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Created June 5, 2022 10:03
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CS50 2022 Psets 7 Fiftyville mystery solution
-- Keep a log of any SQL queries you execute as you solve the mystery.
-- crime happened on july 28, 2021 and it took place on Humphrey Street
-- check the description of the crime in the cime scene reports table at the known day and place
select description from crime_scene_reports
where year=2021 and month = 7 and day = 28 and street = "Humphrey Street";
-- checking the interview stranscripts
select name, transcript from interviews
where day = "28" and month = "7" and year = "2021";
-- checking to see how many people by the name Eugene in the peoples table
select name from people where name = 'Eugene';
-- there is only one eugene in people list
-- let's find out who are the 3 witnesses from the list of names of people who game interviews on july 28, 2021. According to crime report
-- each of them mentioned bakery in their report
select name,transcript from interviews
where year=2021 and month=7 and day=28 and transcript like '%bakery%'
order by name;
-- according to eugene the thief was withdrawing money from the ATM on Leggett Street. Let's check the detials from that atm records
select account_number, amount from atm_transactions
where year = 2021 and month =7 and day=28 and atm_location='Leggett Street' and transaction_type='withdraw';
-- let's find the account names of those transactions from the bank based on their transaction detials
select name, atm_transactions.amount, atm_transactions.account_number from people
join bank_accounts on = bank_accounts.person_id
join atm_transactions on bank_accounts.account_number = atm_transactions.account_number
where atm_transactions.year=2021
and atm_transactions.month=7
and atm_transactions.atm_location='Leggett Street'
and atm_transactions.transaction_type = 'withdraw';
-- according to raymonds lead lets find out the infomation about the airport in Fiftyville
select abbreviation, full_name, city
from airports
where city = 'Fiftyville';
-- Now let's find out what the flights scheduled on 29 from Fiftyville and order them by time
select, full_name, city, flights.hour, flights.minute
from airports
join flights
on = flights.destination_airport_id
where flights.origin_airport_id = (
select id
from airports
where city = 'Fiftyville'
and flights.year = 2021
and flights.month = 7
and = 29
order by flights.hour, flights.minute;
-- the first flight scheduled to be 8.20 to LaGuardia Airport in New York City (flight id is 36) this might be the place where theif went
-- Now can check the passengers list to find out who are the people onboard that flight ordering them by their passport numbers
select passengers.flight_id, name, passengers.passport_number,
from people
join passengers
on people.passport_number = passengers.passport_number
join flights
on passengers.flight_id =
where flights.year = 2021
and flights.month = 7
and = 29
and flights.hour = 8
and flights.minute = 20
order by passengers.passport_number;
-- now let's check the phone call records to find the person who bought the tickets
-- first, need to check the possible names of the callers, and put the names in the suspect list. ordering them according to the durations of the calls
select name, phone_calls.duration
from people
join phone_calls
on people.phone_number = phone_calls.caller
where phone_calls.year = 2021
and phone_calls.month = 7
and = 28
and phone_calls.duration <= 60
order by phone_calls.duration;
-- next let's check the possible names of the call-receiver. then order them by the durations of the calls
select name, phone_calls.duration
from people
join phone_calls
on people.phone_number = phone_calls.receiver
where phone_calls.year = 2021
and phone_calls.month = 7
and = 28
and phone_calls.duration <= 60
order by phone_calls.duration;
-- according to Ruth the thief drove away in a car from the bakery, within 10minutes from the theft. So let's check the licencse plates of cars within that time frame with
-- the respective owners of the vehicles
select name, bakery_security_logs.hour, bakery_security_logs.minute
from people
join bakery_security_logs
on people.license_plate = bakery_security_logs.license_plate
where bakery_security_logs.year = 2021
and bakery_security_logs.month = 7
and = 28
and bakery_security_logs.activity = 'exit'
and bakery_security_logs.minute >= 15
and bakery_security_logs.minute <= 25
order by bakery_security_logs.minute;
-- After cosidering all the lists of list of people who drove away from bakery, list of people who called, list of passengers, list of people who withdraw monty from the atm
-- Bruce appear in all of them so he must be the thief and he ran away to New York City
-- and Robin must be the one who accomplice with Bruce
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