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Created September 5, 2015 14:40
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/*! use killbill; */
/*! SET storage_engine=INNODB */;
CREATE TABLE accounts (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
external_key varchar(128) NULL,
email varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
name varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
first_name_length int DEFAULT NULL,
currency varchar(3) DEFAULT NULL,
billing_cycle_day_local int DEFAULT NULL,
payment_method_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
time_zone varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
locale varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL,
address1 varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
address2 varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
company_name varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
city varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
state_or_province varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
country varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
postal_code varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL,
phone varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
migrated boolean default false,
is_notified_for_invoices boolean NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_id ON accounts(id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_external_key ON accounts(external_key, tenant_record_id);
CREATE INDEX accounts_tenant_record_id ON accounts(tenant_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS account_history;
CREATE TABLE account_history (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
target_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
external_key varchar(128) NULL,
email varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
name varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
first_name_length int DEFAULT NULL,
currency varchar(3) DEFAULT NULL,
billing_cycle_day_local int DEFAULT NULL,
payment_method_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
time_zone varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
locale varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL,
address1 varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
address2 varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
company_name varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
city varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
state_or_province varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
country varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
postal_code varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL,
phone varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
migrated boolean default false,
is_notified_for_invoices boolean NOT NULL,
change_type varchar(6) NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX account_history_target_record_id ON account_history(target_record_id);
CREATE INDEX account_history_tenant_record_id ON account_history(tenant_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS account_emails;
CREATE TABLE account_emails (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
account_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
email varchar(128) NOT NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX account_email_id ON account_emails(id);
CREATE INDEX account_email_account_id_email ON account_emails(account_id, email);
CREATE INDEX account_emails_tenant_account_record_id ON account_emails(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS account_email_history;
CREATE TABLE account_email_history (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
target_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
account_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
email varchar(128) NOT NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
change_type varchar(6) NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX account_email_target_record_id ON account_email_history(target_record_id);
CREATE INDEX account_email_history_tenant_account_record_id ON account_email_history(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
/*! SET storage_engine=INNODB */;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bus_ext_events;
CREATE TABLE bus_ext_events (
record_id serial unique,
class_name varchar(128) NOT NULL,
event_json varchar(2048) NOT NULL,
user_token varchar(36),
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
creating_owner varchar(50) NOT NULL,
processing_owner varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
processing_available_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
processing_state varchar(14) DEFAULT 'AVAILABLE',
error_count int /*! unsigned */ DEFAULT 0,
/* Note: account_record_id can be NULL (e.g. TagDefinition events) */
search_key1 bigint /*! unsigned */ default null,
search_key2 bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX idx_bus_ext_where ON bus_ext_events (processing_state, processing_owner, processing_available_date);
CREATE INDEX bus_ext_events_tenant_account_record_id ON bus_ext_events(search_key2, search_key1);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bus_ext_events_history;
CREATE TABLE bus_ext_events_history (
record_id serial unique,
class_name varchar(128) NOT NULL,
event_json varchar(2048) NOT NULL,
user_token varchar(36),
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
creating_owner varchar(50) NOT NULL,
processing_owner varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
processing_available_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
processing_state varchar(14) DEFAULT 'AVAILABLE',
error_count int /*! unsigned */ DEFAULT 0,
/* Note: account_record_id can be NULL (e.g. TagDefinition events) */
search_key1 bigint /*! unsigned */ default null,
search_key2 bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
/*! SET storage_engine=INNODB */;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS catalog_override_plan_definition;
CREATE TABLE catalog_override_plan_definition (
record_id serial unique,
parent_plan_name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
effective_date datetime NOT NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX catalog_override_plan_definition_tenant_record_id ON catalog_override_plan_definition(tenant_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS catalog_override_phase_definition;
