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Last active October 11, 2017 19:21
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Converting flat text (with some PCL codes) to PDF using a monospace font
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Datalogics.PDFL;
using System.Diagnostics;
* A sample that converts a flat text file with some PCL codes to a PDF document using a monospace font. It will detect:
* -- Form Feeds (x0C)
* -- the sequence "<ESC>&l0O" (portrait)
* "<ESC>&l1O" (landscape)
* "<ESC>(s010H" (font size 10)
* "<ESC>(s016H" (font size 9).
* (where the <ESC> is x1B)
* Copyright (c) 2017, Datalogics, Inc. All rights reserved.
* The information and code in this sample is for the exclusive use of Datalogics
* customers and evaluation users only. Datalogics permits you to use, modify and
* distribute this file in accordance with the terms of your license agreement.
* Sample code is for demonstrative purposes only and is not intended for production use.
namespace FlatTextToPDF
class FlatTextToPDF
static int Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("FlatTextToPDF Sample:");
if (args.Length < 2)
Console.WriteLine("Usage: FlatTextToPDF.exe inputfile.txt outputfile.pdf");
return 1;
String inputFile = args[0];
String outputFile = args[1];
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // start a timer
using (Library lib = new Library())
Rect portraitRect = new Rect(0, 0, 595, 842); // A4 -- alternatenately use Rect(0, 0, 612, 792) U.S. letter portrait
Rect landscapeRect = new Rect(0, 0, 842, 595); // A4 -- alternatenately use Rect(0, 0, 792, 612) U.S. letter landscape
Rect pageRect = portraitRect; // the Rect that will be used when creating pages. Default portraitRect.
int pageNum = 0; // PDF pages are 0 based
// Setup the Text, Font, GraphicState and TextState
// * Text runs will be added to the Text object
// * By default, text will be filled with the fill color from the graphic state
Text t = new Text();
Font f = new Font("Courier"); // Courier can be used on any system, regarless of whether the font is on the system
// Font f = new Font("Consolas", FontCreateFlags.Embedded | FontCreateFlags.Subset); // Alternative
GraphicState gs = new GraphicState();
gs.FillColor = new Color(0.0); // DeviceGray black
// Setup some initial settings and positions
double fsize = 10.0; // initial pointsize
double lineLeading = 10.0; // amount to move down between each line (may equal fsize)
TextState ts = new TextState();
// other things we will need
double xposPort = 36; // initial x position ~13 mm
double yposPort = 806; // initial y position (842-36 == 13 mm from top)
double xposLand = 36; // initial x position ~13 mm
double yposLand = 559; // initial y position (595-36 == 13 mm from top)
double xpos = xposPort; // initial x position -- default to portrait
double ypos = yposPort; // initial y position
Matrix m = new Matrix().Translate(xpos, ypos).Scale(fsize, fsize);
TextRun tr = new TextRun("", f, gs, ts, m);
// PCL escape sequences
// * -- Form Feed (x0C)
// * -- the sequence "<ESC>&l0O" (portrait)
// * "<ESC>&l1O" (landscape)
// * "<ESC>(s010H" (font size 10)
// * "<ESC>(s016H" (font size 9)
// * (where the <ESC> is x1B)
char ff = '\f'; // Form Feed -- (char)0x0C;
String ffStr = ff.ToString();
int ffPos = -1;
bool portraitOrientation = true;
char esc = (char)0x1B;
String escStr = esc.ToString();
String portSeq = escStr + "&l0O";
String landSeq = escStr + "&l1O";
String font10Seq = escStr + "(s010H";
String font9Seq = escStr + "(s016H";
// ******************************************************************
// Read each line of the input file into a string array. Each element
// of the array is one line of the file.
// ******************************************************************
int lineCount = 0;
bool skip = false;
string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(inputFile, Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1252")); //"iso-8859-1"
// check first line and create initial page
if (lines[0].Contains(landSeq))
Console.WriteLine("Starting page is landscape");
pageRect = landscapeRect;
portraitOrientation = false;
xpos = xposLand;
ypos = yposLand;
skip = true;
if (lines[0].Contains(portSeq))
Console.WriteLine("Starting page is portrait");
pageRect = portraitRect;
portraitOrientation = true;
xpos = xposPort;
ypos = yposPort;
skip = true;
Console.WriteLine("Starting page defaulting to portrait");
pageRect = portraitRect;
portraitOrientation = true;
Document doc = new Document();
Page docpage = doc.CreatePage(Document.BeforeFirstPage, pageRect);
foreach (string line in lines)
String lineStr = line; //don't trim here
// check for portrait vs landscape
if (lineStr.Contains(portSeq))
Console.WriteLine("Change to portrait -- line: " + lineCount);
pageRect = portraitRect;
portraitOrientation = true;
skip = true;
if (lineStr.Contains(landSeq))
Console.WriteLine("Change to landscape -- line: " + lineCount);
pageRect = landscapeRect;
portraitOrientation = false;
skip = true;
// check for font size changes
if (lineStr.Contains(font10Seq))
Console.WriteLine("Font size change to 10 -- line: " + lineCount);
fsize = lineLeading = 10.0;
skip = true;
if (lineStr.Contains(font9Seq))
Console.WriteLine("Font size change to 9 -- line: " + lineCount);
fsize = lineLeading = 9.0;
skip = true;
if (skip)
skip = false;
continue; // lines with font or orientation commands do not have text, so drop them
// check for Form Feed
// * FF is expected at the very start of a line, but may have text on the remainder of the line
ffPos = lineStr.IndexOf("\f");
if (ffPos>=0)
Console.WriteLine("Form Feed -- line: " + lineCount + " pos: " + ffPos);
lineStr = lineStr.Remove(ffPos,1);
ffPos = -1;
// add all text content to current page
// start another page and reset the top left position
docpage = doc.CreatePage(pageNum, pageRect);
t = new Text();
if (portraitOrientation)
xpos = xposPort;
ypos = yposPort;
xpos = xposLand;
ypos = yposLand;
//After removing the FF (if any), adjust the matrix and add the line to a text run
ypos = ypos - lineLeading;
Matrix m1 = new Matrix().Translate(xpos, ypos).Scale(fsize, fsize);
lineStr = lineStr.TrimEnd();
tr = new TextRun(lineStr, f, gs, ts, m1);
//add the remaining contents to the last page
doc.Save(SaveFlags.Full, outputFile);
TimeSpan timeElapsed = sw.Elapsed;
Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: " + timeElapsed.TotalMilliseconds + " milliseconds");
return 0;
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