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Last active December 20, 2018 20:19
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[netcore build scripts] Build scripts used to play well with build servers, primarily Bitbucket pipelines
[parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "The name of the project that will be dockerized. Dockerfile must be in that directory")]
[Alias("Project")][String] $project_name,
[parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "The image name that will be used to tag the image.")]
[Alias("Name")][String] $image_name,
[parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "The tag that will be used to tag the image.")]
[Alias("Tag")][String] $image_tag,
[parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "MyGet pre-auth'd URL")]
[Alias("MyGetSource")][String] $myget_source,
[parameter(HelpMessage = "Flag for whether or not this tag should also be tagged as latest.")]
[Alias("Latest")][Switch] $tag_latest,
[parameter(HelpMessage = "Flag for whether or not the images should also be pushed.")]
[Alias("Push")][Switch] $push_images,
[parameter(HelpMessage = "Flag to disable the publish step.")]
[Alias("NoBuild")][Switch] $skip_publish,
[parameter(HelpMessage = "Build configuration. Default 'Release'")]
[Alias("Config")][String] $build_config = "Release",
[parameter(HelpMessage = "Publish output directory. Default 'out'")]
[Alias("Output")][String] $output_directory = "out"
function attempt() {
try {
$cmd, $params = $args
$params = @($params)
$output = & $cmd @params 2>&1
if (-Not $?) {
throw $output
} catch {
Write-Output "COMMAND FAILED: $cmd $params"
exit 1
function publish_project() {
attempt dotnet restore src -s $myget_source -s
attempt dotnet publish src/$project_name/$project_name.csproj -o $output_directory -c $build_config
function build_image() {
Write-Output "Building docker image called '${image_name}:${image_tag}' using binaries located in the directory '$output_directory'!"
attempt docker build -t "${image_name}:${image_tag}" --build-arg bin_dir=$output_directory src/$project_name/
if($tag_latest) {
Write-Output "Tagging as latest..."
attempt docker tag "${image_name}:${image_tag}" "${image_name}:latest"
if(-Not $skip_publish) {
if($push_images) {
attempt docker push "${image_name}:${image_tag}"
if($tag_latest) {
attempt docker push "${image_name}:latest"
[parameter(Mandatory)][Alias("Solution")][String] $project_name,
[parameter(Mandatory)][Alias("MyGetSource")][String] $myget_source,
[parameter()][Alias("BuildConfiguration")][String] $build_configuration = "Release",
[parameter()][Alias("SonarUrl")][String] $sonar_url,
[parameter()][Alias("SonarKey")][String] $sonar_key,
[parameter()][Alias("Test")][Switch] $run_tests,
[parameter()][Alias("Analyze")][Switch] $run_analysis
function attempt() {
try {
$cmd, $params = $args
$params = @($params)
$output = & $cmd @params 2>&1
if (-Not $?) {
throw $output
} catch {
Write-Output "COMMAND FAILED: $cmd $params"
exit 1
function validate_parameters {
if($run_analysis) {
if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sonar_url) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sonar_key)) {
throw "SonarUrl and SonarKey are required to run static code analysis!"
function run_unit_tests {
dotnet tool install -g trx2junit
$testFailed = $false
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path .\test-results
foreach($testProject in (Get-ChildItem -Path src -File -Recurse -Filter "*.Tests.csproj" )) {
dotnet test $testProject.FullName `
/p:CollectCoverage=true `
/p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover `
/p:CoverletOutput=./test-results/coverage `
--logger:trx -r ./test-results
if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
# record the fail but allow this to continue so that all tests are run
$testFailed = $true
Get-ChildItem -Path "$($testProject.Directory.FullName)\test-results" -Recurse -File -Filter "*.trx" | `
Move-Item -Force -Destination .\test-results `
foreach($testOutput in (Get-ChildItem -Path .\test-results -File -Filter "*.trx")) {
& "${toolsPath}trx2junit" $testOutput.FullName
Remove-Item $testOutput.FullName
if($testFailed) {
exit 1
$toolsPath = if($IsWindows -or ($Env:OS -and $Env:OS.Contains("Windows"))) { "$env:USERPROFILE\.dotnet\tools\" } else { "$HOME/.dotnet/tools/" }
attempt validate_parameters
attempt dotnet restore src -s $myget_source -s
if($run_analysis) {
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-sonarscanner
& "${toolsPath}dotnet-sonarscanner" begin `
/k:"$project_name" `
/"$sonar_url" `
/d:sonar.login="$sonar_key" `
if(-Not $?) { exit 1 }
attempt dotnet build src/${project_name}.sln -c $build_configuration
if($run_tests) {
attempt run_unit_tests
if($run_analysis) {
& "${toolsPath}dotnet-sonarscanner" end /d:sonar.login="$sonar_key"
if(-Not $?) { exit 1 }
[parameter( HelpMessage = "Names of projects to be packed.")]
