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Last active April 5, 2018 19:05
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Emulates the SWITCH function introduced in Excel 2016.
' Author: Daniel Shaw (dashaw92) - April 1, 2018
' This function emulates the behavior of SWITCH,
' a convenience function introduced in Excel 2016.
' To add this function to Excel, follow the steps listed on:
' Note: The 2016 version has a limit of 126
' conditions and results, whereas this version is
' only limited by memory. Otherwise, this should be
' cross compatible with the 2016 version.
Function SWITCH(predicate, val1, res1, ParamArray tests())
' Since val1 and res1 aren't optional, we can test these directly.
If predicate = val1 Then
SWITCH = res1
Exit Function
ElseIf UBound(tests) < 0 Then
' The predicate isn't the same as val1, and we have no other arguments.
' Return False.
Exit Function
End If
For i = 0 To UBound(tests)
' Param array must be the last parameter in the signature,
' so here is a hack to implement the default parameter.
' If the tests array has an odd amount of arguments, we
' assume that the last element in the array is the default
' parameter. Conditions and results come in pairs.
If i Mod 2 = 0 And i = UBound(tests) Then
SWITCH = tests(i)
Exit Function
End If
' Otherwise, we'll test the value at tests[i] and return
' tests[i + 1] if it's true.
If predicate = tests(i) Then
SWITCH = tests(i + 1)
Exit Function
End If
Next i
' None of the conditions passed, so return False.
End Function
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dashaw92 commented Apr 5, 2018

It appears that when viewing workbooks created in Excel 2016 or later, SWITCH is replaced with _xlfn.SWITCH. To solve this, search and replace for _xlfn.SWITCH with SWITCH.

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