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Last active December 18, 2015 05:29
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Movies shot in San Francisco visualized with D3!

A beta version of a Data Mining Project using Data on the locations of movies Shot in San Francisco from I have used Pyhton Pandas to clean and wrangle the data files, and the Google geocoding service to convert raw addresses to lat, lon. I use d3.js to plot a map of sf and the movie locations. Then I have used the RottenTomatoes api to pull up the poster of the movies (improvements required here) and I show a Google map StreetView upon mouseover on a movie location. This is work in progress ...

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<p class="zip"> <img src = 'blah.png'/> </p> <p class='ziphead'> 94103
<p class= 'zipactors'> njnjndj </p>
<p class = 'ziprating'> nnn </p>
<div id = "lpic">
<p class="hoods">SoMa, Mission, Potrero Hill, and others</p>
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/*".ziptext").html(title[i] + "</br> <hr>"+
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<p class="zip">94103</p>
<img src = 'gray.png' class= "image"/>
<div id = "lpic">
<p class="hoods">SoMa, Mission, Potrero Hill, and others</p>
<img src = 'gray.png' class= "image"/>
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Title lat lon form_add
The Dead Pool (1988) 37.8018575000 -122.4128610000 1954 Mason Street (North Beach)
The Dead Pool (1988) 43.6170885000 18.9218677000 20th & DeHaro Streets (Potrero Hill)
The Dead Pool (1988) -17.4524070000 49.2857576000 22nd & Wisconsin Streets (Potrero Hill)
The Dead Pool (1988) 34.5032736000 -82.9134198000 23rd & Iowa Streets (Dogpatch)
The Dead Pool (1988) 37.7875340000 -122.4899240000 550 El Camino Del Mar (Seacliff)
The Dead Pool (1988) 37.7760680000 -122.4326610000 710 Steiner Street (Hayes Valley)
The Dead Pool (1988) 44.3251230000 -84.7686750000 Carl & Cole Streets (Cole Valley)
The Dead Pool (1988) -21.5640906000 -50.4493727000 Clementina & Sumner Streets
The Dead Pool (1988) 37.7628500000 -122.4341890000 Eber Electronics (2355 Market Street, Castro)
The Dead Pool (1988) 38.6779591000 -121.1760583000 Folsom & Essex Streets
The Dead Pool (1988) 37.8196665000 -122.3437762000 Fremont Street Exit of Bay Bridge
The Dead Pool (1988) 45.4444900000 -111.7315463000 McAllister & Scott Streets (Hayes Valley)
The Dead Pool (1988) 37.7606045000 -122.3910578000 Mirant Energy, LLC (1301 Illinois Street, The Dogpatch)
The Dead Pool (1988) 37.7954260000 -122.4058750000 Nam Yuen Restaurant (740 Washington Street, Chinatown)
The Dead Pool (1988) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 New Asia Restaurant (772 Pacific Avenue at Grant)
The Dead Pool (1988) 37.7941048000 -122.4093554000 One Thousand Powell Apartments (1000 Powell Street)
The Dead Pool (1988) 37.7983669000 -122.3945157000 Pier 3 (The Embarcadero)
The Dead Pool (1988) 47.0675877000 -122.1295269000 Pierce & California Streets (Pacific Heights)
The Dead Pool (1988) 31.5627899000 -82.4671784000 Pierce St. & Golden Gate Avenue (Hayes Valley)
The Dead Pool (1988) 37.7947056000 -122.4049685000 Posrtsmouth Square (Chinatown)
The Dead Pool (1988) 37.7606045000 -122.3910578000 San Francisco Drydock (The Dogpatch)
The Dead Pool (1988) 37.8072779000 -122.4194710000 The Cannery (281 Leavenworth Street, Fisherman's Wharf)
The Dead Pool (1988) 37.8008190000 -122.4102693000 Washington Square Park (North Beach)
Time After Time (1979) 37.7971992000 -122.4346547000 100 Block of Union Street (Cow Hollow)
Time After Time (1979) 37.8009146000 -122.4438576000 2340 Francisco Street
Time After Time (1979) 37.7983359000 -122.4030815000 Broadway at Osgood Street (North Beach)
