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darwin/box.js Secret

Created January 27, 2020 22:22
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(function() {
var uq = function(a) {
return $APP.en(a, function(b, c, d) {
return new $APP.X(null,3,5,$APP.Y,[b + .01, c + .01, d + 0],null)
var zq, qt;
$APP.Fp = {};
zq = {
fov: 75,
position: [0, 0, 2]
qt = function() {
function a() {
var b = $APP.hj.A ? $APP.hj.A() : $;
$APP.Ln.useFrame(function() {
return uq($APP.K(b))
var c = function() {
return {
ref: b,
onClick: function() {
return console.log("click")
onPointerOver: function() {
return console.log("hover")
onPointerOut: function() {
return console.log("unhover")
, d = function() {
var f = {
attach: "geometry",
args: [1, 1, 1]
return $APP.Ti.j ? $APP.Ti.j("boxBufferGeometry", f) : $, "boxBufferGeometry", f)
, e = function() {
var f = {
attach: "material"
return $APP.Ti.j ? $APP.Ti.j("meshNormalMaterial", f) : $, "meshNormalMaterial", f)
return $APP.Ti.J ? $APP.Ti.J("mesh", c, d, e) : $, "mesh", c, d, e)
$APP.z(!1) && (a.displayName = "\x3cbox\x3e");
return a
$APP.ks = function() {
function a() {
var b = {
camera: zq
, c = $APP.Ti.j ? $APP.Ti.j(qt, null) : $, qt, null);
return $APP.Ti.m ? $APP.Ti.m($, b, c) : $, $, b, c)
$APP.z(!1) && (a.displayName = "\x3cdemo\x3e");
return a
//# sourceURL=/.compiled/box-demo.js
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