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Last active March 22, 2023 04:31
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Hill climbing (steepest ascent) implementation in Python
# Simple hill-climbing algorithm using the steepest-ascent variant
def perform_step(current: list, goal: list) -> (list, int):
# Keep track of the best candidate so far (steepest-ascent)
successor = current
successor_weight = -1
for i in range(0, len(current) - 1):
# Generate a new state and calculate the weight
candidate = swapped(current, i, i + 1)
candidate_weight = calculate_weight(candidate, goal)
# Compare with current best candidate
if candidate_weight > successor_weight:
successor = candidate
successor_weight = candidate_weight
return successor, successor_weight
# Calculate the weight of a state given the goal
def calculate_weight(state: list, goal: list) -> int:
weight = 0
for i in range(len(state)):
block = state[i]
# Find where we want the block to be
goal_index = goal.index(block)
# The block should be contained in the goal state
assert goal_index >= 0
# Find the block it should be above (unless it is at the bottom of the stack)
should_be_above = None if goal_index == 0 else goal[goal_index - 1]
# Calculate weight operator
is_above_correct = i >= 0 if should_be_above is None else state.index(should_be_above) <= i
is_incorrect_position = i != goal_index
if is_above_correct:
weight += 1
if is_incorrect_position:
weight -= 1
return weight
# A simple function to generate a new list with two elements swapped
def swapped(state: list, a: int, b: int) -> list:
new_list = []
for i in range(len(state)):
if i == a:
new_list.insert(i, state[b])
elif i == b:
new_list.insert(i, state[a])
new_list.insert(i, state[i])
return new_list
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Set up the simulation
initial_state = ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'A']
goal_state = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H']
current_state = initial_state
# Run until a solution is found
current_step = 1
while current_state != goal_state:
# Compute the next state
next_state, step_weight = perform_step(current_state, goal_state)
# Common pitfalls not avoided by this implementation
if next_state == current_state:
print("Infinite loop detected (might be local maximum or plateau)")
# Advance the simulation
current_state = next_state
# Pretty logging
print(f"Step {current_step}: {current_state}, weight: {step_weight}")
current_step += 1
# Announce the result
print("Finished execution")
print(f"Solution found: {current_state == goal_state}")
print(f"Final state: {current_state}")
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