt;span&gt;{{upper(value)}}&lt;/span&gt;</pre>
<p>With a method like:</p>
<pre class="js">ViewModel: {
// ...
upper(value) {
return value.toString().toUpperCase();
<p>The following can be used to format time:</p>
<pre class="js">formatTime(time) {
if (time === null || time === undefined) {
return "--";
const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60);
let seconds = Math.floor(time - minutes * 60);
if (seconds &lt; 10) {
seconds = "0" + seconds;
return minutes + ":" + seconds;
<li><p>Time is given as a number. Use the following to create a number property on
the <a href="" title="Provides or describes a constructor function that provides values and methods
to the component’s view. The constructor function
is initialized with values specified by the component element’s data bindings.">ViewModel</a>:</p>
<pre class="js">ViewModel: {
// ...
duration: "number",
currentTime: "number"
<li><p><code>&lt;video&gt;</code> elements emit a <a href="">loadmetadata event</a> when they know how long
the video is. They also emit a <a href="">timeupdate event</a> when the video’s current play position
<li><code>videoElement.duration</code> reads the duration of a video.</li>
<li><code>videoElement.currentTime</code> reads the current play position of a video.</li>
<li><p>You can get the element in an stache <code>on:event</code> binding with <a href="" title="The template context">scope.element</a> like:</p>
<pre class="html">&lt;video on:timeupdate="updateTimes(scope.element)"/&gt;</pre></li>
<h3>The solution</h3>
<p>Update the <strong>JavaScript</strong> tab to:</p>
<pre class="js" data-line="9,10,17,18,24-41">import {Component} from "//";
tag: "video-player",
view: `
&lt;video controls
on:timeupdate="updateTimes(scope.element)" {{!&#x1f440;}}
on:loadedmetadata="updateTimes(scope.element)"&gt; {{!&#x1f440;}}
&lt;source src="{{src}}"/&gt;
&lt;button on:click="togglePlay()"&gt;
{{#if(playing)}} Pause {{else}} Play {{/if}}
&lt;span&gt;{{formatTime(currentTime)}}&lt;/span&gt; / {{!&#x1f440;}}
&lt;span&gt;{{formatTime(duration)}} &lt;/span&gt; {{!&#x1f440;}}
ViewModel: {
src: "string",
playing: "boolean",
duration: "number", //&#x1f440;
currentTime: "number", //&#x1f440;
updateTimes(videoElement) { //&#x1f440;
this.currentTime = videoElement.currentTime || 0; //&#x1f440;
this.duration = videoElement.duration; //&#x1f440;
}, //&#x1f440;
formatTime(time) { //&#x1f440;
if (time === null || time === undefined) { //&#x1f440;
return "--"; //&#x1f440;
} //&#x1f440;
const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60); //&#x1f440;
let seconds = Math.floor(time - minutes * 60); //&#x1f440;
if (seconds &lt; 10) { //&#x1f440;
seconds = "0" + seconds; //&#x1f440;
} //&#x1f440;
return minutes + ":" + seconds; //&#x1f440;
}, //&#x1f440;
play() {
this.playing = true;
pause() {
this.playing = false;
togglePlay() {
this.playing = !this.playing;
connectedCallback(element) {
this.listenTo("playing", function(event, isPlaying) {
if (isPlaying) {
} else {
<div line-highlight="9,10,17,18,24-41"></div>
<h2 id="Makerangeshowpositionslideratcurrenttime">Make range show position slider at current time</h2>
<h3>The problem</h3>
<p>Create a <code>&lt;input type="range"/&gt;</code> element that changes its position as
the video playing position changes.</p>
<p>The <code>&lt;input type="range"/&gt;</code> element should be after the <code>&lt;button&gt;</code> and before the
<code>currentTime</code> span like:</p>
<pre class="html" data-line="2">&lt;/button&gt;
&lt;input type="range"/&gt;
&lt;span&gt;{{formatTime(currentTime)}}&lt;/span&gt; /</pre>
<div line-highlight="2"></div>
<h3>What you need to know</h3>
<li><p>The range input can have an initial value, max value, and step size
specified like:</p>
<pre class="html">&lt;input type="range" value="0" max="1" step="any"/&gt;</pre></li>
<li><p>The range will have values from 0 to 1. We will need to translate the currentTime to
a number between 0 and 1. We can do this with a <a href="" title="Specify what happens when a certain property is read on a map. get functions
work like a can-compute and automatically update themselves when a dependent
observable value is changed.">computed getter property</a> like:</p>
<pre class="js">ViewModel: {
// ...