CREATE TABLE catalog_override_phase_definition (
record_id serial unique,
parent_phase_name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
currency varchar(3) NOT NULL,
fixed_price numeric(15,9) NULL,
recurring_price numeric(15,9) NULL,
effective_date datetime NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX catalog_override_phase_definition_idx ON catalog_override_phase_definition(tenant_record_id, parent_phase_name, currency);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS catalog_override_plan_phase;
CREATE TABLE catalog_override_plan_phase (
record_id serial unique,
phase_number smallint /*! unsigned */ NOT NULL,
phase_def_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
target_plan_def_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX catalog_override_plan_phase_idx ON catalog_override_plan_phase(tenant_record_id, phase_number, phase_def_record_id);
/*! SET storage_engine=INNODB */;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS subscription_events;
CREATE TABLE subscription_events (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
event_type varchar(9) NOT NULL,
user_type varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
requested_date datetime NOT NULL,
effective_date datetime NOT NULL,
subscription_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
plan_name varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
phase_name varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
price_list_name varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
current_version int DEFAULT 1,
is_active boolean default true,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX subscription_events_id ON subscription_events(id);
CREATE INDEX idx_ent_1 ON subscription_events(subscription_id, is_active, effective_date);
CREATE INDEX idx_ent_2 ON subscription_events(subscription_id, effective_date, created_date, requested_date,id);
CREATE INDEX subscription_events_tenant_account_record_id ON subscription_events(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS subscriptions;
CREATE TABLE subscriptions (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
bundle_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
category varchar(32) NOT NULL,
start_date datetime NOT NULL,
bundle_start_date datetime NOT NULL,
active_version int DEFAULT 1,
charged_through_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX subscriptions_id ON subscriptions(id);
CREATE INDEX subscriptions_bundle_id ON subscriptions(bundle_id);
CREATE INDEX subscriptions_tenant_account_record_id ON subscriptions(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
CREATE TABLE bundles (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
external_key varchar(64) NOT NULL,
account_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
last_sys_update_date datetime,
original_created_date datetime NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX bundles_id ON bundles(id);
CREATE INDEX bundles_key ON bundles(external_key);
CREATE INDEX bundles_account ON bundles(account_id);
CREATE INDEX bundles_tenant_account_record_id ON bundles(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
/*! SET storage_engine=INNODB */;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS blocking_states;
CREATE TABLE blocking_states (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
blockable_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
type varchar(20) NOT NULL,
state varchar(50) NOT NULL,
service varchar(20) NOT NULL,
block_change bool NOT NULL,
block_entitlement bool NOT NULL,
block_billing bool NOT NULL,
effective_date datetime NOT NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX blocking_states_id ON blocking_states(blockable_id);
CREATE INDEX blocking_states_tenant_account_record_id ON blocking_states(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
/*! SET storage_engine=INNODB */;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS invoice_items;
CREATE TABLE invoice_items (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
type varchar(24) NOT NULL,
invoice_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
account_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
bundle_id varchar(36),
subscription_id varchar(36),
description varchar(255),
plan_name varchar(50),
phase_name varchar(50),
usage_name varchar(50),
start_date date NOT NULL,
end_date date,
amount numeric(15,9) NOT NULL,
rate numeric(15,9) NULL,
currency varchar(3) NOT NULL,
linked_item_id varchar(36),
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX invoice_items_id ON invoice_items(id);
CREATE INDEX invoice_items_subscription_id ON invoice_items(subscription_id ASC);
CREATE INDEX invoice_items_invoice_id ON invoice_items(invoice_id ASC);
CREATE INDEX invoice_items_account_id ON invoice_items(account_id ASC);
CREATE INDEX invoice_items_tenant_account_record_id ON invoice_items(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
CREATE TABLE invoices (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
account_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
invoice_date date NOT NULL,
target_date date NOT NULL,
currency varchar(3) NOT NULL,
migrated bool NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX invoices_id ON invoices(id);
CREATE INDEX invoices_account_target ON invoices(account_id ASC, target_date);
CREATE INDEX invoices_tenant_account_record_id ON invoices(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS invoice_payments;
CREATE TABLE invoice_payments (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
type varchar(24) NOT NULL,
invoice_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
payment_id varchar(36),
payment_date datetime NOT NULL,
amount numeric(15,9) NOT NULL,
currency varchar(3) NOT NULL,
processed_currency varchar(3) NOT NULL,
payment_cookie_id varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
linked_invoice_payment_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX invoice_payments_id ON invoice_payments(id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_invoice_payments ON invoice_payments(payment_id, type);
CREATE INDEX invoice_payments_invoice_id ON invoice_payments(invoice_id);
CREATE INDEX invoice_payments_reversals ON invoice_payments(linked_invoice_payment_id);
CREATE INDEX invoice_payments_tenant_account_record_id ON invoice_payments(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
/*! SET storage_engine=INNODB */;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS payment_attempts;