[Alias("Projects")][String[]] $pack_projects,
[parameter(HelpMessage = "The build number that will be used to version the packages.")]
[Alias("BuildNumber")][Int32] $build_number,
[parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "The MyGet pre-auth'd URL")]
[Alias("MyGetSource")][String] $myget_source,
[parameter(HelpMessage = "If the Symbols server URL is included, this script will push symbols to it.")]
[Alias("SymbolsSource")][String] $myget_symbols,
[parameter(HelpMessage = "The build configuration. Default 'Release'")]
[Alias("BuildConfiguration")][String] $build_config = "Release",
[parameter(HelpMessage = "Flag for whether or not the package should be pushed after packing.")]
[Alias("Push")][Switch] $push_package,
[parameter(HelpMessage = "If set, script will delete all nupkg files before beginning.")]
[Alias("ClearPackages")][Switch] $clear_packages,
[parameter(HelpMessage = "If set, the build action will be skipped")]
[Alias("NoBuild")][Switch] $no_build
function attempt() {
try {
$cmd, $params = $args
$params = @($params)
$output = & $cmd @params 2>&1
if (-Not $?) {
throw $output
} catch {
Write-Output "COMMAND FAILED: $cmd $params"
exit 1
function build_project() {
attempt dotnet build src -c $build_config
function pack_projects() {
foreach($project in $pack_projects){
if($myget_symbols) {
dotnet pack src/$project/$project.csproj -c $build_config /p:BuildNumber=$build_number --include-symbols
} else {
dotnet pack src/$project/${project}.csproj -c $build_config /p:BuildNumber=$build_number
if(-Not $no_build) {
if($clear_packages) {
foreach($package in (Get-ChildItem -Path . -File -Recurse -Filter "*.nupkg")) {
Remove-Item -Path $package.FullName
# run this explicitly because sometimes build wont run the pack even if the option is set in the csproj
if($push_package) {
foreach($package in (Get-ChildItem -Path . -File -Recurse -Filter "*.nupkg")) {
Write-Output $package.FullName
if($myget_symbols) {
attempt dotnet nuget push $package.FullName -s $myget_source -ss $myget_symbols
} else {
attempt dotnet nuget push $package.FullName -s $myget_source
[parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "Name of the project that will be built (no extension).")]
[Alias("Project")][String] $project_name,
[parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "The MyGet pre-auth'd URL")]
[Alias("MyGetSource")][String] $myget_source,
[parameter(HelpMessage = "Directory to which the binaries will be published. Default 'out'")]
[Alias("Output")][String] $output_directory = "out",
[parameter(HelpMessage = "Build Configuration. Default 'Release'")]
[Alias("Configuration")][String] $build_config = "Release"
function attempt() {
try {
$cmd, $params = $args
$params = @($params)
$output = & $cmd @params 2>&1
if (-Not $?) {
throw $output
} catch {
Write-Output "COMMAND FAILED: $cmd $params"
exit 1
function publish_binaries() {
attempt dotnet restore src -s $myget_source -s
attempt dotnet publish src/$project_name/$project_name.csproj -o $output_directory -c $build_config
attempt publish_binaries
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