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Last active August 26, 2016 14:24
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  • Save darwin/59bd7f6e08c721be22cc3088df633e2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save darwin/59bd7f6e08c721be22cc3088df633e2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
dirac.lib.nrepl-tunnel | identify-dirac-nrepl-middleware response: {:id b9e78500-9377-41cc-b98c-b88b9fb816bd, :session 909eca6b-8426-44b8-8979-57160170d0bd, :version 0.6.4} | Created [WebSocketServer#1] {:host "localhost",
| :port 8231,
| :name "nREPL Tunnel Server",
| :ip "localhost",
| :on-message
| #object[clojure.core$partial$fn__4759 0x5edf9bca "clojure.core$partial$fn__4759@5edf9bca"],
| :on-incoming-client
| #object[clojure.core$partial$fn__4759 0x4861b4d6 "clojure.core$partial$fn__4759@4861b4d6"],
| :on-leaving-client
| #object[clojure.core$partial$fn__4759 0xafd2479 "clojure.core$partial$fn__4759@afd2479"]}
dirac.lib.nrepl-tunnel-server | [NREPLTunnelServer#1 of [NREPLTunnel#1]] Started Dirac nREPL tunnel server at ws://localhost:8231
dirac.lib.nrepl-tunnel-server | Created [NREPLTunnelServer#1 of [NREPLTunnel#1]] {:host "localhost", :port 8231}
dirac.lib.nrepl-tunnel | [NREPLTunnel#1] Starting server-messages-channel-processing-loop
dirac.lib.nrepl-tunnel | [NREPLTunnel#1] Starting client-messages-channel-processing-loop
dirac.lib.nrepl-tunnel | Created [NREPLTunnel#1] {:log-level "debug",
| :max-boot-trials 10,
| :initial-boot-delay 1000,
| :delay-between-boot-trials 500,
| :skip-logging-setup false,
| :nrepl-server {:host "localhost", :port 8230},
| :nrepl-tunnel {:host "localhost", :port 8231}}
dirac.agent-impl | Started Dirac Agent [DiracAgent#1]
Dirac Agent v0.6.4
Connected to nREPL server at nrepl://localhost:8230.
Agent is accepting connections at ws://localhost:8231.
dirac.lib.nrepl-tunnel-server | [NREPLTunnelServer#1 of [NREPLTunnel#1]] A new client [WebSocketServerClient#1] connected
dirac.lib.nrepl-tunnel-server | [NREPLTunnelServer#1 of [NREPLTunnel#1]] New client initialized #0dda26b5 | [WebSocketServerClient#1] Entering job-processing-loop
dirac.lib.nrepl-tunnel-server | [NREPLTunnelServer#1 of [NREPLTunnel#1]] process :nrepl-message from [WebSocketServerClient#1] {:op :nrepl-message,
| :envelope
| {:op "eval",
| :code
| "(do (require (quote dirac.nrepl)) (dirac.nrepl/boot-dirac-repl! {:runtime-tag \"binaryage/dirac-sample | http://localhost:9977/demo.html | Chrome/54.0.2840.0 | Mac/10.11.6\"}))",
| :id "beb5c287-6535-4b5c-9498-c31537c19b4b"}}
dirac.nrepl.piggieback | dirac-nrepl-middleware: eval 0dda26b5-06d7-4cb2-bb16-4ac77732baa6
dirac.nrepl | boot-dirac-repl! with effective config:
| {:log-out :console,
| :log-level "debug",
| :skip-logging-setup false,
| :weasel-repl {:host "localhost", :port 8232, :range 10},
| :runtime-tag
| "binaryage/dirac-sample | http://localhost:9977/demo.html | Chrome/54.0.2840.0 | Mac/10.11.6"} | Created [WebSocketServer#2] {:host "localhost",
| :port 8232,
| :port-range 10,
| :range 10,
| :after-launch
| #object[clojure.core$partial$fn__4759 0x18b5cdc6 "clojure.core$partial$fn__4759@18b5cdc6"],
| :on-message
| #object[clojure.core$partial$fn__4759 0xdf1bc1e "clojure.core$partial$fn__4759@df1bc1e"],
| :on-client-connection
| #object[clojure.core$partial$fn__4759 0x6ecaaee4 "clojure.core$partial$fn__4759@6ecaaee4"],
| :ip "localhost"}
dirac.lib.weasel-server | [WeaselREPLEnv#1] Weasel server started at ws://localhost:8232.