CREATE TABLE payment_attempts (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
account_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
payment_method_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
payment_external_key varchar(128) NOT NULL,
transaction_id varchar(36),
transaction_external_key varchar(128) NOT NULL,
transaction_type varchar(32) NOT NULL,
state_name varchar(32) NOT NULL,
amount numeric(15,9),
currency varchar(3),
plugin_name varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
plugin_properties mediumblob,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX payment_attempts_id ON payment_attempts(id);
CREATE INDEX payment_attempts_payment ON payment_attempts(transaction_id);
CREATE INDEX payment_attempts_payment_key ON payment_attempts(payment_external_key);
CREATE INDEX payment_attempts_payment_state ON payment_attempts(state_name);
CREATE INDEX payment_attempts_payment_transaction_key ON payment_attempts(transaction_external_key);
CREATE INDEX payment_attempts_tenant_account_record_id ON payment_attempts(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS payment_attempt_history;
CREATE TABLE payment_attempt_history (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
target_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
account_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
payment_method_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
payment_external_key varchar(128) NOT NULL,
transaction_id varchar(36),
transaction_external_key varchar(128) NOT NULL,
transaction_type varchar(32) NOT NULL,
state_name varchar(32) NOT NULL,
amount numeric(15,9),
currency varchar(3),
plugin_name varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
plugin_properties mediumblob,
change_type varchar(6) NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX payment_attempt_history_target_record_id ON payment_attempt_history(target_record_id);
CREATE INDEX payment_attempt_history_tenant_account_record_id ON payment_attempt_history(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS payment_methods;
CREATE TABLE payment_methods (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
external_key varchar(255) NOT NULL,
account_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
plugin_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX payment_methods_id ON payment_methods(id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX payment_methods_external_key ON payment_methods(external_key, tenant_record_id);
CREATE INDEX payment_methods_plugin_name ON payment_methods(plugin_name);
CREATE INDEX payment_methods_active_accnt ON payment_methods(is_active, account_id);
CREATE INDEX payment_methods_tenant_account_record_id ON payment_methods(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS payment_method_history;
CREATE TABLE payment_method_history (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
external_key varchar(255) NOT NULL,
target_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
account_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
plugin_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
change_type varchar(6) NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX payment_method_history_target_record_id ON payment_method_history(target_record_id);
CREATE INDEX payment_method_history_tenant_account_record_id ON payment_method_history(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
CREATE TABLE payments (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
account_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
payment_method_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
external_key varchar(255) NOT NULL,
state_name varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
last_success_state_name varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX payments_id ON payments(id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX payments_key ON payments(external_key, tenant_record_id);
CREATE INDEX payments_accnt ON payments(account_id);
CREATE INDEX payments_tenant_account_record_id ON payments(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS payment_history;
CREATE TABLE payment_history (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
target_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
account_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
payment_method_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
external_key varchar(255) NOT NULL,
state_name varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
last_success_state_name varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
change_type varchar(6) NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX payment_history_target_record_id ON payment_history(target_record_id);
CREATE INDEX payment_history_tenant_account_record_id ON payment_history(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS payment_transactions;
CREATE TABLE payment_transactions (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
attempt_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
transaction_external_key varchar(255) NOT NULL,
transaction_type varchar(32) NOT NULL,
effective_date datetime NOT NULL,
transaction_status varchar(50) NOT NULL,
amount numeric(15,9),
currency varchar(3),
processed_amount numeric(15,9),
processed_currency varchar(3),
payment_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
gateway_error_code varchar(32),
gateway_error_msg varchar(256),
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX transactions_id ON payment_transactions(id);
CREATE INDEX transactions_payment_id ON payment_transactions(payment_id);
CREATE INDEX transactions_key ON payment_transactions(transaction_external_key);
CREATE INDEX transactions_status ON payment_transactions(transaction_status);
CREATE INDEX transactions_tenant_account_record_id ON payment_transactions(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS payment_transaction_history;
CREATE TABLE payment_transaction_history (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
attempt_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
transaction_external_key varchar(255) NOT NULL,
target_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
transaction_type varchar(32) NOT NULL,
effective_date datetime NOT NULL,
transaction_status varchar(50) NOT NULL,
amount numeric(15,9),
currency varchar(3),
processed_amount numeric(15,9),
processed_currency varchar(3),
payment_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
