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Created July 5, 2013 14:31
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radio@s17063954:~$ liquidsoap script.liq
2013/07/05 16:29:24 >>> LOG START
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [protocols.external:3] Found "/usr/bin/wget".
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [main:3] Liquidsoap 1.1.1
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [main:3] Using: pcre=6.2.3 dtools=0.3.1 duppy=0.5.1 duppy.syntax=0.5.1 cry=0.2.2 mm=0.2.1 mad=0.4.4 dynlink=[distributed with Ocaml] lame=0.3.2 samplerate=0.1.2 taglib=0.3.1 camomile=0.8.3 soundtouch=0.1.7
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [dynamic.loader:3] Could not find dynamic module for aacplus encoder.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [frame:3] Using 44100Hz audio, 25Hz video, 44100Hz master.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [frame:3] Frame size must be a multiple of 1764 ticks = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [frame:3] Targetting 'frame.duration': 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1764 ticks.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [frame:3] Frames last 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples = 1764 ticks.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [video.converter:4] Couldn't find preferred video converter: gavl.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [audio.converter:4] Using preferred samplerate converter: libsamplerate.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [threads:3] Created thread "generic queue #1".
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [threads:3] Created thread "generic queue #2".
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [clock:4] Currently 2 clocks allocated.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [clock.wallclock_main:4] Starting 1 sources...
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [source:4] Source output.icecast_4707 gets up.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [source:4] Source mksafe gets up.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [source:4] Source cue_cut_4699 gets up.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [cue_cut_4699:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [source:4] Source playlist_4698 gets up.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [AnSolas&LightRocker-LiveSet2012(dot)cue:3] Loading playlist...
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [AnSolas&LightRocker-LiveSet2012(dot)cue:3] No mime type specified, trying autodetection.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [playlist parser:4] Trying application/x-cue parser
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [AnSolas&LightRocker-LiveSet2012(dot)cue:3] Playlist treated as format application/x-cue
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [AnSolas&LightRocker-LiveSet2012(dot)cue:3] Successfully loaded a playlist of 6 tracks.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [AnSolas&LightRocker-LiveSet2012(dot)cue:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [AnSolas&LightRocker-LiveSet2012(dot)cue:4] Activations changed: static=[cue_cut_4699], dynamic=[].
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [cue_cut_4699:4] Activations changed: static=[], dynamic=[mksafe:stream(dot)ogg:stream(dot)ogg].
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [source:4] Source safe_blank gets up.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [safe_blank:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [safe_blank:4] Activations changed: static=[], dynamic=[mksafe:stream(dot)ogg:stream(dot)ogg].
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [mksafe:4] Activations changed: static=[stream(dot)ogg:stream(dot)ogg], dynamic=[].
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [stream(dot)ogg:4] Activations changed: static=[stream(dot)ogg], dynamic=[].
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [stream(dot)ogg:4] Enabling caching mode: active source.
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [stream(dot)ogg:3] Connecting mount stream.ogg for source@localhost...
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [decoder:4] Trying method "META" for "/home/radio/Mixdown-MixdownFinalA_16Bit_BWF.wav"...
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [decoder:4] Trying method "WAV" for "/home/radio/Mixdown-MixdownFinalA_16Bit_BWF.wav"...
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [decoder.wav:4] "/home/radio/Mixdown-MixdownFinalA_16Bit_BWF.wav" recognized as WAV file (s16le,44100Hz,2 channels).
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [decoder:3] Method "WAV" accepted "/home/radio/Mixdown-MixdownFinalA_16Bit_BWF.wav".
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [decoder.taglib:4] Invalid file extension for "/home/radio/Mixdown-MixdownFinalA_16Bit_BWF.wav"!
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [decoder.taglib:4] Error while decoding file tags: Invalid file
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [decoder.taglib:4] Backtrace:
Raised at file "", line 118, characters 14-23
Called from file "", line 126, characters 18-34
2013/07/05 16:29:24 [AnSolas&LightRocker-LiveSet2012(dot)cue:4] Remaining: 0.0s, queued: 0.0s, adding: 30.0s (RID 1)
2013/07/05 16:29:25 [stream(dot)ogg:3] Connection setup was successful.
2013/07/05 16:29:25 [threads:3] Created thread "wallclock_main" (1 total).
2013/07/05 16:29:25 [clock:4] Main phase starts.
2013/07/05 16:29:25 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Streaming loop starts, synchronized with wallclock.
2013/07/05 16:29:25 [mksafe:3] Switch to safe_blank.
2013/07/05 16:29:25 [safe_blank:4] Activations changed: static=[mksafe:stream(dot)ogg:stream(dot)ogg], dynamic=[mksafe:stream(dot)ogg:stream(dot)ogg].
2013/07/05 16:29:25 [AnSolas&LightRocker-LiveSet2012(dot)cue:4] Remaining: 0.0s, queued: 30.0s, taking: 30.0s
2013/07/05 16:29:25 [AnSolas&LightRocker-LiveSet2012(dot)cue:3] Prepared "/home/radio/Mixdown-MixdownFinalA_16Bit_BWF.wav" (RID 1).
2013/07/05 16:29:25 [mksafe:3] Switch to cue_cut_4699 with transition.
2013/07/05 16:29:25 [safe_blank:4] Activations changed: static=[], dynamic=[mksafe:stream(dot)ogg:stream(dot)ogg].
2013/07/05 16:29:25 [cue_cut_4699:4] Activations changed: static=[mksafe:stream(dot)ogg:stream(dot)ogg], dynamic=[mksafe:stream(dot)ogg:stream(dot)ogg].
2013/07/05 16:29:25 [decoder.wav:4] WAV header read (44100Hz, 16bits, 657972000bytes), starting decoding...
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