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Last active July 11, 2023 02:59
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A very minimal Javascript (ES5 & ES6) Middleware Pattern Implementation
var Middleware = function() {};
Middleware.prototype.use = function(fn) {
var self = this;
this.go = (function(stack) {
return function(next) {, function() {, next.bind(self));
Middleware.prototype.go = function(next) {
class Middleware {
use(fn) {
this.go = (stack => next => stack(fn.bind(this, next.bind(this))))(this.go);
go = next => next();
// Inspired by:
var middleware = new Middleware();
middleware.use(function(next) {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() {
self.hook1 = true;
}, 10);
middleware.use(function(next) {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() {
self.hook2 = true;
}, 10);
var start = new Date();
middleware.go(function() {
console.log(this.hook1); // true
console.log(this.hook2); // true
console.log(new Date() - start); // around 20
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unbug commented Dec 23, 2016

This is a really small one! Nice done! Here is a powerful Javascript Middleware Pattern Implementation

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Great job ! Here a modified version to pass arguments.

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how to pass multiple functions with 'next' object? Like expressJS ?

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What refactoring should I do for this middleware in order to be able to pass (err, res) for each next in turn?
Meaning something like next(err, res) so that at the end of the middleware stack execution I have some result object

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Nice work! inspired me to make my own using typescript

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I hope you can write and explain detail it. Thank so much.

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recursive-beast commented Jul 25, 2020

@darrenscerri Thanks for this nice piece of code, it helped me learn about call stacks and closures.

I just wanted to point out that this bind is unnecessary since it's not used inside the bound function.

What was the intention behind using it anyway?
the "this" in this case refers to the global object, maybe you were trying to bind self instead?

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aronanda commented Sep 14, 2020

Well done, it took me a bit to "wrap" my head around.
Here's my version with parameters, optional object definition and you can pipe the use() method:

class Middleware {
  constructor(obj) {
    obj = obj || this
    Object.defineProperty(this, '__obj', { value: obj })
    Object.defineProperty(this, 'go', { value: function go(...args) {
      args[args.length - 1].apply(obj, args.slice(0, -1))
    }, writable: true })
  use(fn) {
    this.go = (stack => (...args) => stack(...args.slice(0, -1), () =>, ...args.slice(0, -1), args[args.length - 1]
        .bind(this.__obj, ...args.slice(0, -1)))))(this.go)
    return this

// Example:
const middleware = new Middleware(/* define object or defaults to this */)

middleware.use(function (req, res, next) {
  setTimeout(() => {
    this.hook1 = true
  }, 10)

middleware.use(function (req, res, next) {
  setTimeout(() => {
    this.hook2 = true
  }, 10)
}).use((req, res, next) => {
  // chainable
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 10)

const start = new Date()
const req = Object.create(new class Req {}(), { step: { value: 1, enumerable: true, writable: true }})
const res = Object.create(new class Res {}(), { step: { value: 1, enumerable: true, writable: true }})
middleware.go(req, res, function (req, res) {
  console.log(this) // Middleware { hook1: true, hook2: true }
  console.log(req) // Req { step: 4 }
  console.log(res) // Res { step: 4 }
  console.log(new Date() - start) // around 30ms

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Inspired by you,I update my pipeline.js,like this:


 * 数据去重
 * @param arr
 * @returns {any[]}
export function uniq(arr) {
    return [ Set(arr)];

 * 数组合并去重
 * @param arr
 * @returns {*[]}
export function union(...arr){
    return uniq(arr.reduce((a,b)=> a.concat(b),[]))


import {union} from './utils';

 * 核心
 * @param ctx
 * @param next
const defGo = (ctx, next) => next(ctx);
 * 类似koa-compose方法
 * @param tasks
 * @param dispatch
 * @param context
 * @returns {*}
export const compose = (tasks, dispatch = defGo, context) =>{
    return tasks.reduce((stack,valve) => async (ctx,next)=> await valve(ctx, stack.bind(context,ctx,next)), dispatch);

 * 管道模式
export default class Pipeline {
    #valves = [] //中间件
    #basic = (e) => e
    #go = defGo

    constructor(valves = []) {

     * 最终执行函数
     * @param basic
    setBasic(basic) {
        if (typeof basic !== 'function') {
            throw new Error('basic must be a function');
        this.#basic = basic;
        return this;

     * 添加阀门
     * @param valves
     * @returns {boolean}
    addValve(...valves) {
        valves = valves.filter((valve) => typeof valve === 'function');
        this.#valves = union(this.#valves, valves);
        this.#go = compose(valves, this.#go);
        return this;

     * 删除valves
        this.#go = defGo;
        this.#valves = [];
        return this;

     * 删除阀门
     * @param valves
        this.#valves = this.#valves.filter((valve)=> !valves.includes(valve));
        this.#go = compose(this.#valves, defGo);
        return this;

     * 执行管道中的内容
     * @param params
     * @param basic
     * @returns {*}
    invoke(params, basic) {
        if(basic  && typeof basic === 'function'){
            this.#basic = basic;
        return this.#go(params, this.#basic);

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