Time After Time (1979) 37.7699790000 -122.4662880000 California Academy of Sciences (Golden Gate Park)
Time After Time (1979) 29.5653582000 -82.9584583000 Chestnut & Davisadero Streets (Marina District)
Time After Time (1979) 37.8056595000 -122.4223079000 Ghiradelli Square (900 North Point Street, Fisherman's Wharf)
Time After Time (1979) 37.8135867000 -122.4780624000 Golden Gate Bridge
Time After Time (1979) 37.7690400000 -122.4835193000 Golden Gate Park
Time After Time (1979) 29.8162646000 -95.3706771000 Intersection of Fulton & 6th Streets (Chinatown)
Time After Time (1979) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Justin Herman Plaza
Time After Time (1979) 41.8800296000 -88.0078435000 Lombard & Broderick Streets (Marina District)
Time After Time (1979) 41.8800296000 -88.0078435000 Lombard & Divisadero Streets (Marina District)
Time After Time (1979) 41.8800296000 -88.0078435000 Lombard & Fillmore Streets (Marina District)
Time After Time (1979) 41.8800296000 -88.0078435000 Lombard & Laguna Streets (Marina District)
Time After Time (1979) 37.8066235000 -122.4391137000 Marina Green (Marina District)
Time After Time (1979) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Merchant Exchange (465 California Street at Leidesdortt)
Time After Time (1979) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Old St. Mary's Church (660 California Street at Grant)
Time After Time (1979) 37.7948830000 -122.3998137000 One Embarcadero Center (Financial District)
Bullitt (1968) 43.6170885000 18.9218677000 20th & Vermont Streets (Potrero Hill)
Bullitt (1968) 37.7946320000 -122.4420270000 2700 Vallejo Street (Pacific Heights)
Bullitt (1968) 37.8196665000 -122.3437762000 Bay Bridge
Bullitt (1968) 37.7254235000 -122.3929225000 Bayshore Blvd near Cesar Chavez (Bayview)
Bullitt (1968) 37.7928362000 -122.4109034000 Brocklebank Apartments (1000 Mason Street)
Bullitt (1968) 37.7974331000 -122.4329499000 Café Cantata (2040 Union Street)
Bullitt (1968) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Candlestick Park Exit, Highway 101
Bullitt (1968) 26.3034042000 -98.1152858000 Cesar Chavez & Mission Street (Mission)
Bullitt (1968) 39.9611755000 -82.9987942000 Columbus & Lombard Streets (North Beach)
Bullitt (1968) 37.7981028000 -122.4057345000 Enrico's Café (504 Broadway)
Bullitt (1968) 43.7227800000 -84.2472200000 Larkin & Chestnut Streets (Russian Hill)
Bullitt (1968) 43.7227800000 -84.2472200000 Larkin & Francisco Streets (Russian Hill)
Bullitt (1968) 34.0401786000 -84.3159570000 Mansell & University Streets (Vistacon Valley)
Bullitt (1968) 37.8066235000 -122.4391137000 Marina Green (Marina District)
Bullitt (1968) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Mark Hopkins Hotel (999 California Street)
Bullitt (1968) 37.7216116000 -122.4205256000 McClaren Park (Vistacon Valley)
Bullitt (1968) 37.7566326000 -122.4065296000 SF General Hospital Center (1001 Potrero Avenue, Potrero Hill)
Bullitt (1968) 32.2455088000 -99.8124935000 Taylor & Vallejo Streets (Russian Hill)
Foul Play (1978) 37.7512991000 -122.4340749000 24th and Castro Streets (Noe Valley)
Foul Play (1978) 37.7992800000 -122.4046320000 430 Vallejo Street (Telegraph Hill)
Foul Play (1978) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
Foul Play (1978) 37.7589050000 -122.4172030000 Fiesta Laundromat (898 S. Van Ness Ave., Mission)
Foul Play (1978) 37.4749457000 -122.1649583000 Flood Building (870 Market Street)
Foul Play (1978) 37.8060471000 -122.4317927000 Fort Mason (Golden Gate National Recreation Area)
Foul Play (1978) 37.8105374000 -122.4770634000 Fort Point, Presidio
Foul Play (1978) 38.3594924000 -88.2042078000 Golden Gate & Steiner Streets (Hayes Valley)
Foul Play (1978) 37.7765421000 -122.4264023000 Hayes Valley Care (601 Laguna Street, Hayes Valley)
