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Created January 27, 2015 20:47
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Global Notification Object -work in progress-
from time import gmtime, strftime
class notification:
notif = {} # container for all messages
summary_order = ( # list of notif types + order. Override as needed.
def __init__(self):
# Types of notifications @todo compact into lambda or dynamic #
def log(self, msg):
self.write_to_notif('log', msg)
def user_good(self, msg):
self.write_to_notif('user_good', msg)
def user_bad(self, msg):
self.write_to_notif('user_bad', msg)
def fatal(self, msg):
self.write_to_notif('fatal', msg)
def user_warning(self, msg):
self.write_to_notif('user_warning', msg)
def error(self, msg):
self.write_to_notif('error', msg)
def exception(self, msg, trace):
Exception handler with optional (preferred) trace
msg : required, exception obj
trace : required, unique string to be appended to the
final output to search for exception in source
msg.args += ('trace', trace )
self.write_to_notif('exception', msg)
# Other methods and utilities #
def write_to_notif(self, key, value):
Generic write for all notif
Args :
key : string, required, the key (type) of the message
value : string, required, the message associated with the instance
of the provided key
# dict of list w/tuples
t = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M%S", gmtime())
try :
num_key = len(self.notif[key])
except :
num_key = 0 # no zero offset, increment next
self.notif[key] = []
num_key += 1
(num_key, t, value)
def p(self, s, ref=''):
"""safe print to terminal"""
* intended to be used in class, remove self for procedural style
* Used for notif lambda
Args :
s : string or whatever to print - required
ref : string, optional, used to reference where print occurs
Returns :
try :
# obj check aka disqulaify by type. Different in 3.0
if not isinstance(s, basestring) and not isinstance(s, int) \
and not isinstance(s, dict) and not isinstance(s, tuple):
s = s.__name__
except :
try :
s = s.encode('utf-8')
except :
print '['+ref+'] '+str(s)
except Exception as e :
print e
pass # silent death
def summary(self, only=[]):
"""summary output of all notif data in a readable format"""
Only prints when there is a notification, empty / None is skipped
Args :
only : list, optional, to ONLY use methods in list
Return :
void (prints to terminal)
def sub_loop(typee, notif):
"""sub loop, looping on the key/type of notif"""
print '\r\nResults for '+typee+' notification : -----------------'
template = '%d.) %s [time:%s]'
for n in notif :
print template % (n[0], n[2], n[1])
# print using predetermined order
for n in self.summary_order :
if only :
if n not in only :
try :
if hasattr(self, n) and callable(getattr(self, n)) :
method = getattr(self, n) # is method
if n in self.notif :
except : # Exception as e:
print 'method '+n+'() does not exists'
pass # be gentle
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