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Last active October 11, 2017 19:20
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Add a header and footer to a PDF based on the Bounding Box
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Datalogics.PDFL;
* A sample which demonstrates the use of the Datalogics PDF Library API to add a header and footer to the first page of
* a PDF document. It uses the Page BoundingBox (or BBox) to determine the area of the page that
* contains content and then adds the header/footer text to the areas above and below the current BBox.
* Note: The BBox is not a property of a page with specified values like the CropBox and MediaBox,
* but is instead derived from the content. It is a an array of four numbers giving the left, bottom,
* right, and top coordinates, respectively, that encompass the marking content (all text, graphics,
* and images) on the page. It is not, necessarily, a box that exactly fits the visible content; meaning
* that there may be some additional space.
* Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Datalogics, Inc. All rights reserved.
* The information and code in this sample is for the exclusive use of Datalogics
* customers and evaluation users only. Datalogics permits you to use, modify and
* distribute this file in accordance with the terms of your license agreement.
* Sample code is for demonstrative purposes only and is not intended for production use.
namespace AddHeaderFooter
class AddHeaderFooter
// **** Set the Header and Footer values here **** //
public static string headerHorAlign = "center"; // options: left, center, right
public static string headerVertAlign = "center"; // options: top, center, bottom
public static string headerText = "SampleHeaderText";
public static string headerFont = "Courier"; // Courier can be used on any system, regardless of whether the font is on the system
public static double headerPointSize = 14; // font size for the text
public static double headerMinSpace = 16; // minimum required space
public static string footerHorAlign = "right"; // options: left, center, right
public static string footerVertAlign = "bottom"; // options: top, center, bottom
public static string footerText = "SampleFooterText";
public static string footerFont = "Arial"; //not all fonts are found on all systems
public static double footerPointSize = 14; // font size for the text
public static double footerMinSpace = 16; // minimum required space
// Structure to hold the Header data
// * This could be expanded to include additional features such as
// * left/right/top/bottom margins
// * color info
// * embedding and subsetting font true/false option
// * fixed position settings rather than auto-adjusting
public struct headerInfo
public string hAlign;
public string vAlign;
public string text;
public string font;
public double fsize;
public double minspace;
public headerInfo(string hA, string vA, string t, string f, double fs, double minS)
hAlign = hA;
vAlign = vA;
text = t;
font = f;
fsize = fs;
minspace = minS;
// structure to hold the Footer data
public struct footerInfo
public string hAlign;
public string vAlign;
public string text;
public string font;
public double fsize;
public double minspace;
public footerInfo(string hA, string vA, string t, string f, double fs, double minS)
hAlign = hA;
vAlign = vA;
text = t;
font = f;
fsize = fs;
minspace = minS;
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("AddHeaderFooter Sample:");
// header and footer for page 1
// can expand to setup headers/footers for body pages, indexes, etc.
headerInfo header1 = new headerInfo(headerHorAlign, headerVertAlign, headerText, headerFont, headerPointSize, headerMinSpace);
footerInfo footer1 = new footerInfo(footerHorAlign, footerVertAlign, footerText, footerFont, footerPointSize, footerMinSpace);
using (Library lib = new Library())
string filename = null;
if (args.Length < 1)
Console.Write("Enter filename: ");
filename = Console.ReadLine();
filename = args[0];
Document doc1 = new Document(filename);
Page page = doc1.GetPage(0);
BuildHeaderFooter(page, header1, footer1); //headerInfo, footerInfo
doc1.Save(SaveFlags.Full | SaveFlags.Linearized, "AddHeaderFooter-out.pdf");
static void BuildHeaderFooter(Page page, headerInfo header, footerInfo footer)
BuildHeader(page, header);
BuildFooter(page, footer);
static void BuildHeader(Page page, headerInfo header)
Rect bbox = page.BBox;
Rect cropbox = page.CropBox;
double headerSpace = calcHeaderSpace(cropbox, bbox);
if (headerSpace < header.minspace)
Console.WriteLine(" -- Not enough space to place a header");
Text t = new Text();
Font f = new Font(header.font);
GraphicState gs = new GraphicState();