gateway_error_code varchar(32),
gateway_error_msg varchar(256),
change_type varchar(6) NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX transaction_history_target_record_id ON payment_transaction_history(target_record_id);
CREATE INDEX transaction_history_tenant_account_record_id ON payment_transaction_history(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
/* PaymentControlPlugin lives here until this becomes a first class citizen plugin */
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _invoice_payment_control_plugin_auto_pay_off;
CREATE TABLE _invoice_payment_control_plugin_auto_pay_off (
record_id serial unique,
attempt_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
payment_external_key varchar(255) NOT NULL,
transaction_external_key varchar(255) NOT NULL,
account_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
plugin_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
payment_id varchar(36),
payment_method_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
amount numeric(15,9),
currency varchar(3),
is_active boolean default true,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX _invoice_payment_control_plugin_auto_pay_off_account ON _invoice_payment_control_plugin_auto_pay_off(account_id);
/*! SET storage_engine=INNODB */;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rolled_up_usage;
CREATE TABLE rolled_up_usage (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
subscription_id varchar(36),
unit_type varchar(50),
record_date date NOT NULL,
amount bigint NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX rolled_up_usage_id ON rolled_up_usage(id);
CREATE INDEX rolled_up_usage_subscription_id ON rolled_up_usage(subscription_id ASC);
CREATE INDEX rolled_up_usage_tenant_account_record_id ON rolled_up_usage(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
CREATE INDEX rolled_up_usage_account_record_id ON rolled_up_usage(account_record_id);
/*! SET storage_engine=INNODB */;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS custom_fields;
CREATE TABLE custom_fields (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
object_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
object_type varchar(30) NOT NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
field_name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
field_value varchar(255),
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
updated_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX custom_fields_id ON custom_fields(id);
CREATE INDEX custom_fields_object_id_object_type ON custom_fields(object_id, object_type);
CREATE INDEX custom_fields_tenant_account_record_id ON custom_fields(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS custom_field_history;
CREATE TABLE custom_field_history (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
target_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
object_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
object_type varchar(30) NOT NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
field_name varchar(30),
field_value varchar(255),
change_type varchar(6) NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX custom_field_history_target_record_id ON custom_field_history(target_record_id);
CREATE INDEX custom_field_history_object_id_object_type ON custom_fields(object_id, object_type);
CREATE INDEX custom_field_history_tenant_account_record_id ON custom_field_history(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tag_definitions;
CREATE TABLE tag_definitions (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
name varchar(20) NOT NULL,
description varchar(200) NOT NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tag_definitions_id ON tag_definitions(id);
CREATE INDEX tag_definitions_tenant_record_id ON tag_definitions(tenant_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tag_definition_history;
CREATE TABLE tag_definition_history (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
target_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
description varchar(200),
is_active boolean default true,
change_type varchar(6) NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
/* Note: there is no account_record_id to populate */
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ default null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX tag_definition_history_id ON tag_definition_history(id);
CREATE INDEX tag_definition_history_target_record_id ON tag_definition_history(target_record_id);
CREATE INDEX tag_definition_history_name ON tag_definition_history(name);
CREATE INDEX tag_definition_history_tenant_record_id ON tag_definition_history(tenant_record_id);
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
tag_definition_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
object_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
object_type varchar(30) NOT NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tags_id ON tags(id);
CREATE INDEX tags_by_object ON tags(object_id);
CREATE INDEX tags_tenant_account_record_id ON tags(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
CREATE TABLE tag_history (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
target_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
object_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
object_type varchar(30) NOT NULL,
tag_definition_id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
change_type varchar(6) NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime NOT NULL,
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX tag_history_target_record_id ON tag_history(target_record_id);
CREATE INDEX tag_history_by_object ON tags(object_id);
CREATE INDEX tag_history_tenant_account_record_id ON tag_history(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
CREATE TABLE audit_log (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
target_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
table_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
change_type varchar(6) NOT NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
reason_code varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
comments varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
user_token varchar(36),
/* Note: can be NULL (e.g. tenant_kvs audits) */
account_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ default null,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX audit_log_fetch_target_record_id ON audit_log(table_name, target_record_id);
