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Created June 16, 2017 23:56
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{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Conditional(whenM)
import Control.Exception(bracket_)
import Control.Monad(forM_, void)
import Control.Monad.State(StateT, execStateT, lift, modify)
import Data.GI.Base.ManagedPtr(unsafeCastTo)
import Data.Text(Text)
import GI.Gio
import GI.OSTree
import System.FilePath((</>))
import System.IO.Temp(withTempDirectory)
import System.Posix.Files(createSymbolicLink)
initRepo :: FilePath -> IO (Repo, [Text])
initRepo repoDir = do
path <- fileNewForPath repoDir
repo <- repoNew path
repoCreate repo RepoModeArchiveZ2 noCancellable
commit <- addContent repo
checksums <- execStateT (commitContents repo commit) []
return (repo, checksums)
addContent :: IsRepo a => a -> IO Text
addContent repo = withTransaction repo $ \r -> do
-- create a temp directory with some content to import
f <- withTempDirectory "." "ostree-test-content" $ \contentDir -> do
cdPath <- fileNewForPath contentDir
createSymbolicLink "/dev/null" (contentDir </> "test-link")
mtree <- mutableTreeNew
repoWriteDirectoryToMtree r cdPath mtree Nothing noCancellable
repoWriteMtree r mtree noCancellable
-- commit the tree as "master"
unsafeCastTo RepoFile f >>= \root -> do
checksum <- repoWriteCommit r Nothing (Just "Test commit") Nothing Nothing root noCancellable
repoTransactionSetRef r Nothing "master" (Just checksum)
repoRegenerateSummary r Nothing noCancellable
return checksum
withTransaction :: IsRepo a => a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
withTransaction repo fn =
bracket_ (repoPrepareTransaction repo noCancellable)
(repoCommitTransaction repo noCancellable)
(fn repo)
commitContents :: IsRepo a => a -> Text -> StateT [Text] IO ()
commitContents repo commit = do
(root, _) <- repoReadCommit repo commit noCancellable
file <- fileResolveRelativePath root "/"
info <- fileQueryInfo file "*" [FileQueryInfoFlagsNofollowSymlinks] noCancellable
walk file info
walk :: File -> FileInfo -> StateT [Text] IO ()
walk f i = lift (fileInfoGetFileType i) >>= \case
FileTypeDirectory -> do getChecksum FileTypeDirectory f >>= addChecksum
-- Grab the info for everything in this directory.
dirEnum <- fileEnumerateChildren f "*" [FileQueryInfoFlagsNofollowSymlinks] noCancellable
childrenInfo <- getAllChildren dirEnum []
-- Examine the contents of this directory recursively - this results in all
-- the files being added by the other branch of the case, and other directories
-- being handled recusrively. Thus, we do this depth-first.
forM_ childrenInfo $ \childInfo -> do
child <- fileInfoGetName childInfo >>= fileGetChild f
walk child childInfo
ty -> getChecksum ty f >>= addChecksum
addChecksum :: Text -> StateT [Text] IO ()
addChecksum c = modify (c:)
getAllChildren :: FileEnumerator -> [FileInfo] -> StateT [Text] IO [FileInfo]
getAllChildren enum accum =
fileEnumeratorNextFile enum noCancellable >>= \case
Just next -> getAllChildren enum (accum ++ [next])
Nothing -> return accum
getChecksum :: FileType -> File -> StateT [Text] IO Text
getChecksum ty f = lift $ unsafeCastTo RepoFile f >>= \repoFile ->
case ty of
FileTypeDirectory -> do -- this needs to be called before repoFileTreeGetMetadataChecksum to populate the data
repoFileEnsureResolved repoFile
repoFileTreeGetMetadataChecksum repoFile
_ -> repoFileGetChecksum repoFile
main :: IO ()
main = void $ withTempDirectory "." "ostree-test-" $ \tmpDir -> do
-- create the repo and add some content
-- (all of this seems to work fine)
(repo, checksums) <- initRepo tmpDir
mapM_ (getObject repo) checksums
getObject :: IsRepo a => a -> Text -> IO ()
getObject repo checksum = do
print $ "Loading " ++ show checksum
whenM (repoHasObject repo ObjectTypeFile checksum noCancellable) loadFile
loadFile :: IO ()
-- This is where the problems happen
loadFile = void $ repoLoadFile repo checksum noCancellable
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