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Last active February 24, 2021 04:10
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waffle <- function(f, the_stats, the_res = 10000) {
## Create Raster
r <- raster(extent(f))
res(r) <- the_res
values(r) <- NA
f.r <- rasterize(f, r)
## Polygonize
f.pols <- rasterToPolygons(f.r)
## Get coordinates
f.pols <- st_as_sf(f.pols)
coords <- f.pols %>% st_centroid %>% st_coordinates
f.pols$x <- coords[, 1]
f.pols$y <- coords[, 2]
## Sort features horizontally then vertically
## (Vertically or horizontally could be chosen by the user)
f.pols <- f.pols %>% arrange(x, y)
## Number of squares for each class
pc <- the_stats / sum(the_stats) ## Get percentages
n <- floor(pc * nrow(f.pols))
n <- cumsum(n)
n <- c(1, n)
to_add <- nrow(f.pols) - max(n) ## To have the same count of polygons
n[length(n)] <- n[length(n)] + to_add
# max(n) == nrow(f.pols) # > TRUE
## Add Class
f.pols$classe <- NA
start <- 0
for(i in 2:(length(n))) {
classe <- names(n)[i]
message("Classe ", classe)
from <- n[i-1]
to <- n[i]
f.pols$classe[from:to] <- rep(classe, length(from:to))
## Get Land Usage Stats
download.file("", "stats_occsol.csv")
## Read
f.stats <- read.table("stats_occsol.csv", sep=";", quote = "\"", header = TRUE)
## Skip the 3 first columns
f.stats <- f.stats[4:nrow(f.stats), ]
## Rename
names(f.stats)[4:8] <- c("artificialise", "agricole", "semi_naturel", "humide", "surface_eau")
## Convert to numeric
for(i in 4:8) {
f.stats[[i]] <- f.stats[[i]] %>% as.character %>% as.numeric
## Calculate the stats
the_stats <- c("artificialise" = sum(f.stats$artificialise),
"agricole" = sum(f.stats$agricole),
"semi_naturel" = sum(f.stats$semi_naturel),
"humide" = sum(f.stats$humide),
"surface_eau" = sum(f.stats$surface_eau)) # Sum areas
# Process
## Read Geo Data file
f <- st_read("C:/Users/mathieu/Documents/data/ADMIN-EXPRESS-COG_2-0__SHP__FRA_L93_2019-09-24/ADMIN-EXPRESS-COG_2-0__SHP__FRA_2019-09-24/ADMIN-EXPRESS-COG/1_DONNEES_LIVRAISON_2019-09-24/ADE-COG_2-0_SHP_LAMB93_FR/DEPARTEMENT.shp")
## Waffle !!
f.pols <- waffle(f, the_stats)
## Export
st_write(f.pols, "f.pols.gpkg", delete_layer = TRUE, delete_dsn = TRUE)
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