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Last active March 12, 2023 00:33
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Chorded inventory actions
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
import java.util.function.Supplier
//Built with ChordBuilder for convenience
//Represents a "chorded" action in a menu that keeps state between clicks
class Chord<T>(
//The actions to take at each step
//Actions increment by one when the previous action
//returns StateResult.Accepted
//The step counter resets when the previous action
//returns StateResult.ResetSteps
private val recipe: Map<Int, ChordAction<T>>,
//Supplier of initial state. Used when the
//state is ready (we're done with the last step)
//or the previous action provides a ResetSteps result
private val stateBuilder: Supplier<T>,
//When the chord is complete, this is invoked with the
//final output state
private val terminal: (T) -> Unit
) {
//Total number of steps this action contains
private val steps: Int = recipe.size
// Internal state: Where we are in the action
private var current = 0
// Potentially half-baked state object with intermediate data
private var state = stateBuilder.get()
// Run the next action in the recipe
// May not progress the current step if the
// action returns false for this event
// If the Chord is already ready to produce the final
// output, this does nothing
fun next(event: InventoryClickEvent) {
when (recipe[current]!!.test(event, state)) {
StateResult.ResetSteps -> {
StateResult.Accepted -> current += 1
StateResult.Rejected -> {
//Check if the recipe is completed, and if so,
//call the terminal action with the final state
//and then reset the internal state to be ready for
//the next iteration of actions
if (isReady()) {
//Check if the action has enough input to produce the output
private fun isReady(): Boolean = current == steps
//Get the output value, ready or not,
//and then reset internal state with the
private fun getAndReset(): T {
current = 0
val output = state
state = stateBuilder.get()
return output
//Public API for building Chords
class ChordBuilder<T>(private val stateBuilder: Supplier<T>) {
private val recipe: MutableMap<Int, ChordAction<T>> = mutableMapOf()
private var terminal: ((T) -> Unit)? = null
//Add an action that should be repeated `amount` times
fun loopStep(amount: Int, action: ChordAction<T>): ChordBuilder<T> {
for (i in 0 until amount) {
val next = recipe.size
recipe[next] = action
return this
//Sequentially add actions
fun withStep(action: ChordAction<T>): ChordBuilder<T> {
val next = recipe.size
recipe[next] = action
return this
//Run when the recipe is completed,
//a lambda that accepts the final state
fun withTerminal(action: (T) -> Unit): ChordBuilder<T> {
this.terminal = action
return this
//Build it!
fun build(): Chord<T> {
return Chord(recipe, stateBuilder, terminal ?: { })
//Lambda compatible
//When it returns:
// * Accepted: The action was successful, and we should go to the next step
// * Rejected: The action was NOT successful, keep trying this step
// * ResetSteps: Action was NOT successful, and we should start over from step 1
fun interface ChordAction<T> {
fun test(event: InventoryClickEvent, state: T): StateResult
enum class StateResult {
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