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Last active July 20, 2017 21:00
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triangularheatmap userplot recipe for plotting data defined on a honeycomb lattice
using Plots; backend()
# get a upper/lower triangle shape for the heatmap on an underlying honeycomb lattice
function _triangle(center::NTuple{2}, hexlength::Real, triangle_orientation::Symbol = :lower)
@assert triangle_orientation in (:upper, :lower)
sgn = triangle_orientation == :upper ? 1 : -1
[center .+ edge for edge in
(0, sgn * hexlength),
(-sqrt(3) * hexlength / 2, -sgn * hexlength / 2),
(sqrt(3) * hexlength / 2, -sgn * hexlength / 2),
(0, sgn * hexlength),
@userplot TriangularHeatmap
# """
# `triangularheatmap(positions::Vector{NTuple{2}}, values::Vector, hexlength::Real = 1.0, triangle_orientation::Vector{Symbol} = [iseven(i) ? :upper : :lower for i in eachindex(positions)])`
# `triangularheatmap!(positions::Vector{NTuple{2}}, values::Vector, hexlength::Real = 1.0, triangle_orientation::Vector{Symbol} = [iseven(i) ? :upper : :lower for i in eachindex(positions)])`
# Plot a heatmap with triangular shapes.
# Arguments:
# * `positions` Positions of the triangle centers (hexagon corners of the underlying honeycomb lattice)
# * `values` Function values to be plotted
# * `hexlength` edge length of the underlying honeycomb lattice
# * `triangle_orientation` Vector of triangle orientations (`:upper` or `:lower`)
# """
@recipe function f(thp::TriangularHeatmap)
# get positions and data values
positions, values = thp.args[1:2]
# get the hexagon length
hexlength = length(thp.args) > 2 ? thp.args[3] : 1.0
# get the orientation of each triangle
triangle_orientation = length(thp.args) > 3 ? thp.args[4] : [iseven(i) ? :upper : :lower for i in eachindex(positions)]
# dirty hack to get a colorbar - plot invisible heatmap with
# data extrema
emin, emax = extrema(values)
@series begin
seriestype := :heatmap
primary := false
fill(positions[1][1], 2), fill(positions[1][2], 2), [emin emax; emax emin]
# get color gradient set by user
usercol = get(d, :seriescolor, :inferno)
mycgrad = cgrad(isa(usercol, Symbol) ? usercol : :inferno)
# map data values to [0, 1] for indexing the gradient
mycolors = [mycgrad[(v - emin) / (emax - emin)] for v in values]
color --> mycolors
linecolor --> mycolors
label --> ""
aspect_ratio --> :equal
# we assume here that we need alternating lower and upper triangles
# this may be modified according to the ordering of the positions
[_triangle(positions[i], hexlength, triangle_orientation[i]) for i in eachindex(positions)]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test the recipe
# dimensions
m, n = 20, 41
hexlength = 1.0
# get positions of corners of a honeycomb lattice with edge length `hexlength`
positions = [(i * sqrt(3) * hexlength / 2, 3 / 2 * j * hexlength + (iseven(i + j) ? hexlength / 2 : 0)) for i in 1:n for j in 1:m]
# show positions
scatter(positions, aspect_ratio = :equal, label = "")
# data (function) values at the positions
data = [i * j for i in 1:n for j in 1:m]
# orientation of the corresponding triangles
tri_or = [iseven(i + j) ? :lower : :upper for i in 1:n for j in 1:m]
# plot the triangular heatmap
triangularheatmap(positions, data, hexlength, tri_or)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# different gradients
plot([triangularheatmap(positions, data, hexlength, tri_or, color = grad) for grad in cgradients()]...)
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