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Last active July 25, 2022 15:27
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A very simple explanation about how python decorators work.

Small explanation about how decorators work.

Lets say decorator has this definition:

def decorator(func: Callable[[], Any]) -> Callable[[], Any]:
  def wrapper():
  return wrapper

When doing @decorator with, say a function like:

def thing():

This pretty much gets converted to

def thing():
thing = decorator(thing)

When calling decorator, this will define a function that wraps the function we just passed (the decorated one), and then it immediately returns that function definition that was defined. Now thing gets redefined to a completely different function:

def thing():
  func() # original thing()

Now a bit of a more complex decorator:

def decorator2(name: str):
    def outer_wrapper(func: Callable[[str], Any]) -> Callable[[], None]:
        def wrapper() -> None:
        return wrapper
    return outer_wrapper

Which may be used like this:

def thing(name: str):
    print(f"name: {name}")

This is what actually happens when doing this:

def thing(name: str):
    print(f"name: {name}")
thing = decorator2("juan")(thing)

First, the decorator gets called with the parameter that was passed into it (name). On this call, decorator2 returns the outer_wrapper function. Which wraps another function (that's it entire purpose). As seen in the definition, outer_wrapper takes a function as a parameter, which is the function that is being decorated.

#                > decorator2(name)
#                         > outer_wrapper(func)
thing = decorator2("juan")(thing)

At this point, thing becomes:

def thing():
    func("juan") # original thing(name)

Important to note that calling thing now will always return None, because the wrapper decorator doesn't return the result of func().

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