CREATE INDEX audit_log_user_name ON audit_log(created_by);
CREATE INDEX audit_log_tenant_account_record_id ON audit_log(tenant_record_id, account_record_id);
CREATE INDEX audit_log_via_history ON audit_log(target_record_id, table_name, tenant_record_id);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS notifications;
CREATE TABLE notifications (
record_id serial unique,
class_name varchar(256) NOT NULL,
event_json varchar(2048) NOT NULL,
user_token varchar(36),
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
creating_owner varchar(50) NOT NULL,
processing_owner varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
processing_available_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
processing_state varchar(14) DEFAULT 'AVAILABLE',
error_count int /*! unsigned */ DEFAULT 0,
search_key1 bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
search_key2 bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
queue_name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
effective_date datetime NOT NULL,
future_user_token varchar(36),
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX idx_comp_where ON notifications (effective_date, processing_state, processing_owner, processing_available_date);
CREATE INDEX idx_update ON notifications (processing_state, processing_owner, processing_available_date);
CREATE INDEX idx_get_ready ON notifications (effective_date, created_date);
CREATE INDEX notifications_tenant_account_record_id ON notifications(search_key2, search_key1);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS notifications_history;
CREATE TABLE notifications_history (
record_id serial unique,
class_name varchar(256) NOT NULL,
event_json varchar(2048) NOT NULL,
user_token varchar(36),
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
creating_owner varchar(50) NOT NULL,
processing_owner varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
processing_available_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
processing_state varchar(14) DEFAULT 'AVAILABLE',
error_count int /*! unsigned */ DEFAULT 0,
search_key1 bigint /*! unsigned */ not null,
search_key2 bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
queue_name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
effective_date datetime NOT NULL,
future_user_token varchar(36),
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE TABLE bus_events (
record_id serial unique,
class_name varchar(128) NOT NULL,
event_json varchar(2048) NOT NULL,
user_token varchar(36),
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
creating_owner varchar(50) NOT NULL,
processing_owner varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
processing_available_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
processing_state varchar(14) DEFAULT 'AVAILABLE',
error_count int /*! unsigned */ DEFAULT 0,
/* Note: account_record_id can be NULL (e.g. TagDefinition events) */
search_key1 bigint /*! unsigned */ default null,
search_key2 bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX idx_bus_where ON bus_events (processing_state, processing_owner, processing_available_date);
CREATE INDEX bus_events_tenant_account_record_id ON bus_events(search_key2, search_key1);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bus_events_history;
CREATE TABLE bus_events_history (
record_id serial unique,
class_name varchar(128) NOT NULL,
event_json varchar(2048) NOT NULL,
user_token varchar(36),
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
creating_owner varchar(50) NOT NULL,
processing_owner varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
processing_available_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
processing_state varchar(14) DEFAULT 'AVAILABLE',
error_count int /*! unsigned */ DEFAULT 0,
/* Note: account_record_id can be NULL (e.g. TagDefinition events) */
search_key1 bigint /*! unsigned */ default null,
search_key2 bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
drop table if exists sessions;
create table sessions (
record_id serial unique
, start_timestamp datetime not null
, last_access_time datetime default null
, timeout int
, host varchar(100) default null
, session_data mediumblob default null
, primary key(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
record_id serial unique,
username varchar(128) NULL,
password varchar(128) NULL,
password_salt varchar(128) NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX users_username ON users(username);
CREATE TABLE user_roles (
record_id serial unique,
username varchar(128) NULL,
role_name varchar(128) NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX user_roles_idx ON user_roles(username, role_name);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS roles_permissions;
CREATE TABLE roles_permissions (
record_id serial unique,
role_name varchar(128) NULL,
permission varchar(128) NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX roles_permissions_idx ON roles_permissions(role_name, permission);
/*! SET storage_engine=INNODB */;
CREATE TABLE tenants (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
external_key varchar(128) NULL,
api_key varchar(128) NULL,
api_secret varchar(128) NULL,
api_salt varchar(128) NULL,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tenants_id ON tenants(id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tenants_api_key ON tenants(api_key);
CREATE TABLE tenant_kvs (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
tenant_key varchar(255) NOT NULL,
tenant_value mediumtext NOT NULL,
is_active boolean default true,
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX tenant_kvs_key ON tenant_kvs(tenant_key);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tenant_broadcasts;
CREATE TABLE tenant_broadcasts (
record_id serial unique,
id varchar(36) NOT NULL,
/* Note: can be NULL in case of delete */
target_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ default null,
target_table_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
tenant_record_id bigint /*! unsigned */ not null default 0,
type varchar(64) NOT NULL,
user_token varchar(36),
created_date datetime NOT NULL,
created_by varchar(50) NOT NULL,
updated_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,
updated_by varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(record_id)
) /*! CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin */;
CREATE INDEX tenant_broadcasts_key ON tenant_broadcasts(tenant_record_id);
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