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Created February 17, 2018 02:53
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Regular Expressions In Julia
Notes on Regular expressions in Julia:
Regular Expressions Cookbook, Jan Goyvaerts & Steven Levithan.
Julialang Gitter Chat.
Aside: Different capture modes
# Too Greedy! Avoid using "." when ever possible and (.*?) is pretty lethal
match(r"First Name: (.*?), Last Name: (.*?)", "First Name: Jimmy, Last Name: Hendrix")
# RegexMatch("First Name: Jimmy, Last Name: ", 1="Jimmy", 2="")
# Better ways to go ...
match(r"First Name: (?P<first>\w+), Last Name: (?P<last>\w+)", "First Name: Jimmy, Last Name: Hendrix")
# RegexMatch("First Name: Jimmy, Last Name: Hendrix", first="Jimmy", last="Hendrix")
match(r"First Name: (.*), Last Name: (.*)", "First Name: Jimmy, Last Name: Hendrix")
# RegexMatch("First Name: Jimmy, Last Name: Hendrix", 1="Jimmy", 2="Hendrix")
match(r"First Name: (.*?), Last Name: (.*?)$", "First Name: Jimmy, Last Name: Hendrix")
# RegexMatch("First Name: Jimmy, Last Name: Hendrix", 1="Jimmy", 2="Hendrix")
match(r"First Name: (\w*), Last Name: (\w*)", "First Name: Jimmy, Last Name: Hendrix")
# RegexMatch("First Name: Jimmy, Last Name: Hendrix", 1="Jimmy", 2="Hendrix”)
match(r"First Name: (\w+), Last Name: (\w+)", "First Name: Jimmy, Last Name: Hendrix")
# RegexMatch("First Name: Jimmy, Last Name: Hendrix", 1="Jimmy", 2="Hendrix")
match(r"First Name: (.+), Last Name: (.+)", "First Name: Jimmy J., Last Name: Hendrix")
# RegexMatch("First Name: Jimmy J., Last Name: Hendrix", 1="Jimmy J.", 2="Hendrix")
match(r"First Name: ([A-z]+), Last Name: ([A-z]+)", "First Name: Jimmy, Last Name: Hendrix")
# RegexMatch("First Name: Jimmy, Last Name: Hendrix", 1="Jimmy", 2="Hendrix")
#\d any character that matches \p{Nd} (decimal digit)
#\s any character that matches \p{Z} or \h or \v
#\w any character that matches \p{L} or \p{N}, plus underscore
# Regex characters that must be escaped:
# Source: Regular Expressions Cookbook, by Jan Goyvarets & Steven Levithan
# "\.", "\^", "\$", "\(", "\)", "\{", "\[", "\]", "\+", "\*", "\?", "\|"
# Only the opening curly brace needs to be escaped:
match(r"\{USD(\d+)\.(\d+)}", "Put your money in the brakets {USD59.00}")
# RegexMatch("(USD59.00)", 1="59", 2="00")
Word boundaries, reference:
These boundaries are zero-length matches, meaning that they
do not consume a character in the string but only assert
what match is possible.
"\b" matches word boundaries, "\B" matches non-word boundaries
match(r"(\bis\b)", "This island is beautiful")
# RegexMatch("is", 1="is")
match(r"(\bis\b)", "This island is beautiful")[1]
# "is"
POSIX start and end word boundaries: [[:<:]] matches start and [[:>:]] matches the end
match(r"[[:<:]]largest[[:>:]]", "London is the largest city in the UK")
# RegexMatch("largest")
# The capture version
match(r"([[:<:]]largest[[:>:]])", "London is the largest city in the UK")
# RegexMatch("largest", 1="largest")
Look ahead and look behind, also zero-length:
For more examples and details see:
# Look ahead
# Match 'q' where 'q' follows 'u'
match(r"q(?=u)", "quit")
# RegexMatch("q")
# Match the capture version
match(r"(q)(?=u)", "quit")
