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Created December 22, 2013 14:44
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A tool to convert map coordinates from UTM to Geographic Original javascript version found on and converted to PHP.
//Original version:
function UTMtoGeog($Easting,$Northing,$UtmZone,$SouthofEquator=false) //Convert UTM Coordinates to Geographic
//Symbols as used in USGS PP 1395: Map Projections - A Working Manual
$k0 = 0.9996;//scale on central meridian
$a = 6378137.0;//equatorial radius, meters.
$f = 1/298.2572236;//polar flattening.
$b = $a*(1-$f);//polar axis.
$e = sqrt(1 - $b*$b/$a*$a);//eccentricity
$drad = pi()/180;//Convert degrees to radians)
$phi = 0;//latitude (north +, south -), but uses phi in reference
$e0 = $e/sqrt(1 - $e*$e);//e prime in reference
$lng = 0;//Longitude (e = +, w = -)
$lng0 = 0;//longitude of central meridian
$lngd = 0;//longitude in degrees
$M = 0;//M requires calculation
$x = 0;//x coordinate
$y = 0;//y coordinate
$k = 1;//local scale
$zcm = 0;//zone central meridian
//End declarations
//Convert UTM Coordinates to Geographic
$k0 = 0.9996;//scale on central meridian
$b = $a*(1-$f);//polar axis.
$e = sqrt(1 - ($b/$a)*($b/$a));//eccentricity
$e0 = $e/sqrt(1 - $e*$e);//Called e prime in reference
$esq =(1 - ($b/$a)*($b/$a));//e squared for use in expansions
$e0sq =$e*$e/(1-$e*$e);// e0 squared - always even powers
$x = $Easting;
if ($x<160000 || $x>840000)
echo "Outside permissible range of easting values \n Results may be unreliable \n Use with caution\n";
$y = $Northing;
if ($y<0)
echo "Negative values not allowed \n Results may be unreliable \n Use with caution\n";
if ($y>10000000)
echo "Northing may not exceed 10,000,000 \n Results may be unreliable \n Use with caution\n";
$zcm =3 + 6*($UtmZone-1) - 180;//Central meridian of zone
$e1 =(1 - sqrt(1 - $e*$e))/(1 + sqrt(1 - $e*$e));//Called e1 in USGS PP 1395 also
$M0 =0;//In case origin other than zero lat - not needed for standard UTM
$M =$M0 + $y/$k0;//Arc length along standard meridian.
if ($SouthofEquator === true)
$mu =$M/($a*(1 - $esq*(1/4 + $esq*(3/64 + 5*$esq/256))));
$phi1 =$mu + $e1*(3/2 - 27*$e1*$e1/32)*sin(2*$mu) + $e1*$e1*(21/16 -55*$e1*$e1/32)*sin(4*$mu);//Footprint Latitude
$phi1 =$phi1 + $e1*$e1*$e1*(sin(6*$mu)*151/96 + $e1*sin(8*$mu)*1097/512);
$C1 =$e0sq*pow(cos($phi1),2);
$T1 =pow(tan($phi1),2);
$N1 =$a/sqrt(1-pow($e*sin($phi1),2));
$R1 =$N1*(1-$e*$e)/(1-pow($e*sin($phi1),2));
$D =($x-500000)/($N1*$k0);
$phi =($D*$D)*(1/2 - $D*$D*(5 + 3*$T1 + 10*$C1 - 4*$C1*$C1 - 9*$e0sq)/24);
$phi =$phi + pow($D,6)*(61 + 90*$T1 + 298*$C1 + 45*$T1*$T1 -252*$e0sq - 3*$C1*$C1)/720;
$phi =$phi1 - ($N1*tan($phi1)/$R1)*$phi;
$lng =$D*(1 + $D*$D*((-1 -2*$T1 -$C1)/6 + $D*$D*(5 - 2*$C1 + 28*$T1 - 3*$C1*$C1 +8*$e0sq + 24*$T1*$T1)/120))/cos($phi1);
$lngd = $zcm+$lng/$drad;
return array(floor(1000000*$phi/$drad)/1000000,floor(1000000*$lngd)/1000000); //Latitude,Longitude
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