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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Security and Trust on the Web

Security and Trust on the Web

Daryl Tucker






Methods of Encryption

Block Cipher

Uses chunks of data. Fills extra room in each chunk with padding.

  1. Data Encryption Standard (DES)

    • IMB developed in 1970's
    • Published in 1977
    • Vulnerable to attacks due to small key size (56b)
    • DEPRECATED => triple-DES
  2. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

    • Published in 2001
    • Uses Rijndael Cipher

Stream Cipher

Encrypts each character or byte in succession.

  1. RC4
    • RSA 'Trade Secret' until September, 1994
    • Fast and Simple
    • Allows attacker to 'distinguish' encrypted data.
    • Causing issues with HTTPS/SSL

Digital Signature Schemes

Allows authentication of source of data

  • RSA
  • DSA

Cryptographic Hash Function

Gives a determined-length identifier for a series of bytes.

  1. MD5 / SHA-1

    • Collisons every 2^64
    • Replaced by SHA-2
  2. SHA-2 / SHA-3

    • Variable bits: 224, 256, 384, 512
    • Designed to be used in parallel/contingency
    • SHA-3 Uses Sponge Function

    $ sha256("Frank").hexdigest() 'db605e8f71913d1f3966ad908d78b8a8084f5047122037b2b91a7192b598a9ad'

    $ sha256("Frank White").hexdigest() '112eed9bd22287808323f9ed7760e566b78798d57cfb834d6a570774c9e1c77e'

Message Authentication Codes (MAC)

Cryptographic hash that allows validation with secret key.

What is Public-key Cryptography?

Symmetric-key vs Asymmetric-key

  1. Symmetric
    • The same key is used for encryption and decryption
    • Users must all have the same key
    • Problems with Secure Channel/MitM
  2. Asymmetric (1976)
    • 1970 James H. Ellis of Government Communications Headquarters, Britain
    • 1973 Clifford Cocks of GCHQ
    • 1974 Malcom J. Williamson of GCHQ (Diffie-Hellman Clone)
    • 1976 Diffie-Hellman
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
  • One Trip
  • ElGamal and DSA

Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

Other Popular usages of Asymmetric Cryptography
  • RSA
  • TLS => SSL
  • Bitcoin (donate: 17Hwm5tuH7rCMf8Ukc2U7RUvxN22WWPur5)

Web of Trust

  • Certificate Authorities

User Security

What we've learned since 1970

Establishing Trust

  • Chicken and Egg
  • Secure Channel
  • Man in the Middle (MitM)

Passwords and Phrases



90% of 16,00+ hashed passcodes cracked

Five days away

"Our goal is to find the most plains in the least amount of time, so we want to find as much low-hanging fruit as possible first."
  • 11% 1234
  • 6% 1111
  • 2% 0000

27% of all PINs cracked using only 20 combinations

Rainbow Tables

Protecting your key ring

  • WPA2 with AES
  • Password Generation/Storage
  • Browser Security
  • Trusting your LAN
  • Mobile Devices
  • Using GPG
  • Physical Security



  • [Cryptographic] Hashing vs Encrypting
  • Cryptanalysis
  • Cryptography vs Cryptology
  • Hacking vs Cracking
  • Storing Passwords
  • Misc Learnings and Best Practices


Computer Complexity
  1. Integer Factorization
    • Integer Factorization
    • RSA
  2. Discrete Logarithm
    • Discrete Logarithm
    • Diffie-Hellman
    • DSA
  3. Elliptic Curve
    • Elliptic Curve
    • ECDSA
    • Time-Consuming
    • Smaller Ciphertext
    • NSA Influence [1] [2]
    • Please use Curve25519
  1. Man in the Middle (MitM)
    • CA/Arbitrator
    • PKI Providers
    • Offline/Other secure channel
  2. Brute Force
    • Arbitrary/Random Pausing
    • Limiting requests over a timeframe
    • Whitelists
    • Blacklists
  3. Rainbow Tables
    • Salts
  4. Chosen-Plaintext
    • Collect many ciphertexts
    • Gardening
    • DES (Vulnerable)
    • AES (Secure)
  5. Side Channel
    • System/Physical Information
      • Sound, Electromagnetism
      • Differential Fault Analysis
      • Remanent Data
  6. Covert Channel
    • "Hacker's API"
  7. XSL
    • AES (Vulnerable, but not exactly)
  8. Key Recovery
    • Determine entire key vs breaking individual ciphertexts
    • AES-128 2^126.1
    • AES-192 2^189.7
    • AES-256 2^254.4
  9. Distinguishing
    • Random vs Real Data
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This has been made publicly available to assist people who wish to learn more about cryptography usage and as an opportunity for people to make constructive feedback, if they so choose.

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