# RegexMatch("q", 1="q")
# FAIL!:
match(r"q(?=u)i", "quit") == nothing
# true
match(r"q(?=ui)", "quit") == nothing
# RegexMatch("q")
# Or wildcard (unnecessary)
match(r"q(?=u.)", "quit") == nothing
# It will match the 'q' at the end of
# 'Iraq' because it is not followed by 'u'.
match(r"(q)(?!u)", "Iraq")
# RegexMatch("q", 1="q")
# Negative look ahead
# Match 'q' where 'q' is not followed by an 'a'
match(r"q(?!a)", "quack")
# RegexMatch("q")
# Match the capture version
match(r"(q)(?!a)", "quack")
# RegexMatch("q", 1="q")
# Positive and negative look behinds
# Negative look behind
# Matches 'b' that is not preceded by 'a'
match(r"(?<!a)b", "kreb")
# match(r"(?<!a)b", "stab")
match(r"(?<!a)b", "stab") == nothing
# true
# Capture
match(r"(?<!a)(b)", "kreb")
# RegexMatch("b", 1="b")
# Positive look behind
# Matches 'b' that is preceded by 'a'
match(r"(?<=a)b", "stab")
# RegexMatch("b")
# Capture
match(r"(?<=a)(b)", "stab")
# RegexMatch("b", 1="b")
match(r"(?<=a)b", "thingamabob")
# RegexMatch("b")
# Match a word not ending with an 's'
match(r"\b\w+(?<!s)\b", "hello fellas")
# RegexMatch("hello")
# Robust with apostrophes, not the same as
match(r"\b\w+(?<!s)\b", "hello's fellas")
# RegexMatch("hello")
match(r"\b\w*[^s]\b", "hello's fellas")
# RegexMatch("hello'")
# Block Escape
# An entire block can be escaped by using "\Q...\E"
# as below. Note how in the actual string you still
# have to escape the dollar.
match(r"\Q().[]^${\E", "Some Funky characters: ().[]^\${")
Use (?i) to make match case insensitive
match(r"(?i)uppercase", "This is not UPPERCASE")
# RegexMatch("UPPERCASE")
# Alternative capture forms
match(r"((?i)uppercase)", "This is not UPPERCASE")
# RegexMatch("UPPERCASE", 1="UPPERCASE")
match(r"(?i)(uppercase)", "This is not UPPERCASE")
# RegexMatch("UPPERCASE", 1="UPPERCASE")
# Mixing case sensitivity
match(r"sensitive(?i)caseless(?-i)sensitive", "sensitiveCASELESSsensitive")
# Mixing case sensitivity
match(r"sensitive(?i)caseless(?-i)sensitive", "SENSITIVEcaselessSENSITIVE") == nothing
# Match one of many characters
match(r"c[ae]l[ae]nd[ae]r", "calender")
# RegexMatch("calender")
# Negates character class if placed immediately
# after the opening bracket
match(r"s[^ae]t", "sat set sit")
# RegexMatch("sit")
Another example:
Note the hypen creates a range between the characters, and the preceeding
caret negates all the matches to the character in that range
match(r"[^a-z]1", "a1 01")
# RegexMatch("01")
Other examples of defining ranges with "-":
a to F and digits upper and lower case [a-fA-F\d], equivalent using case insensitivity (?)[A-F0-9],
negation (?)[^A-F0-9],
# Captured example
match(r"(s[^ae]t)", "sat set sit")
# RegexMatch("sit", 1="sit")
# Matching digits using "\d", "\d+" matches more than one digit:
match(r"\d+", "Agent007")
# RegexMatch("007")
# Matching a character that is not a digit with "\D" and matching
# multiple non-digit characters "\D+"
match(r"\D+", "Agent007")
# RegexMatch("Agent")
# [^\d] is equivalent to [\D]
match(r"[^\d]", "A7")
# RegexMatch("A")
# Matching white space characters (spaces, tabs, and line breaks) "\s+"
replace("This is an odd sentence!", r"\s+" => " ")
# "This is an odd sentence!"
# Matching non-whitespace characters "\S+"
match(r"(\S+)", " something ")
# RegexMatch("something", 1="something")
# Matches for words "\w" which matches characters
# [a-zA-Z0-9_] and "\W" which negates the match
# Retains the word
match(r"\w+", "@\$%&*!keep|@#*£")
# RegexMatch("keep")
# Excludes the word
match(r"\W+", "@\$%&*!keep|@#*£")
# RegexMatch("@\$%&*!")
# Match any character using "." (except line breaks "\n")
match(r"s.t", "the cat sat on the mat")
# RegexMatch("sat")
# Dots do not match newline characters by default
match(r".", "\n")
# But matching new line character can be turned on
match(r"(?s).", "\n")
# Simple date matcher. The dot in [] matches actual dots not any character
# could also use "[/\.\-]"
match(r"\d\d[/.\-]\d\d[/.\-]\d\d", "16-02-18")
# RegexMatch("16-02-18")
Match start and end of the string.
