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Created August 10, 2015 05:23
2015/08/10 04:31:37 [DEBUG] serf: forgoing reconnect for random throttling
2015/08/10 04:31:37 [INFO] serf: EventMemberFailed: i-5fa080f6
2015/08/10 04:31:38 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: i-5fa080f6
2015/08/10 04:31:38 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/catalog/services (41.837816ms)
2015/08/10 04:31:38 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/kv/consuldnsbackup/data?index=6251128 (3m40.145106952s)
2015/08/10 04:31:38 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/kv/consuldnsbackup/data?token=<hidden> (123.375869ms)
2015/08/10 04:31:38 [DEBUG] agent: watch handler 'consulkv get consuldnsbackup/data > /etc/datadog/hosts.consul && sudo pkill -HUP dnsmasq && logger -t consul consuldnsbackup: R
eceived hosts: `sha256sum /etc/datadog/hosts.consul`' output:
2015/08/10 04:31:51 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/agent/self (115.684µs)
2015/08/10 04:31:51 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/status/leader (32.813µs)
2015/08/10 04:31:51 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/agent/self (78.882µs)
2015/08/10 04:32:07 [DEBUG] serf: forgoing reconnect for random throttling
2015/08/10 04:32:10 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/agent/self (112.05µs)
2015/08/10 04:32:10 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/status/leader (32.048µs)
2015/08/10 04:32:10 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/agent/self (85.899µs)
2015/08/10 04:32:14 [DEBUG] dns: request for {monitoring.service.consul. 1 1} (228.315µs)
2015/08/10 04:32:16 [DEBUG] memberlist: TCP connection from:
2015/08/10 04:32:29 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/agent/self (151.334µs)
2015/08/10 04:32:29 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/status/leader (33.358µs)
2015/08/10 04:32:29 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/agent/self (72.284µs)
2015/08/10 04:32:31 [DEBUG] agent: check 'service:datadog' script '/bin/true' output:
2015/08/10 04:32:31 [DEBUG] agent: Check 'service:datadog' is passing
2015/08/10 04:32:37 [DEBUG] serf: forgoing reconnect for random throttling
2015/08/10 04:32:43 [DEBUG] memberlist: Initiating push/pull sync with:
2015/08/10 04:32:49 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/agent/self (112.136µs)
2015/08/10 04:32:49 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/status/leader (37.629µs)
2015/08/10 04:32:49 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/agent/self (76.45µs)
2015/08/10 04:32:56 [DEBUG] memberlist: Potential blocking operation. Last command took 31.162746ms
2015/08/10 04:32:58 [DEBUG] memberlist: TCP connection from:
2015/08/10 04:33:07 [DEBUG] serf: forgoing reconnect for random throttling
2015/08/10 04:33:08 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/agent/self (138.342µs)
2015/08/10 04:33:08 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/status/leader (33.132µs)
2015/08/10 04:33:08 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/agent/self (93.112µs)
2015/08/10 04:33:27 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/agent/self (126.638µs)
2015/08/10 04:33:27 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/status/leader (36.389µs)
2015/08/10 04:33:27 [DEBUG] http: Request /v1/agent/self (72.879µs)
2015/08/10 04:33:31 [DEBUG] agent: check 'service:datadog' script '/bin/true' output:
2015/08/10 04:33:31 [DEBUG] agent: Check 'service:datadog' is passing
2015/08/10 04:33:35 [DEBUG] consul.state: Invalidating session de73c41c-ab5d-0d5d-9916-e90319a1e6a4 due to session destroy
2015/08/10 04:33:37 [DEBUG] serf: forgoing reconnect for random throttling
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