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Last active July 6, 2019 09:03
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JS to export pallet to javascript contants
$$('.color').map(element => ({ color: element.getAttribute('style'), name: element.textContent.trim()})).map(({color, name}) => `export const ${name.replace(/[ -]/g, '_').replace(/'/g, '').toUpperCase()} = '${/background: (.+);/.exec(color)[1].replace(';', '')}';`).join('\n');
Example on this pallet
export const LIGHT_GREENISH_BLUE = 'rgb(85, 239, 196)';
export const FADED_POSTER = 'rgb(129, 236, 236)';
export const GREEN_DARNER_TAIL = 'rgb(116, 185, 255)';
export const SHY_MOMENT = 'rgb(162, 155, 254)';
export const CITY_LIGHTS = 'rgb(223, 230, 233)';
export const MINT_LEAF = 'rgb(0, 184, 148)';
export const ROBINS_EGG_BLUE = 'rgb(0, 206, 201)';
export const ELECTRON_BLUE = 'rgb(9, 132, 227)';
export const EXODUS_FRUIT = 'rgb(108, 92, 231)';
export const SOOTHING_BREEZE = 'rgb(178, 190, 195)';
export const SOUR_LEMON = 'rgb(255, 234, 167)';
export const FIRST_DATE = 'rgb(250, 177, 160)';
export const PINK_GLAMOUR = 'rgb(255, 118, 117)';
export const PICO_8_PINK = 'rgb(253, 121, 168)';
export const AMERICAN_RIVER = 'rgb(99, 110, 114)';
export const BRIGHT_YARROW = 'rgb(253, 203, 110)';
export const ORANGEVILLE = 'rgb(225, 112, 85)';
export const CHI_GONG = 'rgb(214, 48, 49)';
export const PRUNUS_AVIUM = 'rgb(232, 67, 147)';
export const DRACULA_ORCHID = 'rgb(45, 52, 54)';
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