Foul Play (1978) -28.4826185000 -48.7814990000 Laguna & Sacramento Streets (Pacific Heights)
Foul Play (1978) 32.3668052000 -86.2999689000 Montgomery & Pine Streets (Financial District)
Foul Play (1978) 41.3480660000 -97.0589235000 Octavia & Hayes Streets (Hayes Valley)
Foul Play (1978) 38.5815719000 -121.4943996000 Sacramento & Hyde Streets (Nob Hill)
Foul Play (1978) 37.7865859000 -122.4285804000 Sokoji-Soto Zen Buddhist Temple (1691 Laguna Street)
Foul Play (1978) 39.1598915000 -121.7527482000 Sutter & Baker Streets
Foul Play (1978) 39.1598915000 -121.7527482000 Sutter & Buchannan Streets
Foul Play (1978) 37.7796490000 -122.4205520000 War Memorial Opera House (401 Van Ness Avenue)
Vertigo (1958) 37.7825466000 -122.4241443000 1007 Gough Street
Vertigo (1958) 37.8024756000 -122.4166335000 900 Lombard Street
Vertigo (1958) 37.7928362000 -122.4109034000 Brocklebank Apartments (1000 Mason Street)
Vertigo (1958) 37.7845718000 -122.5006167000 California Palace of the Legion of Honor (34th Avenue & Clement, Lincoln Park)
Vertigo (1958) 37.7907438000 -122.4044920000 Claude Lane at Bush Street
Vertigo (1958) 37.7725023000 -122.4587546000 Conservatory of Flowers (Golden Gate Park)
Vertigo (1958) 37.7969592000 -122.4036561000 Ernie's Restaurant (847 Montgomery Street)
Vertigo (1958) 37.7924250000 -122.4100930000 Fairmont Hotel (950 Mason Street, Nob Hill)
Vertigo (1958) 37.8105374000 -122.4770634000 Fort Point (Presidio, Golden Gate National Recreation Area)
Vertigo (1958) -40.3186411000 -9.9353318000 Gough & Eddy Streets (Western Addition)
Vertigo (1958) 37.7643821000 -122.4268206000 Mission Delores (3321 16th Street, Mision District)
Vertigo (1958) 36.8452982000 -121.5360615000 Mission San Juan Bautista (2nd & Mariposa Streets)
Vertigo (1958) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Palace of Fine Arts (3301 Lyon Street)
Vertigo (1958) 37.7668830000 -122.4396040000 Park Hill Sanatorium (351 Buena Vista Avenue East)
Vertigo (1958) 37.7567826000 -122.3872055000 San Francisco Drydock (20th and Illinois Streets)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 37.8026020000 -122.4038520000 32 Napier Lane
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 37.7763810000 -122.4327420000 720 Steiner Street (Hayes Valley)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 37.8037978000 -122.4153377000 Bimbo's 365 Club (1025 Columbus Avenue, North Beach)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 37.7967759000 -122.4151719000 Broadway Tunnel (Russian Hill)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 37.7965360000 -122.4065810000 Chinatown
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 37.7792952000 -122.4193890000 Department of Public Health (101 Grove Street at Polk, Civic Center)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 37.7835600000 -122.4138630000 Hamlin Hotel (385 Eddy Street)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 37.7916146000 -122.4276133000 Lafayette Park (Pacific Heights)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 37.8075807000 -122.4047605000 Pier 33 (Embarcadero)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 37.8050221000 -122.2908967000 Transamerica Building (600 Montgomery Street at Clay)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 37.7804816000 -122.4131768000 United Nations Plaza (Civic Center)
The Presidio (1988) 37.7922960000 -122.4007070000 200 Block of Sansome Street (Financial District)
The Presidio (1988) 37.7960495000 -122.4066909000 700 Block of Jackson Street (Chinatown)
The Presidio (1988) 37.7954105000 -122.4063727000 900 Block of Grant Avenue (Chinatown)
The Presidio (1988) 37.8027624000 -122.4019113000 Battery Street (The Embarcadero)
The Presidio (1988) 37.7802051000 -122.4178070000 Civic Center Plaza
