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Last active May 19, 2020 17:22
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Corvid by Wix: Product Configurators
// Step 1: Specify the IDs of the components on your dynamic product page
const _options = [
// Three sets of options
overlay: '#image2',
title: '#text14',
repeater: '#repeater1',
button: '#button1',
buttonImage: '#image5'
overlay: '#image3',
title: '#text15',
repeater: '#repeater2',
button: '#button2',
buttonImage: '#image6'
overlay: '#image4',
title: '#text16',
repeater: '#repeater3',
button: '#button3',
buttonImage: '#image7'
const _databases = [
'#dataset1', // options
'#dataset2' // customizations
// Step 2: Add in ProductConfigurators class
class ProductConfigurators {
constructor (options, databases) {
this.options = => {
return {
overlay: $w(v.overlay),
title: $w(v.title),
repeater: $w(v.repeater)
this.databases = => {
return $w(v);
init () {
// hide all
// load databases and create customization
this.loadDatabases().then(values => {
this.populateOptionsWithData(values[0], values[1]);
}).catch(err => {
hideAll () {
this.options.forEach(o => {
Object.keys(o).forEach((key, i) => {
const f = o[key];
if (f.hide) f.hide(); // only hide $w objects
if (f.src) f.src = 'https://'; // clear img
loadDatabases () {
const deferreds = => {
return (function () {
let res, rej;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
res = resolve;
rej = reject;
promise.resolve = res;
promise.reject = rej;
return promise;
this.databases.forEach((v, i) => {
v.onReady(() => {
v.getItems(0, v.getTotalCount()).then(result => {
}).catch(err => {
deferreds[i].reject('#dataset' + (i + 1) + ' not loaded!');
return Promise.all(deferreds);
populateOptionsWithData (dbOptions, dbCustomizations) {
dbOptions.forEach((option, index) => {
const $option = this.options[index];
// set title
$option.title.text = option.displayTitle;
// populate repeater
const cs = dbCustomizations.filter(c => c.option === option._id);
$ = cs;
$option.repeater.onItemReady(($item, itemData, index) => {
const $button = $item($option.button);
const $buttonImage = $item($option.buttonImage);
// set button image
$buttonImage.src = itemData.choiceImage;
// set button on click to apply overlay
$button.onClick(event => {
$option.overlay.src = itemData.displayImage;
// Step 3 (Final Step): Initialize configurators after $w is ready
$w.onReady(function () {
// referencing the _options and _databases in Step 1
new ProductConfigurators(_options, _databases);
// All set!
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