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Created July 13, 2017 22:29
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JS Bin // source
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* The Daily Programmer: Condensing Sentences #319
* ===============================================
* My solution to the coding challenge presented by Cody
* and posted on FreeCodeCamp's Youtube channel with
* comments.
* [Video]:
* Learn to code for free and get a developer job:
/* Create a function named condenseSentence.
* You can name you functions whatever you
* like as long as it is a valid JS name.
* (
* The function takes one argument, a sentence
* and return a string.
var condenseSentence = function(sentence){
/* First make an array by spliting the
* sentence where spaces occur (" ").
var words = sentence.split(" ");
/* Now the tricky part, the reduce method.
* Once you have an array you can reduce the
* elements with a function.
* What reduce does is it iterates through the
* array, allowing you to take the current or
* first element and the next element, apply any
* function on them and pass the result to the
* next element.
* Since Array.prototype.reduce() does not change
* the array, we pass the result to our return
* statememnt. We could've also bound the value to
* a variable and returned the variable.
* More on reduce
return words.reduce(function(left, right) {
// Left is the current word
// Right is the next word
for(var i = 0; i < left.length; i++) {
/* We iterate over the current word
* and create a substring, geting shorter
* with every iteration.
* Say we have a string "freeCodeCamp".
* The results would be:
* > FreeCodeCamp
* > reeCodeCamp
* > eeCodeCamp
* > eCodeCamp
* > CodeCamp
* > odeCamp
* > deCamp
* > eCamp
* > Camp
* > amp
* > mp
* > p
var subString = left.substring(i);
if(right.startsWith(subString)) {
/* If the beginign of the next word
* matches our substring we concatinate
* the first word with the remainder
* of the second word, minus the overlaping
* substring
return left + right.replace(subString, "");
/* If no substring matches the second word
* we return both words as a string, seperated
return left + " " + right;
// Testing some example cases
console.log(condenseSentence("Hello world!"));
console.log(condenseSentence("I heard the pastor sing live verses easily."));
console.log(condenseSentence("Deep episodes of Deep Space Nine came on the television only after the news."));
console.log(condenseSentence("Digital alarm clocks scare area children."));
<script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">/*
* The Daily Programmer: Condensing Sentences #319
* ===============================================
* My solution to the coding challenge presented by Cody
* and posted on FreeCodeCamp's Youtube channel with
* comments.
* [Video]:
* Learn to code for free and get a developer job:
/* Create a function named condenseSentence.
* You can name you functions whatever you
* like as long as it is a valid JS name.
* (
* The function takes one argument, a sentence
* and return a string.
var condenseSentence = function(sentence){
/* First make an array by spliting the
* sentence where spaces occur (" ").
var words = sentence.split(" ");
/* Now the tricky part, the reduce method.
* Once you have an array you can reduce the
* elements with a function.
* What reduce does is it iterates through the
* array, allowing you to take the current or
* first element and the next element, apply any
* function on them and pass the result to the
* next element.
* Since Array.prototype.reduce() does not change
* the array, we pass the result to our return
* statememnt. We could've also bound the value to
* a variable and returned the variable.
* More on reduce
return words.reduce(function(left, right) {
// Left is the current word
// Right is the next word
for(var i = 0; i < left.length; i++) {
/* We iterate over the current word
* and create a substring, geting shorter
* with every iteration.
* Say we have a string "freeCodeCamp".
* The results would be:
* > FreeCodeCamp
* > reeCodeCamp
* > eeCodeCamp
* > eCodeCamp
* > CodeCamp
* > odeCamp
* > deCamp
* > eCamp
* > Camp
* > amp
* > mp
* > p
var subString = left.substring(i);
if(right.startsWith(subString)) {
/* If the beginign of the next word
* matches our substring we concatinate
* the first word with the remainder
* of the second word, minus the overlaping
* substring
return left + right.replace(subString, "");
/* If no substring matches the second word
* we return both words as a string, seperated
return left + " " + right;
// Testing some example cases
console.log(condenseSentence("Hello world!"));
console.log(condenseSentence("I heard the pastor sing live verses easily."));
console.log(condenseSentence("Deep episodes of Deep Space Nine came on the television only after the news."));
console.log(condenseSentence("Digital alarm clocks scare area children."));</script></body>
* The Daily Programmer: Condensing Sentences #319
* ===============================================
* My solution to the coding challenge presented by Cody
* and posted on FreeCodeCamp's Youtube channel with
* comments.
* [Video]:
* Learn to code for free and get a developer job:
/* Create a function named condenseSentence.
* You can name you functions whatever you
* like as long as it is a valid JS name.
* (
* The function takes one argument, a sentence
* and return a string.
var condenseSentence = function(sentence){
/* First make an array by spliting the
* sentence where spaces occur (" ").
var words = sentence.split(" ");
/* Now the tricky part, the reduce method.
* Once you have an array you can reduce the
* elements with a function.
* What reduce does is it iterates through the
* array, allowing you to take the current or
* first element and the next element, apply any
* function on them and pass the result to the
* next element.
* Since Array.prototype.reduce() does not change
* the array, we pass the result to our return
* statememnt. We could've also bound the value to
* a variable and returned the variable.
* More on reduce
return words.reduce(function(left, right) {
// Left is the current word
// Right is the next word
for(var i = 0; i < left.length; i++) {
/* We iterate over the current word
* and create a substring, geting shorter
* with every iteration.
* Say we have a string "freeCodeCamp".
* The results would be:
* > FreeCodeCamp
* > reeCodeCamp
* > eeCodeCamp
* > eCodeCamp
* > CodeCamp
* > odeCamp
* > deCamp
* > eCamp
* > Camp
* > amp
* > mp
* > p
var subString = left.substring(i);
if(right.startsWith(subString)) {
/* If the beginign of the next word
* matches our substring we concatinate
* the first word with the remainder
* of the second word, minus the overlaping
* substring
return left + right.replace(subString, "");
/* If no substring matches the second word
* we return both words as a string, seperated
return left + " " + right;
// Testing some example cases
console.log(condenseSentence("Hello world!"));
console.log(condenseSentence("I heard the pastor sing live verses easily."));
console.log(condenseSentence("Deep episodes of Deep Space Nine came on the television only after the news."));
console.log(condenseSentence("Digital alarm clocks scare area children."));
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