The Presidio (1988) 37.8023740000 -122.4058181000 Coit Tower
The Presidio (1988) 37.7959230000 -122.3920520000 Ferry Building
The Presidio (1988) 37.8105374000 -122.4770634000 Fort Point (Presidio, Golden Gate National Recreation Area)
The Presidio (1988) 32.3668052000 -86.2999689000 Montgomery & Vallejo Streets (Telegraph Hill)
The Presidio (1988) 37.8052024000 -122.4569607000 Presidio (Golden Gate National Recreation Area)
The Presidio (1988) 37.8045300000 -122.4034734000 Sansome Street (The Embarcadero)
The Presidio (1988) 38.5581072000 -91.0120878000 Washington Street & Waverly Place (Chinatown)
Nine Months (1995) 37.7678455000 -122.4036728000 101 Henry Adams Place, 4th Floor
Nine Months (1995) 37.7925360000 -122.3945930000 60 Spear Street
Nine Months (1995) 37.7783409000 -122.4339839000 Alamo Square
Nine Months (1995) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Belli Building (722 Montgomery Street at Washington)
Nine Months (1995) 37.8039069000 -122.4640618000 Chrissy Field
Nine Months (1995) 39.9611755000 -82.9987942000 Jack Kerouac Alley between Columbus & Grant Streets
Nine Months (1995) 37.7566326000 -122.4065296000 San Francisco General Hospital Medical Center (1001 Potrero Avenue, Potrero Hill)
Nine Months (1995) 37.7913102000 -122.4225920000 Star's Café (55 Golden Gate Avenue at Van Ness)
Nine Months (1995) 44.3258932000 -93.9556910000 St. Peter & Paul's Church (666 Filbert Street, Washington Square)
Nine Months (1995) 37.8017938000 -122.4043215000 The Malloch Apartment Building (1360 Montgomery Street)
Nine Months (1995) 37.7699650000 -122.4489190000 Wasteland Store (1600 Haight Street)
Magnum Force (1973) 37.7614670000 -122.4284160000 18th Street Overpass (Potrero Hill)
Magnum Force (1973) 37.7925410000 -122.4291510000 2190 Washington Street (Pacific Heights)
Magnum Force (1973) 37.7155947000 -122.3985304000 280 Freeway at Pennsylvania and Mariposa Streets
Magnum Force (1973) 37.7967759000 -122.4151719000 Broadway Tunnel (Russian Hill)
Magnum Force (1973) 37.7924250000 -122.4100930000 Fairmont Hotel (950 Mason Street, Nob Hill)
Magnum Force (1973) 37.8135867000 -122.4780624000 Golden Gate Bridge
Magnum Force (1973) 37.7752524000 -122.4037683000 Hall of Justice (850 Bryant Street)
Magnum Force (1973) 37.7780061000 -122.3917070000 Lefty O' Doul Drawbridge/ 3rd Street Bridge (3rd Street, China Basin)
Magnum Force (1973) 37.7906810000 -122.4294980000 Pacific Heights Towers (2200 Sacramento Street, Pacific Heights)
Magnum Force (1973) 37.7567826000 -122.3872055000 San Francisco Drydock (20th and Illinois Streets)
Magnum Force (1973) 37.6152230000 -122.3899790000 San Francisco International Airport
Magnum Force (1973) 37.7558338000 -122.4122209000 Vermont Street between 20th and 22nd Streets
Dirty Harry (1971) 36.7606931000 -121.7657346000 Bank of America Building (555 California Street)
Dirty Harry (1971) 37.7852208000 -122.4196113000 California Hall (625 Polk Street, Van Ness/Civic Center)
Dirty Harry (1971) 37.7626851000 -122.4355727000 Forest Hill Station- MUNI
Dirty Harry (1971) 37.7752524000 -122.4037683000 Hall of Justice (850 Bryant Street)
Dirty Harry (1971) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Holiday Inn Select Downtown Hotel (750 Kearney Street)
Dirty Harry (1971) 37.8066235000 -122.4391137000 Marina Green, Marina District
Dirty Harry (1971) 37.7596447000 -122.4270998000 Mission Delores Park (Mission District)
Dirty Harry (1971) 37.7383343000 -122.4547371000 Mt. Davidson Cross, Mt. Davidson
Dirty Harry (1971) 37.7947056000 -122.4049685000 Portsmouth Square (Chinatown)
Dirty Harry (1971) 37.7567826000 -122.3872055000 San Francisco Drydock (20th and Illinois Streets)
Dirty Harry (1971) 37.7976769000 -122.3943387000 The Embarcadero
