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Forked from normanmaurer/
Created December 21, 2015 13:45
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extern crate hyper;
use hyper::server::{Server, Request, Response};
use hyper::status::StatusCode;
use hyper::header::{Host, UserAgent};
use hyper::uri::RequestUri;
use hyper::client::Client;
use std::io;
use std::fs::File;
const CACHE_DIR: &'static str = "/Users/michael/cache";
fn send_request(path: &str) -> hyper::client::Response {
let client = Client::new();
let client_req = client.get(&*format!("{}{}", "", path));
return client_req.header(Host {
hostname: String::from(""),
port: Some(80),
fn proxy_response(path: &str, resp: Response) {
let mut client_resp = send_request(&path);
io::copy(&mut client_resp, &mut resp.start().unwrap()).unwrap();
fn handle_jar(path: &str, mut resp: Response) {
let jar = CACHE_DIR.to_string() + &path;
match File::open(&jar) {
Ok(mut file) => {
if let Ok(mut r) = resp.start() {
if let Err(e) = io::copy(&mut file, &mut r) {
println!("Error during copy file {} to reponse {:?}", jar, e);
// Nothing we can do if this happens, as the response is broken
// somehow.
Err(_) => {
let mut client_resp = send_request(&path);
match jar.rfind('/') {
Some(index) => {
let _ = std::fs::create_dir_all(&jar[0..index]);
match File::create(&jar) {
Ok(mut file) => {
match io::copy(&mut client_resp, &mut file) {
Ok(_) => {
match File::open(&jar) {
Ok(mut file) => {
if let Ok(mut r) = resp.start() {
if let Err(e) = io::copy(&mut file, &mut r) {
println!("Error during copy file {} to reponse {:?}", jar, e);
// Nothing we can do if this happens, as the response is broken
// somehow.
Err(_) => {
// TODO: Fix me
Err(_) => {
*resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::InternalServerError;
Err(_) => {
// Can't create the file let us just proxy the response
if let Ok(mut r) = resp.start() {
if let Err(e) = io::copy(&mut client_resp, &mut r) {
println!("Error during copy client response to server reponse {:?}", e);
None => {
proxy_response(&path, resp);
fn handle(req: Request, mut resp: Response) {
match req.method {
hyper::Get => match req.uri {
RequestUri::AbsolutePath(ref p) if p.ends_with(".jar") => handle_jar(&p, resp),
RequestUri::AbsolutePath(p) => proxy_response(&p, resp),
_ => *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::InternalServerError
_ => *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::MethodNotAllowed
fn main() {
let server = Server::http("").unwrap();
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