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Created July 6, 2017 14:16
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Connect 4 (Z80 assembly language for the ZX Spectrum 48K)
; CONNECT 4 by Darryl Sloan, 3 July 2017
org 50000
last_k equ 23560
ld hl, udgs ; UDGs
ld (23675), hl ; set up UDG system variable
ld a, 2 ; upper screen
call 5633 ; open channel
; draw game title
ld de, banner ; address of string
ld bc, eobanr-banner ; length of string to print
call 8252 ; print our string
; draw board
bdraw ld de, board ; address of string
ld bc, eoboard-board ; length of string to print
call 8252 ; print our string
ld hl, board+1
ld a, (hl)
inc a
ld (hl), a
cp 16 ; finish looping when lines 12 to 16 are drawn
jr nz, bdraw
; draw player line
ld de, player
ld bc, eoplyr-player
call 8252
; show player
ploop ld hl, 22816
ld bc, (ppos)
add hl, bc
ld a, (pcol)
ld (hl), a
; invite player input
ld hl, last_k ; LAST K system variable
ld a, (hl) ; put last keyboard press into A
cp 112 ; was "p" pressed?
jr z, pright ; jump to PRIGHT
cp 111 ; was "o" pressed?
jr z, pleft ; jump to PLEFT
cp 32 ; was " " pressed?
jr z, pfire ; jump to PFIRE
cp 114 ; was "r" pressed?
jr z, newgame ; jump to NEWGAME
jr ploop ; maintain player input loop
; restart game
newgame ld hl, drop ; reset available drops for all 7 columns
ld b, 7
rstdrp ld (hl), 6 ; 6 means empty column (i.e. 6 drops remaining)
inc hl ; move forward 1 byte within DROP until all 7 are reset
djnz rstdrp
; clear board
ld a, 6 ; A keeps track of rows
ld b, 7 ; B keeps track of columns
ld hl, 22860 ; addr 22860 is top-left attribute of board
ld de, 25 ; 25 is the number of spaces from the end of one row to the beginning of the next
empty ld (hl), 15 ; 15 is paper blue, ink white, i.e. an empty slot
inc hl ; move forward one attribute
djnz empty ; repeat until a row of seven slots is cleared
ld b, 7 ; reset B in readiness for next row
add hl, de ; skip to start of next row
dec a ; subtract 1 from remaining rows
cp 0 ; if all 6 rows are complete, end
jp z, clrkey ; "
jr empty ; if not, repeat
; player moves right
pright ld a, (ppos) ; prevent player from moving too far right
cp 18 ; "
jr z, ploop ; "
ld hl, 22816 ; erase player from screen
ld bc, (ppos) ; "
add hl,bc ; "
ld (hl), 63 ; "
ld a, (ppos) ; move player 1 square right
inc a ; "
ld (ppos), a ; "
jp clrkey
; player moves left
pleft ld a, (ppos) ; prevent player from moving too far left
cp 12 ; "
jr z, ploop ; "
ld hl, 22816 ; erase player from screen
ld bc, (ppos) ; "
add hl, bc ; "
ld (hl), 63 ; "
ld a, (ppos) ; move player 1 square left
dec a ; "
ld (ppos), a ; "
jp clrkey
; player fires
pfire ld a, (ppos) ; get mathematical x position of player (i.e. x=12 is 1)
sub 11 ; "
ld hl, drop-1 ; point at mem loc prior to first column (because the loop incs)
ld b, a ; use b to loop until correct column is reached
cntr inc hl ; increase HL to scan across drop vars
djnz cntr ; "
ld a, (hl) ; load number of rows to descend into a
ld (tdrop), a ; store A in TDROP (temporary drop)
cp 0 ; if no spaces remain in column, jump back to player input loop
jp z, clrkey ; "
ld hl, 22816 ; erase player from screen
ld bc, (ppos) ; "
add hl, bc ; "
ld (hl), 63 ; "
; counter drops
ld a, (tdrop)
desnd ld bc, 32 ; redraw player 1 row lower
add hl, bc ; "
ld d, a ; remember A temporarily in D
ld a, (pcol+1)
ld (hl), a ; "
ld a, d ; put D back into A
ld b, 5 ; create a brief delay between counter movements
stall halt ; wait for an interrupt
djnz stall ; loop
ld (hl), 15 ; draw counter
dec a ; A controls iterations of loop
jr nz, desnd ; loop until descent finished
ld a, (pcol+1) ; redraw counter in resting position
ld (hl), a ; "
; decrement remaining slots by 1
ld a, (ppos) ; get mathematical x position of player (i.e. x=12 is 1)
sub 11 ; "
ld hl, drop-1 ; point at mem loc prior to first column (because the loop incs)
ld b, a ; use b to loop until correct column is reached
cntr2 inc hl ; increase HL to scan across drop vars
djnz cntr2 ; "
ld a, (tdrop) ; subtract one from slots remaining in selected column
dec a ; "
ld (tdrop), a ; "
ld (hl), a ; "
; change colour for other player
ld hl, ppos ; set player position back to centre
ld (hl), 15 ; "
ld a, (pcol) ; add 4 to colour (changing red to yellow), for above board
add a, 4 ; "
ld (pcol), a ; "
ld a, (pcol+1) ; add 4 to colour (changing red to yellow), for within board
add a, 4 ; "
ld (pcol+1), a ; "
cp 18 ; if colour is invalid, jump to BADCOL
jr z, badcol ; "
jr clrkey ; clear keyboard
badcol ld a, 58 ; change invalid colour to red
ld (pcol), a ; "
ld a, 10 ; "
ld (pcol+1), a ; "
jr clrkey ; clear keyboard
; clear last keypress and loop back for new input
clrkey ld hl, last_k ; clear LAST_K
ld (hl), 0 ; "
jp ploop ; jump back to keyboard input
; variables
ppos defb 15, 0 ; player's horiz position, 12 to 18 (0 is added for use in 16-bit register)
pcol defb 58, 10 ; player's colour (58=red/white, 62=yellow/white; 10=red/blue, 14=yellow/blue)
drop defb 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ; the number of rows a counter should drop for each column
tdrop defb 0 ; temp storage of current drop
banner defb 22, 3, 11, "CONNECT 4"
eobanr equ $
; board setup
board defb 22, 10, 12 ; set print position to y=10, x=12
defb 16, 7, 17, 1, 144, 144, 144, 144, 144, 144, 144 ; ink white, paper blue
eoboard equ $
player defb 22, 9, 12 ; set print position to y=9, x=12
defb 16, 7, 17, 7, 144, 144, 144, 144, 144, 144, 144 ; ink & paper white (invisible)
eoplyr equ $
; graphics setup
udgs defb 0, 24, 60, 126, 126, 60, 24, 0 ; graphic for counter (and board, inverted)
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Which compiler are you using? The z80asm compiler triggers errors on label definitions and others.

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@carlosparamio he's using the built-in assembler of the ZX Spin emulator. You can follow his tutorial on Youtube here:

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