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Shopify - Strip image out of blog article excerpt
{% assign sizes = '_pico.,_icon.,_thumb.,_small.,_compact.,_medium.,_large.,_grande.,_1024x1024.,_2048x2048.,_master' | split: ',' %}
{% assign default_image = 'filename.jpg] %}
{% for a in blog.articles %}
{% assign src = null %}
{% if excerpt contains "<img" %}
{% assign src = excerpt | split: 'src="' %}
{% assign src = src[1] | split: '"' | first | replace: '//cdn', 'http://cdn'; | replace: 'http:http://';, 'http://'; | remove: 'https:' %}
{% for s in sizes %}
{% assign src = src | replace: s, '_large.' %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<h3>{{ a.title | link_to: a.url }}</h3>
<a href="{{ a.url }}" title="View {{ a.title }}">
{% if src != null %}
<img src="{{ src }}" alt="{{ a.title }}>
{% else %}
<img src="{{ default_image | asset_url }}" alt="{{ a.title }}>
{% endif %}
<p>{{ a.content | strip_html | truncatewords: 50 }}</p>
{% endfor %}
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