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Last active November 28, 2019 17:59
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Port of ray tracer from Chapter 6 of "CUDA by Example" to NumbaPro-CUDA
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is a basic port of the simple ray tracer from Chapter 6 of
"CUDA by Example", by Sanders and Kandrot. With a few exceptions
(notably, the `hit()` method is not bound to a struct containing
sphere data and we use a numpy record array).
On my GeForce GTX 750ti, the kernel computes in ~180 microseconds,
and the entire operation including data transfers takes about
100 milliseconds. That's ~0.2x the speed of the pure CUDA
Author: Daniel Rothenberg <>
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numbapro import cuda, int16, float32, from_dtype
from timeit import default_timer as timer
DIM = 2048 # domain width, in pixels
DM = min([DIM, 1000]) # constraint for sphere locations
SPHERES = 200 # number of spheres in scene
INF = 2e10 # really large number
VERBOSE = False # print out some debug stuff along the way
# Randomly generate a number between [0, x)
rnd = lambda x: x*np.random.rand()
# A numpy record array (like a struct) to record sphere data
Sphere = np.dtype([
# RGB color values (floats from [0, 1])
('r', 'f4'), ('g', 'f4'), ('b', 'f4'),
# sphere radius
('radius', 'f4'),
# sphere (x, y, z) coordinates
('x', 'f4'), ('y', 'f4'), ('z', 'f4'),], align=True)
Sphere_t = from_dtype(Sphere) # Create a type that numba can recognize!
# We can use that type in our device functions and later the kernel!
@cuda.jit(restype=float32, argtypes=[float32, float32, Sphere_t],
device=True, inline=False)
def hit(ox, oy, sph):
""" Compute whether a ray parallel to the z-axisoriginating at
(ox, oy, INF) will intersect a given sphere; if so, return the
distance to the surface of the sphere.
dx = ox - sph.x
dy = oy - sph.y
rad = sph.radius
if ( dx*dx + dy*dy < rad*rad ):
dz = sqrt( rad*rad - dx*dx - dy*dy )
return dz + sph.z
return -INF
@cuda.jit(argtypes=(Sphere_t[:], int16[:,:,:]))
def kernel(spheres, bitmap):
x, y = cuda.grid(2) # alias for threadIdx.x + ( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x ),
# threadIdx.y + ( blockIdx.y * blockDim.y )
# shift the grid to [-DIM/2, DIM/2]
ox = x - DIM/2
oy = y - DIM/2
r = 0.
g = 0.
b = 0.
maxz = -INF
i = 0 # emulate a C-style for-loop, exposing the idx increment logic
while (i < SPHERES):
t = hit(ox, oy, spheres[i])
rad = spheres[i].radius
if (t > maxz):
dz = t - spheres[i].z # t = dz + z; inverting hit() result
n = dz / sqrt( rad*rad )
fscale = n # shades the color to be darker as we recede from
# the edge of the cube circumscribing the sphere
r = spheres[i].r*fscale
g = spheres[i].g*fscale
b = spheres[i].b*fscale
maxz = t
i += 1
# Save the RGBA value for this particular pixel
bitmap[x,y,0] = int(r*255.)
bitmap[x,y,1] = int(g*255.)
bitmap[x,y,2] = int(b*255.)
bitmap[x,y,3] = 255
if __name__ == "__main__":
start = timer()
# Create a container for the pixel RGBA information of our image
bitmap = np.zeros([DIM, DIM, 4], dtype=np.int16)
# Copy to device memory
d_bitmap = cuda.to_device(bitmap)
# Create empty container for our Sphere data on device
d_spheres = cuda.device_array(SPHERES, dtype=Sphere_t)
# Create an empty container of spheres on host, and populate it
# with some random data.
temp_spheres = np.empty(SPHERES, dtype=Sphere_t)
for i in xrange(SPHERES):
temp_spheres[i]['r'] = rnd(1.0)
temp_spheres[i]['g'] = rnd(1.0)
temp_spheres[i]['b'] = rnd(1.0)
temp_spheres[i]['x'] = rnd(DIM) - DIM/2
temp_spheres[i]['y'] = rnd(DIM) - DIM/2
temp_spheres[i]['z'] = rnd(DIM) - DIM/2
temp_spheres[i]['radius'] = rnd(100.0) + 20
sph = temp_spheres[i]
print "Sphere %d" % i
print "\t(r,g,b)->(%1.2f,%1.2f,%1.2f)" % (sph['r'], sph['b'], sph['g'])
print "\t(x,y,z)->(%4.1f,%4.1f,%4.1f)" % (sph['x'], sph['y'], sph['z'])
print "\tradius->%3.1f" % sph['radius']
# Copy the sphere data to the device
cuda.to_device(temp_spheres, to=d_spheres)
# Here, we choose the granularity of the threading on our device. We want
# to try to cover the entire image with simulatenous threads, so we'll
# choose a grid of (DIM/16. DIM/16) blocks, each with (16, 16) threads
grids = (DIM/16, DIM/16)
threads = (16, 16)
# Execute the kernel
kernel[grids, threads](d_spheres, d_bitmap)
kernel_dt = timer() - start
# Copy the result from the kernel ordering the ray tracing back to host
bitmap = d_bitmap.copy_to_host()
mem_dt = timer() - start
print "Elapsed time in"
print " kernel: {:3.1f} µs".format(kernel_dt*1e6)
print " device->host: {:3.1f} ms".format(mem_dt*1e3)
# Visualize the resulting scene. We'll do this with two side-by-side plots:
# Left -> the scene rendered in psuedo-3D, accounting for sphere placement
# Right -> flat circle projections of spheres, in z-order looking down
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12,6))
bitmap = np.transpose(bitmap/255., (1, 0, 2)) # swap image's x-y axes
# sort the spheres by Z for visualizing z-level order, plot using circle artists
for i in xrange(SPHERES):
sph = temp_spheres[-i] # temp_spheres is actually backwards!
circ = plt.Circle((sph['x']+DIM/2, sph['y']+DIM/2), sph['radius'],
color=(sph['r'], sph['g'], sph['b']))
for ax in axs:
ax.set_xlim(0, DIM)
ax.set_ylim(0, DIM)
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