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Created November 20, 2020 19:35
Automatically start a single instance of ssh-agent for all terminal sessions to share (bash)


  1. mkdir -p ~/.config && touch ~/.config/
  2. Paste the contents of into your .bashrc or .bash_profile or similar
  3. killall -9 ssh-agent
  4. Start a new terminal session (note: old sessions will not see ssh-agent, only new ones)


This snippet, when included in .bashrc, will ensure that your session has a working ssh-agent with all your ssh keys loaded into it. It does this without creating separate ssh-agent processes by:

  • Using ~/.config/ssh-agent.socket as the socket, rather than a random-named temporary socket
  • Tracking the PID of ssh-agent in ~/.config/
  • setting up the appropriate environment variables to point to any already-running ssh-agent started this way (NB: if you start an agent process by hand, this won't know about it)
  • starting up an ssh-agent if it can't find a properly-configured version already running
# SSH agent
if [ -z "$SSH_AGENT_PID" ]
# no PID exported, try to get it from pidfile
SSH_AGENT_PID=$(cat "$ssh_pid_file")
if ! kill -0 $SSH_AGENT_PID &> /dev/null
# the agent is not running, start it
rm "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" &> /dev/null
>&2 echo "Starting SSH agent, since it's not running; this can take a moment"
eval "$(ssh-agent -s -a "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK")"
echo "$SSH_AGENT_PID" > "$ssh_pid_file"
ssh-add -A 2>/dev/null
>&2 echo "Started ssh-agent with '$SSH_AUTH_SOCK'"
# else
# >&2 echo "ssh-agent on '$SSH_AUTH_SOCK' ($SSH_AGENT_PID)"
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Thank you for the snippets and the guide. But ssh-add doesn't recognize -A.

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@soundlake -- newer versions of ssh-add on macOS have deprecated -A in favor of --apple-load-keychain ; you can either swap that out or add export APPLE_SSH_ADD_BEHAVIOR=macos to your environment

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Thank you for your comment. I didn't know -A was deprecated on MacOS, because I don't use it. But I do know it is removed (not deprecated) on my WSL Debian (unstable) although I don't know when.

I did a workaround with simple bash script to traverse the directory to add all keys.

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This will fail if the directory for $SSH_AUTH_SOCK doesn't exist. You'll probably only run into this error on a fresh install, or if you modify the path for SSH_AUTH_SOCK. Worth noting you may want to add a mkdir -p "$HOME/.config" near the start of the script, with adjustments if you do modify the path, just in case.

Thanks for the gist of it!

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