dirac.nrepl.sessions | add-dirac-session-descriptor! 0dda26b5-06d7-4cb2-bb16-4ac77732baa6 binaryage/dirac-sample | http://localhost:9977/demo.html | Chrome/54.0.2840.0 | Mac/10.11.6
dirac.nrepl.piggieback | sending :bootstrap-info {:op :bootstrap-info, :weasel-url ws://localhost:8232, :ns cljs.user}
dirac.nrepl.piggieback | sending raw message via nREPL transport:
| {:id "beb5c287-6535-4b5c-9498-c31537c19b4b",
| :session "0dda26b5-06d7-4cb2-bb16-4ac77732baa6",
| :op :bootstrap-info,
| :weasel-url "ws://localhost:8232",
| :ns cljs.user}
dirac.lib.weasel-server | [WeaselREPLEnv#1] A client connected #object[org.httpkit.server.AsyncChannel 0x2440d4cf /<->/] | [WebSocketServerClient#2] Entering job-processing-loop
dirac.lib.weasel-server | [WeaselREPLEnv#1] Received :ready message:
| {:op :ready,
| :ident
| "binaryage/dirac-sample | http://localhost:9977/demo.html | Chrome/54.0.2840.0 | Mac/10.11.6"}
dirac.lib.weasel-server | [WeaselREPLEnv#1] Client identified as 'binaryage/dirac-sample | http://localhost:9977/demo.html | Chrome/54.0.2840.0 | Mac/10.11.6'
dirac.nrepl.piggieback | sending raw message via nREPL transport:
| {:id "beb5c287-6535-4b5c-9498-c31537c19b4b",
| :session "0dda26b5-06d7-4cb2-bb16-4ac77732baa6",
| :value "true",
| :ns "cljs.user"}
dirac.nrepl.piggieback | sending raw message via nREPL transport:
| {:id "beb5c287-6535-4b5c-9498-c31537c19b4b",
| :session "0dda26b5-06d7-4cb2-bb16-4ac77732baa6",
| :status #{:done}}
dirac.lib.nrepl-tunnel-server | [NREPLTunnelServer#1 of [NREPLTunnel#1]] Received a bootstrap done from client [WebSocketServerClient#1]
inspector.js:4708 Installing CLJS DevTools 0.8.1 and enabling features :formatters :hints :async
inspector.js:4873 Dirac implant v0.6.4 initialized
inspector.js:4832 Starting REPL support. Dirac Runtime config is Cj
inspector.js:4832 Connecting to a nREPL tunnel at ws://localhost:8231. Tunnel options: nB: Array[10]H: nullK: 5L: 8196meta: nullv: 16647951__proto__: Object
inspector.js:4812 nREPL Tunnel Client: Connecting to server: ws://localhost:8231 with options: Cj
inspector.js:4809 nREPL Tunnel Client: Opened websocket connection
inspector.js:4809 nREPL Tunnel Client: Sending websocket message n
inspector.js:4810 nREPL Tunnel Client: Received websocket message n
inspector.js:4809 nREPL Tunnel Client: Sending websocket message n
inspector.js:4810 nREPL Tunnel Client: Received websocket message n
inspector.js:4829 Connecting to a weasel server at ws://localhost:8232. Weasel options: n
inspector.js:4812 Weasel Client: Connecting to server: ws://localhost:8232 with options: n
inspector.js:4809 Weasel Client: Opened websocket connection
inspector.js:4809 Weasel Client: Sending websocket message nB: Array[4]H: nullK: 2L: 8196meta: nullv: 16647951__proto__: Object
inspector.js:4810 Weasel Client: Received websocket message nB: Array[4]H: nullK: 2L: 8196meta: nullv: 16647951__proto__: Object
inspector.js:4809 Weasel Client: Sending websocket message CjH: nullK: 2L: 8196mb: falsemeta: nullnb: nullroot: kjv: 16123663__proto__: Object
inspector.js:4810 Weasel Client: Received websocket message nB: Array[4]H: nullK: 2L: 8196meta: nullv: 16647951__proto__: Object
inspector.js:4809 Weasel Client: Sending websocket message Cj
inspector.js:4810 nREPL Tunnel Client: Received websocket message n
inspector.js:4810 nREPL Tunnel Client: Received websocket message n
inspector.js:4836 Bootstrap done n
inspector.js:4809 nREPL Tunnel Client: Sending websocket message CjH: nullK: 1L: 8196mb: falsemeta: nullnb: nullroot: kjv: 16123663__proto__: Object
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