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Last active September 25, 2017 14:20
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(ns promise-test.core
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [cljs.core.async :refer [<! timeout chan put!]]))
(def delay-ms 100)
(defn async [n & [f]]
(<! (timeout delay-ms))
((or f identity) n)))
(defn square [n]
(* n n))
(defn serial [x]
(let [n (<! (async x))
n-squared (<! (async x square))]
(+ n n-squared))))
(defn parallel [x]
(let [n-chan (async x)
n-squared-chan (async x square)
[n n-squared] (<! (cljs.core.async/map vector [n-chan n-squared-chan]))]
(+ n n-squared))))
;; helpers for working with promises in CLJS
(defn soon
"Simulate an asynchronous result"
([v] (soon v identity))
([v f] (js/Promise. (fn [resolve]
(js/setTimeout #(resolve (f v))
(defn promise-to-chan [promise]
(let [channel (chan)]
(.then promise #(put! channel %))
(defn serial2 [x]
(let [n (<! (promise-to-chan (soon x)))
n-squared (<! (promise-to-chan (soon x square)))]
(+ n n-squared))))
(defn parallel2 [x]
(let [n-chan (promise-to-chan (soon x))
n-squared-chan (promise-to-chan (soon x square))
[n n-squared] (<! (cljs.core.async/map vector [n-chan n-squared-chan]))]
(+ n n-squared))))
(js/console.time "serial")
(js.console.log "serial:" (<! (serial 5)))
(js/console.timeEnd "serial") ; => ~200ms
(js/console.time "parallel")
(js.console.log "parallel:" (<! (parallel 5)))
(js/console.timeEnd "parallel") ; => ~100ms
(js/console.time "serial2")
(js.console.log "serial2:" (<! (serial2 5)))
(js/console.timeEnd "serial2") ; => ~200ms
(js/console.time "parallel2")
(js.console.log "parallel2:" (<! (parallel2 5)))
(js/console.timeEnd "parallel2")) ; => ~100ms
serial: 30
serial: 205.43798828125ms
parallel: 30
parallel: 104.713134765625ms
serial2: 30
serial2: 202.990966796875ms
parallel2: 30
parallel2: 104.5888671875ms
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