gs.FillColor = new Color(0.0); // DeviceGray black
double fsize = header.fsize; // pointsize of text
TextState ts = new TextState();
ts.FontSize = fsize;
// Create a temporary matrix and textrun to determine the width of the text
Matrix mTemp = new Matrix().Translate(0, 0).Scale(1, 1);
TextRun trTemp = new TextRun(header.text, f, gs, ts, mTemp);
double headerStartX = calcHeaderFooterXPos(cropbox, bbox, header.hAlign, trTemp);
double headerStartY = calcHeaderYPos(cropbox, bbox, header.vAlign, trTemp, header.fsize);
Console.WriteLine("headerStartX " + headerStartX + " headerStartY " + headerStartY);
Matrix m = new Matrix().Translate(headerStartX, headerStartY).Scale(1, 1);
TextRun tr = new TextRun(header.text, f, gs, ts, m);
static void BuildFooter(Page page, footerInfo footer)
Rect bbox = page.BBox;
Rect cropbox = page.CropBox;
double footerSpace = calcFooterSpace(cropbox, bbox);
if (footerSpace < footer.minspace)
Console.WriteLine(" -- Not enough space to place a footer");
Text t = new Text();
Font f = new Font(footer.font);
GraphicState gs = new GraphicState();
gs.FillColor = new Color(0.0); // DeviceGray black
double fsize = footer.fsize; // pointsize
TextState ts = new TextState();
ts.FontSize = fsize;
// Create a temporary matrix and textrun to determine the width of the text
Matrix mTemp = new Matrix().Translate(0, 0).Scale(1, 1);
TextRun trTemp = new TextRun(footer.text, f, gs, ts, mTemp);
double footerStartX = calcHeaderFooterXPos(cropbox, bbox, footer.hAlign, trTemp);
double footerStartY = calcFooterYPos(cropbox, bbox, footer.vAlign, trTemp, footer.fsize);
Console.WriteLine("footerStartX " + footerStartX + " footerStartY " + footerStartY);
Matrix m = new Matrix().Translate(footerStartX, footerStartY).Scale(1, 1);
TextRun tr = new TextRun(footer.text, f, gs, ts, m);
/* Calculate the starting X position of the Header or Footer */
static double calcHeaderFooterXPos(Rect cropbox, Rect bbox, string align, TextRun tr)
double width = bbox.URx - bbox.LLx;
double startX = 0;
if (align.ToLower().Equals("left"))
//move to the left edge of bounding box
startX = bbox.LLx;
if (align.ToLower().Equals("center"))
// from the left edge of the bbox, move to the right half the width of the bounding box minus half the width of the text
startX = bbox.LLx + (width / 2) - (tr.Advance / 2);
if (align.ToLower().Equals("right"))
//move to the right edge of bounding box minus the width of the text
startX = bbox.URx - tr.Advance;
return startX;
/* Calculate the starting Y position of the Header */
static double calcHeaderYPos(Rect cropbox, Rect bbox, string align, TextRun tr, double fsize)
double width = bbox.URx - bbox.LLx;
double height = cropbox.URy - bbox.URy;
double startY = 0;
if (align.ToLower().Equals("top"))
// move to the top edge of crop box minus the height of the text
startY = cropbox.URy - fsize;
if (align.ToLower().Equals("center"))
// move halfway between the top of cropbox and top of BBox minus half the height of the text
startY = cropbox.URy - (height/2) - (fsize/2); //
if (align.ToLower().Equals("bottom"))
// move to the top of the BBox
startY = bbox.URy;
return startY;
/* Calculate the starting Y position of the Footer */
static double calcFooterYPos(Rect cropbox, Rect bbox, string align, TextRun tr, double fsize)
double width = bbox.URx - bbox.LLx;
double height = bbox.LLy - cropbox.LLy;
double startY = 0;
if (align.ToLower().Equals("top"))
// move to the bottom edge of bbox minus the height of the text
startY = bbox.LLy - fsize;
if (align.ToLower().Equals("center"))
// move halfway between the bottom of the BBox and the bottom of the cropbox minus half the height of the text
startY = bbox.LLy - (height / 2) - (fsize / 2);
if (align.ToLower().Equals("bottom"))
// move to the bottom of the cropbox
startY = cropbox.LLy;
return startY;
static double calcHeaderSpace(Rect cropbox, Rect bbox)
Console.WriteLine("CropBox values");
Console.WriteLine(" -- LLx:" + cropbox.LLx);
Console.WriteLine(" -- LLy:" + cropbox.LLy);
Console.WriteLine(" -- URx:" + cropbox.URx);
Console.WriteLine(" -- URy:" + cropbox.URy);
Console.WriteLine("BBox values");
Console.WriteLine(" -- LLx:" + bbox.LLx);
Console.WriteLine(" -- LLy:" + bbox.LLy);
Console.WriteLine(" -- URx:" + bbox.URx);
Console.WriteLine(" -- URy:" + bbox.URy);
double headerVertSpace = cropbox.URy - bbox.URy;
Console.WriteLine("\nAvailable Header vertical space: " + headerVertSpace + " points");
return headerVertSpace;
static double calcFooterSpace(Rect cropbox, Rect bbox)
double footerVertSpace = bbox.LLy - cropbox.LLy;
Console.WriteLine("Available Footer vertical space: " + footerVertSpace + " points");
return footerVertSpace;
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