Dirty Harry (1971) 37.8008190000 -122.4102693000 Washington Square, North Beach
The Game (1997) 37.7909220000 -122.4001000000 1 Bush Street
The Game (1997) 37.7896811000 -122.3943914000 301 Howard Street
The Game (1997) 36.7606931000 -121.7657346000 Bank of America Building (555 California Street)
The Game (1997) 37.8196665000 -122.3437762000 Bay Bridge
The Game (1997) 37.7916433000 -122.4012054000 City Club (155 Sansome Street)
The Game (1997) 37.7761867000 -122.4054822000 Harrison Street (The Embarcadero)
The Game (1997) 47.4251146000 -123.1951376000 Mason & California Streets (Nob Hill)
The Game (1997) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Merchant Exchange Building
The Game (1997) 37.7918450000 -122.4068290000 Ritz-Carlton Hotel (600 Stockton Street)
The Game (1997) 37.7735129000 -122.4212390000 Sheraton Palace Hotel (639 Market Street)
The Game (1997) 37.9577016000 -121.2907796000 Stockton Tunnel Southern Approach Overhang (Bush & Stockton Streets, Chinatown)
The Game (1997) 38.5581072000 -91.0120878000 Washington Street & Waverly Place (Chinatown)
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) 37.8004764000 -122.4075533000 1462 Grant Avenue, at Union Street
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) 37.7651954000 -122.4611472000 305 Hugo Street
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Aladdin Terrace (off of Taylor Street, Between Filbert and Union)
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) 37.8267557000 -122.4229298000 Alcatraz Island
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) 37.7649372000 -122.4224430000 Café Picaro 3120 16th Street
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) 37.7976010000 -122.4065790000 City Light Bookstore (261 Columbus Avenue)
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Prudente's Italian Deli (1462 Grant Ave at Union)
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) 37.8014661000 -122.4119427000 Rocco's Corner (Columbus Street)
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) 37.7666711000 -122.4198529000 San Francisco Chronicle (901 Mission Street at 15th Street)
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) 37.7866701000 -122.4596987000 St. John's Presbyterian Church (25 Lake Street)
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) 37.7903160000 -122.4462460000 Swedenborgian Church (2107 Lyon Street)
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) 37.7975684000 -122.4063114000 Vesuvio Café (255 Columbus Avenue)
The Bachelor (1999) 37.7995158000 -122.4089471000 Columbus Avenue at Green & Stockton
The Bachelor (1999) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Mama's Restaurant (1701 Stockton)
The Bachelor (1999) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Pacific Stock Exchange (301 Pine Street at Sansome)
The Bachelor (1999) 37.7966278000 -122.3994833000 Roof of Cable Car (California at Front Street)
The Bachelor (1999) 37.7699790000 -122.4662880000 Steinhart Aquarium (California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park)
The Bachelor (1999) 37.7873702000 -122.4234239000 Stockton Tunnel (Stockton Street at Sutter Street)
The Bachelor (1999) 44.3258932000 -93.9556910000 St. Peter & Paul's Church (666 Filbert Street, Washington Square)
The Bachelor (1999) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Sutter-Stockton Garage (330 Sutter Street at Stockton)
The Bachelor (1999) 37.8008190000 -122.4102693000 Washington Square Park (North Beach)
Freebie and the Bean (1974) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Alco Plaza
Freebie and the Bean (1974) 37.7978825000 -122.4067348000 Broadway and Columbus Avenue (North Beach)
Freebie and the Bean (1974) 37.7137126000 -122.3850009000 Candlestick Park (602 Jamestown Ave.)
