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Last active May 12, 2016 11:03
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Creative Commons license chooser widget in Elm
.license-selector label {
padding: 0 1em 0 5px;
import { LicenseSelector } from './LicenseSelector';
import Registry from 'pat-registry';
name: 'license-selector',
trigger: '.pat-license-selector',
init ($el) {
// Get the form input element and hide it
const el = $el.hide().get(0);
// Create container for the widget
const container = document.createElement('div');
el.parentNode.insertBefore(container, el);
container.className = 'license-selector';
// Wire up the widget
const widget = LicenseSelector.embed(container);
widget.ports.outbound.subscribe((value) => $el.val(value));
setTimeout(() => widget.ports.inbound.send($el.val()));
port module LicenseSelector exposing (..)
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, img, input, label, p, text)
import Html.App as Html
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onCheck)
import String
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type alias Model =
{ derivates : Derivates
, commercial : Commercial
type Derivates
= AllowDerivates
| NoDerivates
| DerivatesSharedAlike
type Commercial
= AllowCommercialUse
| NoCommercialUse
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
(Model AllowDerivates AllowCommercialUse, Cmd.none)
type Msg
= DoAllowDerivates
| DisallowDerivates
| RequireDerivatesSharedAlike
| DoAllowCommercialUse
| DisallowCommercialUse
| ReadInbound (String)
port outbound : String -> Cmd msg
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
DoAllowDerivates ->
( { model | derivates = AllowDerivates }
, outbound (serialize { model | derivates = AllowDerivates })
DisallowDerivates ->
( { model | derivates = NoDerivates }
, outbound (serialize { model | derivates = NoDerivates })
RequireDerivatesSharedAlike ->
( { model | derivates = DerivatesSharedAlike }
, outbound (serialize { model | derivates = DerivatesSharedAlike })
DoAllowCommercialUse ->
( { model | commercial = AllowCommercialUse }
, outbound (serialize { model | commercial = AllowCommercialUse })
DisallowCommercialUse ->
( { model | commercial = NoCommercialUse }
, outbound (serialize { model | commercial = NoCommercialUse })
ReadInbound serialized ->
( deserialize serialized, Cmd.none )
deserialize : String -> Model
deserialize serialized =
Model (
if String.contains "-nd" serialized then NoDerivates
else if String.contains "-sa" serialized then DerivatesSharedAlike
else AllowDerivates
) (
if String.contains "-nc" serialized then NoCommercialUse
else AllowCommercialUse
serialize : Model -> String
serialize model =
"by" ++ (
case model.commercial of
AllowCommercialUse -> ""
NoCommercialUse -> "-nc") ++ (
case model.derivates of
AllowDerivates -> ""
NoDerivates -> "-nd"
DerivatesSharedAlike -> "-sa")
port inbound : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
inbound ReadInbound
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
allowDerivates =
model.derivates == AllowDerivates
noDerivates =
model.derivates == NoDerivates
derivatesSharedAlike =
model.derivates == DerivatesSharedAlike
allowCommercialUse =
model.commercial == AllowCommercialUse
noCommercialUse =
model.commercial == NoCommercialUse
div []
[ div []
[ p [] [ text "Allow adaptations of your work to be shared?" ]
, input [ type' "radio"
, id "allowDerivates"
, checked allowDerivates
, onCheck (\_ -> DoAllowDerivates)
] [text "Yes" ]
, label [ for "allowDerivates" ] [ text "Yes" ]
, input [ type' "radio"
, id "noDerivates"
, checked noDerivates
, onCheck (\_ -> DisallowDerivates)
] [ text "No" ]
, label [ for "noDerivates" ] [ text "No" ]
, input [ type' "radio"
, id "derivatesSharedAlike"
, checked derivatesSharedAlike
, onCheck (\_ -> RequireDerivatesSharedAlike)
] [ text "Alike" ]
, label [ for "derivatesSharedAlike" ] [ text "Yes, as long as others share alike" ]
, div []
[ p [] [ text "Allow commercial uses of your work?" ]
, input [ type' "radio"
, id "allowCommercialUse"
, checked allowCommercialUse
, onCheck (\_ -> DoAllowCommercialUse)
] [ text "Yes" ]
, label [ for "allowCommercialUse" ] [ text "Yes" ]
, input [ type' "radio"
, id "noCommercialUse"
, checked noCommercialUse
, onCheck (\_ -> DisallowCommercialUse)
] [ text "No" ]
, label [ for "noCommercialUse" ] [ text "No" ]
, p []
[ img [ src (""
++ (serialize model) ++ "/4.0/88x31.png") ] []
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@zemm This is pretty verbose. Request for refactoring this to look nicer :)

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@zemm Of course, I can refactor radio input rendering into a reused function, but how about types, their values and naming of everything? (Not quite satisfied with this first try.)

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zemm commented May 12, 2016

My first rusty refactoring thoughts ... Couple more thoughts, but need more practice and time to play around

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