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Created July 25, 2012 15:14
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Scripted tmux to open syncronized and separate windows for a cluster of servers
# A rather simple example of tmux scripting
# Sets a new session for a cluster of listed servers
# Session has a single window with every server in a cluster as separate pane with synchronized input,
# and an additional window for every machine in a cluster
export DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE=true # needed to fix names of windows
SERVER_LIST="server-1 server-2 server-3"
CLUSTER_NAME="some-cluster" # will be a name of the tmux session
CONNECT_STRING='ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa_cluster $SERVER' # password-less login is recommended
window=1 # assuming base-index is set to 1
pane=1 # assuming pane-base-index is set to 1
number_of_servers=`echo $SERVER_LIST | wc -w`
tmux has-session -t $CLUSTER_NAME
if [ $? != 0 ]
tmux new-session -s $CLUSTER_NAME -n cluster -d
for fn in $SERVER_LIST; do
eval `eval "echo tmux send-keys -t $CLUSTER_NAME:$window.$pane \'$CONNECT_STRING\' C-m"`
if [ $number_of_servers -gt $pane ]; # little trick to not split for last server
let pane++
tmux split-window -h -t $CLUSTER_NAME
tmux select-layout -t $CLUSTER_NAME:$window even-horizontal # you might prefer 'tiled' for large cluster
tmux set-window-option -t $CLUSTER_NAME:$window synchronize-panes on
for fn in $SERVER_LIST; do
let window++
tmux new-window -n $fn -t $CLUSTER_NAME
eval `eval "echo tmux send-keys -t $CLUSTER_NAME:$window.1 \'$CONNECT_STRING\' C-m"`
tmux attach -t $CLUSTER_NAME
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