Freebie and the Bean (1974) 37.7765435000 -122.4081376000 Folsom Street (SOMA)
Freebie and the Bean (1974) 37.7943310000 -122.3958110000 Hyatt Regency Hotel (5 Embarcadero Center)
Freebie and the Bean (1974) 37.7930944000 -122.4169949000 Nob Hill
Freebie and the Bean (1974) 37.7600838000 -122.4042514000 Potrero Hill
Freebie and the Bean (1974) 37.7699790000 -122.4662880000 Steinhart Aquarium (California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park)
Freebie and the Bean (1974) 37.7873702000 -122.4234239000 Stockton Tunnel (Stockton Street at Sutter Street)
Freebie and the Bean (1974) 37.7971734000 -122.4036749000 TransAmerica Pyramid (600 Montgomery Street)
Freebie and the Bean (1974) 37.7534153000 -122.4453083000 Twin Peaks
Basic Instinct (1992) 37.7999870000 -122.4039720000 1158-70 Montgomery Street
Basic Instinct (1992) 37.7946914000 -122.4317790000 2104 Broadway
Basic Instinct (1992) 37.7752524000 -122.4037683000 Hall of Justice (850 Bryant Street)
Basic Instinct (1992) 37.8017385000 -122.4062193000 Kearney Street (Telegraph Hill)
Basic Instinct (1992) 37.8001077000 -122.3943664000 Pier 7 (The Embarcadero)
Basic Instinct (1992) 37.7768170000 -122.4085270000 Raw Hide II (280 Seventh Street)
Basic Instinct (1992) 37.7699790000 -122.4662880000 Steinhart Aquarium (California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park)
Basic Instinct (1992) 37.7975537000 -122.4059989000 Tosca Café (242 Columbus Avenue)
Basic Instinct (1992) 37.7881209000 -122.3954958000 Transbay Terminal (Mission Street at 1st Street)
Basic Instinct (1992) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Yuerba Buena Center for the Arts
Milk (2008) 37.7438321000 -122.4244712000 29th and Delores Street
Milk (2008) 37.7942471000 -122.4013841000 424 Sansome Street
Milk (2008) 37.7965360000 -122.4065810000 Chinatown
Milk (2008) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
Milk (2008) 37.7694223000 -122.4334530000 Duboce Park
Milk (2008) 37.7857816000 -122.4962215000 El Camino Del Mar
Milk (2008) 37.8135867000 -122.4780624000 Golden Gate Bridge
Milk (2008) 37.7918782000 -122.4130028000 Grace Cathedral Episcopal Church (1100 California Street)
Milk (2008) 37.7699190000 -122.4382960000 Lower Haight Street
Milk (2008) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Marine Fireman's Union Headquarters
Milk (2008) -33.7377915000 18.9691759000 Market & Castro Street
Milk (2008) 37.8229361000 -122.3702611000 Treasure Island
Boys and Girls (2000) 37.7763920000 -122.4086860000 1122 Folsom Street
Boys and Girls (2000) 37.7691126000 -122.4506125000 628 Cole Street
Boys and Girls (2000) 37.8267557000 -122.4229298000 Alcatraz Island
Boys and Girls (2000) 37.8074647000 -122.4208864000 Aquatic Park (Jefferson Street)
Boys and Girls (2000) 37.7965360000 -122.4065810000 Chinatown
Boys and Girls (2000) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
Boys and Girls (2000) 37.8023740000 -122.4058181000 Coit Tower
Boys and Girls (2000) 37.7959230000 -122.3920520000 Ferry Building
Boys and Girls (2000) 37.8085636000 -122.4097141000 Fisherman's Wharf
The Conversation (1974) 37.7953169000 -122.3991578000 Alcoa Building (1 Maritime Plaza)
The Conversation (1974) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Alta Plaza Park (Steiner Street)
The Conversation (1974) 37.7662508000 -122.4036627000 American Roofing Co. Building (297 Kansas Street, Potrero Hill)
The Conversation (1974) 37.7859780000 -122.4223120000 Cathedral Hill Hotel (1101 Van Ness Avenue, Civic Center)