get percentComplete() {
return this.currentTime / this.duration;
<li><p>Use <a href="" title="One-way bind a value in the parent scope to the ViewModel or element.">key:from</a> to update a value from a <a href="" title="Provides or describes a constructor function that provides values and methods
to the component’s view. The constructor function
is initialized with values specified by the component element’s data bindings.">ViewModel</a> property like:</p>
<pre class="html">&lt;input value:from="percentComplete"/&gt;</pre></li>
<h3>The solution</h3>
<p>Update the <strong>JavaScript</strong> tab to:</p>
<pre class="js" data-line="17-18,29-31">import {Component} from "//";
tag: "video-player",
view: `
&lt;video controls
&lt;source src="{{src}}"/&gt;
&lt;button on:click="togglePlay()"&gt;
{{#if(playing)}} Pause {{else}} Play {{/if}}
&lt;input type="range" value="0" max="1" step="any" {{!&#x1f440;}}
value:from="percentComplete"/&gt; {{!&#x1f440;}}
&lt;span&gt;{{formatTime(currentTime)}}&lt;/span&gt; /
&lt;span&gt;{{formatTime(duration)}} &lt;/span&gt;
ViewModel: {
src: "string",
playing: "boolean",
duration: "number",
currentTime: "number",
get percentComplete() { //&#x1f440;
return this.currentTime / this.duration; //&#x1f440;
}, //&#x1f440;
updateTimes(videoElement) {
this.currentTime = videoElement.currentTime || 0;
this.duration = videoElement.duration;
formatTime(time) {
if (time === null || time === undefined) {
return "--";
const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60);
let seconds = Math.floor(time - minutes * 60);
if (seconds &lt; 10) {
seconds = "0" + seconds;
return minutes + ":" + seconds;
play() {
this.playing = true;
pause() {
this.playing = false;
togglePlay() {
this.playing = !this.playing;
connectedCallback(element) {
this.listenTo("playing", function(event, isPlaying) {
if (isPlaying) {
} else {
<div line-highlight="17-18,29-31"></div>
<h2 id="Makeslidingtherangeupdatethecurrenttime">Make sliding the range update the current time</h2>
<h3>The problem</h3>
<p>In this section we will:</p>
<li>Remove the native controls from the video player. We don’t need them anymore!</li>
<li>Make it so when a user moves the range slider, the video position updates.</li>
<h3>What you need to know</h3>
<p>Similar to when we <a href="#Makeclickingtheplay_pausebuttonplayorpausethevideo">made the play/pause button play or pause the video</a>, we will want to update the
<code>currentTime</code> property and then listen to when <code>currentTime</code> changes and update the <code>&lt;video&gt;</code>
element’s <code>currentTime</code> as a <em>side-effect</em>.</p>
<p>This time, we need to translate the sliders values between 0 and 1 to <code>currentTime</code>
values. We can do this by creating a <code>percentComplete</code> <a href="" title="Specify what happens when a property value is set.">setter</a> that updates <code>currentTime</code> like:</p>
<pre class="js">ViewModel: {
// ...
get percentComplete() {
return this.currentTime / this.duration;
set percentComplete(newVal) {
this.currentTime = newVal * this.duration;
// ...
<p>Use <a href="" title="Two-way bind a value in the viewModel or the element to the parent scope.">key:bind</a> to two-way bind a value to a <a href="" title="Provides or describes a constructor function that provides values and methods
to the component’s view. The constructor function
is initialized with values specified by the component element’s data bindings.">ViewModel</a> property:</p>
<pre class="html">&lt;input value:bind="someViewModelProperty"/&gt;</pre>
<h3>The solution</h3>
<p>Update the <strong>JavaScript</strong> tab to:</p>
<pre class="js" data-line="6,18,32-34,69-74">import {Component} from "//";
tag: "video-player",
view: `
&lt;video {{!&#x1f440;}}
&lt;source src="{{src}}"/&gt;
&lt;button on:click="togglePlay()"&gt;
{{#if(playing)}} Pause {{else}} Play {{/if}}
&lt;input type="range" value="0" max="1" step="any"
value:bind="percentComplete"/&gt; {{!&#x1f440;}}
&lt;span&gt;{{formatTime(currentTime)}}&lt;/span&gt; /
&lt;span&gt;{{formatTime(duration)}} &lt;/span&gt;
ViewModel: {
src: "string",
playing: "boolean",
duration: "number",
currentTime: "number",
get percentComplete() {
return this.currentTime / this.duration;
set percentComplete(newVal) { //&#x1f440;
this.currentTime = newVal * this.duration; //&#x1f440;
}, //&#x1f440;
updateTimes(videoElement) {
this.currentTime = videoElement.currentTime || 0;
this.duration = videoElement.duration;
formatTime(time) {
if (time === null || time === undefined) {
return "--";
const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60);
let seconds = Math.floor(time - minutes * 60);
if (seconds &lt; 10) {
seconds = "0" + seconds;
return minutes + ":" + seconds;
play() {
this.playing = true;
pause() {
this.playing = false;
togglePlay() {
this.playing = !this.playing;
connectedCallback(element) {
this.listenTo("playing", function(event, isPlaying) {
if (isPlaying) {
} else {
this.listenTo("currentTime", function(event, currentTime) {
const videoElement = element.querySelector("video");
if (currentTime !== videoElement.currentTime) {
videoElement.currentTime = currentTime;
<div line-highlight="6,18,32-34,69-74"></div>
<h2 id="Result">Result</h2>
<p>When finished, you should see something like the following JS Bin:</p>
<div class="cp_embed_wrapper"><iframe id="cp_embed_qyRqMx" src="//;theme-id=dark&amp;slug-hash=qyRqMx&amp;default-tab=js%2Cresult&amp;user=justinbmeyer&amp;embed-version=2&amp;pen-title=CanJS%205.0%20Video%20Player%20-%20Final" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="360" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" allowpaymentrequest="true" name="CodePen Embed" title="CanJS 5.0 Video Player - Final" class="cp_embed_iframe " style="width: 100%; overflow: hidden;"></iframe></div>
<script async="" src=""></script>
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