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Last active November 1, 2021 18:51
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PowerShell script to retrieve Azure AD Users Authentication Methods and add them as additional attributes on the User Object. Associated Blogpost
Function AuthN {
Authenticate to Azure AD and receieve Access and Refresh Tokens.
Authenticate to Azure AD and receieve Access and Refresh Tokens.
(required) Azure AD TenantID.
.PARAMETER credential
(required) ClientID and ClientSecret of the Azure AD registered application with the necessary permissions.
$myCred = Get-Credential
AuthN -credential $myCred -tenantID '74ea519d-9792-4aa9-86d9-abcdefgaaa'
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
if (!(get-command Get-MsalToken)) {
Install-Module -name MSAL.PS -Force -AcceptLicense
try {
# Authenticate and Get Tokens
$token = Get-MsalToken -ClientId $credential.UserName -ClientSecret $credential.Password -TenantId $tenantID
return $token
catch {
Function GetAADUsers {
Get AAD Users.
Get AAD Users.
(optional) number of users to limit the results too
GetAADUsers -limit 250
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
# Refresh Access Token
$global:myToken = AuthN -credential $myCred -tenantID $myTenantId
try {
if ($limit) {
if ($limit -gt 999) {
$pageSize = 999
else {
$pageSize = $limit
# Get AAD Users.
$results = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($myToken.AccessToken)" } `
-Uri "`$top=$pageSize" `
-Method Get
if ($results.value.count -lt $limit) {
if ($results.'@odata.nextLink') {
$aadUsers += $results.value
# There's more, let's get them
do {
$results = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($myToken.AccessToken)" } `
-Uri $results.'@odata.nextLink' `
-Method Get
$aadUsers += $results.value
} while ($results.'@odata.nextLink' -AND $aadUsers.count -lt $limit)
else {
# That's all there is
$aadUsers = $results.value
else {
$aadUsers = $results.value | Select-Object -First $limit
return $aadUsers | Select-Object -First $limit
else {
# Get AAD Users.
$results = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($myToken.AccessToken)" } `
-Uri "`$top=999" `
-Method Get
$aadUsers += $results.value
if ($results.'@odata.nextLink') {
$aadUsers += $results.value
# There's more, let's get them
do {
$results = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($myToken.AccessToken)" } `
-Uri $results.'@odata.nextLink' `
-Method Get
$aadUsers += $results.value
} while ($results.'@odata.nextLink')
return $aadUsers
catch {
Function GetAuthMethods {
Get AAD User Authentication Methods.
Get AAD User Authentication Methods.
(required) UPN of the user to retrieve Auth Methods for
GetAuthMethods -UPN
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
# Refresh Access Token
$global:myToken = AuthN -credential $myCred -tenantID $myTenantId
try {
# Get AAD User Authentication Methods.
$authMethods = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($myToken.AccessToken)" } `
-Uri "$($UPN)/authentication/methods" `
-Method Get
return $authMethods
catch {
# Globals
# Tenant ID
$global:myTenantId = '74ea519d-9792-4aa9-86d9-abcdefgaaa'
# Registered AAD App ID and Secret
$global:myCred = [pscredential]::new("1c29e80e-ec64-43f7-b07a-1324567890", ("UEy9yEnU6vcCLzdZm+123ABC456DEFyjyL2nYQeU=" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))
Import-Module MSAL.PS
Get Users
$users = GetAADUsers -limit 10
foreach ($user in $users) {
$authMethods = GetAuthMethods -UPN $user.userPrincipalName
if ($authMethods.value.count -gt 0) {
$user | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "authMethods" -Value @($authMethods.value).'@odata.type'.replace("#microsoft.graph.", "")
$authDetails = $authMethods.value
foreach ($authMethod in $authDetails) {
$authMethod.'@odata.type' = $authMethod.'@odata.type'.replace("#microsoft.graph.", "")
$user | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "authMethodsDetail" -Value @($authDetails)
$user | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "authMethodsCount" -Value $authMethods.value.count
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