The Conversation (1974) 37.7959362000 -122.4000032000 Financial District
The Conversation (1974) 37.7871117000 -122.4065270000 Neiman Marcus (150 Stockton Street, Union Square)
The Conversation (1974) 37.7948830000 -122.3998137000 One Embarcadero Center (Financial District)
The Conversation (1974) 37.7886210000 -122.4080690000 Saks Fifth Avenue (384 Post Street, Union Square)
The Conversation (1974) 37.7879938000 -122.4074374000 Union Square
The Conversation (1974) 37.7877355000 -122.4085566000 Westin St. Francis Hotel (335 Powell Street, Union Square)
Sudden Impact (1983) 37.7957585000 -122.3918603000 Ferry Plaza
Sudden Impact (1983) 37.7752524000 -122.4037683000 Hall of Justice (850 Bryant Street)
Sudden Impact (1983) 37.7910621000 -122.4103995000 Mark Hopkins Intercontinental Hotel (1 Nob Hill Circle, Nob Hill)
Sudden Impact (1983) 37.7788169000 -122.3922560000 McDonald's Restaurant (701 3rd Street, SOMA)
Sudden Impact (1983) 37.7388368000 -122.4544794000 Mt. Davidson
Sudden Impact (1983) 37.7857816000 -122.4962215000 Near Point Lobos, El Camino Del Mar
Sudden Impact (1983) 37.7824533000 -122.3879489000 Pier 38-40, The Embarcadero
Sudden Impact (1983) 37.7951050000 -122.3938610000 The Embarcadero/Ferry Building
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) 37.7967944000 -122.4078219000 500 Block of Pacific Avenue (Chinatown)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) 37.7760299000 -122.4067279000 Bessie Charmichael Elementary School (375 Seventh Street, SOMA)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) 29.7555073000 -95.3913526000 Intersection of Columbus & Mason Streets
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) 29.9735066000 -95.5987652000 Intersection of Grant & Fresno Streets (North Beach)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) 40.7684342000 -74.1454214000 Kearny & Pacific Streets
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) 37.8066235000 -122.4391137000 Marina Green, Marina District
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) 37.8016033000 -122.4106233000 North Beach
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) 36.7606931000 -121.7657346000 West Harbor, Marina District
A View to a Kill (1985) 37.7775568000 -122.3910893000 Burger Island (901 3rd Street, China Basin)
A View to a Kill (1985) 37.7965360000 -122.4065810000 Chinatown
A View to a Kill (1985) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
A View to a Kill (1985) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
A View to a Kill (1985) 37.7600838000 -122.4042514000 Potrero Hill
A View to a Kill (1985) 37.8082428000 -122.4158057000 Taylor and Jefferson Streets (Fisherman's Wharf)
A View to a Kill (1985) 37.7913102000 -122.4225920000 Van Ness Avenue
Twisted (2004) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 La Bodega (1332 Grant Avenue at Vallejo)
Twisted (2004) 37.7792636000 -122.3900731000 McCovey Point, China Basin Park (24 Willy Mays Plaza)
Twisted (2004) 37.7993001000 -122.4073542000 Mojito (1337-1339 Grant Avenue)
Twisted (2004) 37.7902820000 -122.3868660000 Pier 24
Twisted (2004) 37.8087174000 -122.4100998000 Pier 39
Twisted (2004) 37.7860159000 -122.3860200000 Piers 30-32
Twisted (2004) 37.7976769000 -122.3943387000 Red's Java House (Pier 30-32, The Embarcadero)
Getting Even with Dad (1994) 37.7882919000 -122.4059318000 140 Maiden Lane
Getting Even with Dad (1994) 36.7782610000 -119.4179324000 California & Grant Streets
Getting Even with Dad (1994) 37.7137126000 -122.3850009000 Candlestick Park (602 Jamestown Ave.)