Again, these are zero-length matches
# Caret "^" match at start of the line
match(r"^\w+", "This is a test")
# RegexMatch("This")
# "\A" match at start of the line
match(r"\A\w+", "This is a test")
# RegexMatch("This")
# Dollar match at end of the line
match(r"\w+$", "This is a test")
# RegexMatch("test")
# "\Z" or "\z" also match at end of the line
match(r"\w+\Z", "This is a test")
# RegexMatch("test")
match(r"\w+\z", "This is a test")
# RegexMatch("test")
# This is interesting: ".+$" matches the last line
match(r".+$", "This is a test\n that you will fail\n")
# RegexMatch(" that you will fail")
Matching one of several alternatives using pipe "|" separation:
match(r"\$\d+\.\d+|£\d+\.\d+", "\$55.60")
# RegexMatch("\$55.60")
# In this example we use \b to prevent "Jane" from matching "Janet"
match(r"\bJane\b|\bJanet\b|Mary", "The winner of the series is ... Janet")
# RegexMatch("Janet")
# Group and capture parts of the match
# Capture version
match(r"\b(Jane|Janet|Mary)\b", "The winner of the series is ... Janet")
# RegexMatch("Janet", 1="Janet")
match(r"\b(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)", "The date today is 2018-02-16")
# RegexMatch("2018-02-16", 1="2018", 2="02", 3="16")
# Non-capturing groups "(?:regexp)"
# Very useful example ...
# Matching possibly missing entities:
# Matching digits this case "03h 41m 55s", but the catch is any of the terms
# could be missing for example the string could be "03h 4s" or "33m"
match(r"(?:(\d+)h)?\b\s?(?:(\d+)m)?\b\s?(?:(\d+)s)?", "03h 55m")
# RegexMatch("03h 55m", 1="03", 2="55", 3=nothing)
# Combine non capturing with case insensitivity and alternative matches
match(r"\b(?i:jane|janet|mary)\b", "The winner of the series is ... Janet")
# RegexMatch("Janet")
# Match the previously matched text again using "\1"
# In the case below the previously matched text is indicated
# by (\d\d)
match(r"\b\d\d(\d\d)-\1-\1\b", "2008-08-08")
# RegexMatch("2008-08-08", 1="08")
# Named captures:
match(r"\b(?<year>\d\d\d\d)-(?<month>\d\d)-(?<day>\d\d)\b", "2018-02-17")
# RegexMatch("2018-02-17", year="2018", month="02", day="17")
# Alternative 1
match(r"\b(?'year'\d\d\d\d)-(?'month'\d\d)-(?'day'\d\d)\b", "2018-02-17")
# RegexMatch("2018-02-17", year="2018", month="02", day="17")
# Alternative 2
match(r"\b(?P<year>\d\d\d\d)-(?P<month>\d\d)-(?P<day>\d\d)\b", "2018-02-17")
# RegexMatch("2018-02-17", year="2018", month="02", day="17")
# Named back references with "\k"
match(r"\b\d\d(?<myRef>\d\d)-\k<myRef>-\k<myRef>\b", "2007-07-07")
# RegexMatch("2007-07-07", myRef="07")
# Alternative 1
match(r"\b\d\d(?'myRef'\d\d)-\k'myRef'-\k'myRef'\b", "2007-07-07")
# RegexMatch("2007-07-07", myRef="07")
# Alternative 2
match(r"\b\d\d(?P<myRef>\d\d)-(?P=myRef)-(?P=myRef)\b", "2007-07-07")
# RegexMatch("2007-07-07", myRef="07")
# Greedy Repetitions
# Repeat part of a regex a certain number of times using "{}":
match(r"\d{3}\.\d{2}", "\$451.34")
# Repeat the part of a match between "n" and "m" times "{n,m}".
# obviously {n,n}=={n}
match(r"a[r]{2,7}gh", "Sometimes I get get so angry, arrrrgh")
# RegexMatch("arrrrgh")
Equivalencies in consecutive matches:
"\d{1,}" is for one or more consecutive matches of a digit equivalent to \d+
"\d{0,}" is for zero or more consecutive matches of a digit equivalent to \d*
"h{0,1}" is for zero or more matches of "h" equivalent to "h?"
# Repeated group matches
match(r"(?:abc){3}", "abcabcabc")
# RegexMatch("abcabcabc")
# This means match any character "." zero or more times "*" and that matched text,
# should occur either zero or one time "?".
match(r"<p>.*?</p>", "<p>There are times when I consider myself lucky to be able to write code.</p><p>Some other times it is so frustrating.</p>")
# RegexMatch("<p>There are times when I consider myself lucky to be able to write code.</p>")
# This is the greedy version, there is no "?" modifer limiting the match:
match(r"<p>.*</p>", "<p>There are times when I consider myself lucky to be able to write code.</p><p>Some other times it is so frustrating.</p>")
# RegexMatch("<p>There are times when I consider myself lucky to be able to write code.</p><p>Some other times it is so frustrating.</p>")
# Adding comments tp a regex using (?#Comment)
match(r"(?#Year)\d{4}(?#Separator)-(?#Month)\d{2}-(?#Day)\d{2}", "2018-02-17")
# RegexMatch("2018-02-17")
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