Getting Even with Dad (1994) 37.7929760000 -122.3967420000 Embarcadero Street Station- BART
Getting Even with Dad (1994) 37.7954401000 -122.4115822000 Mason Street at Jackson
Getting Even with Dad (1994) 37.7690400000 -122.4835193000 M.H. de Young Memorial Museum (Golden Gate Park)
Getting Even with Dad (1994) 37.7871117000 -122.4065270000 Neiman Marcus (150 Stockton Street, Union Square)
Getting Even with Dad (1994) 44.3258932000 -93.9556910000 St. Peter & Paul's Church (666 Filbert Street, Washington Square)
Getting Even with Dad (1994) 37.7881209000 -122.3954958000 Transbay Terminal (Mission Street at 1st Street)
Getting Even with Dad (1994) 37.7796490000 -122.4205520000 War Memorial Building (401 Van Ness Avenue)
The Enforcer (1976) 34.5032736000 -82.9134198000 23rd & Capp Streets (Mission District)
The Enforcer (1976) 37.7509978000 -122.4123338000 Balmy Street (Mission District)
The Enforcer (1976) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
The Enforcer (1976) 37.8023740000 -122.4058181000 Coit Tower
The Enforcer (1976) 37.7750610000 -122.4045061000 Hall of Justice
The Enforcer (1976) 37.7780061000 -122.3917070000 Lefty O' Doul Drawbridge/ 3rd Street Bridge (3rd Street, China Basin)
The Enforcer (1976) 39.1598915000 -121.7527482000 Sutter & Webster Streets
Sweet November (2001) 37.7583452000 -122.3951754000 Blooms Saloon (18th Street between Missouri and Texas Streets)
Sweet November (2001) 37.8039069000 -122.4640618000 Chrissy Field
Sweet November (2001) 37.7627071000 -122.3967155000 Christopher's Books (1400 18th Street)
Sweet November (2001) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Citicorp Center (1 Sansome Street at Sutter)
Sweet November (2001) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Marquee Lofts (1000 Van Ness Avenue at Alice B. Tolkas Place)
Sweet November (2001) 37.7596447000 -122.4270998000 Mission Delores Park (Mission District)
Jade (1995) 37.7924250000 -122.4100930000 Fairmont Hotel (950 Mason Street, Nob Hill)
Jade (1995) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Fior d' Italia (601 Union Street at Stockton)
Jade (1995) 37.7752524000 -122.4037683000 Hall of Justice (850 Bryant Street)
Jade (1995) 37.7702725000 -122.4696838000 Japanese Tea Garden (Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive, Golden Gate Park)
Jade (1995) 41.8800296000 -88.0078435000 Lombard & Hyde Streets
Jade (1995) 37.8027503000 -122.4484931000 Palace of Fine Arts
Jade (1995) 37.7735129000 -122.4212390000 Sheraton Palace Hotel (639 Market Street)
Jade (1995) 37.7796490000 -122.4205520000 War Memorial Opera House (401 Van Ness Avenue)
Fearless (1993) 37.7887267000 -122.3927723000 5th and Beale Streets
Fearless (1993) 37.7967241000 -122.4034420000 90 Gold Street
Fearless (1993) 36.7606931000 -121.7657346000 Bank of America Building (555 California Street)
Fearless (1993) 30.6301889000 -90.1873048000 Folsom Street & Embarcadero
Fearless (1993) 37.7930018000 -122.4026800000 Kohl Building (400 Montgomery Street)
Fearless (1993) 37.7566326000 -122.4065296000 San Francisco General Hospital Medical Center (1001 Potrero Avenue, Potrero Hill)
Fearless (1993) 44.3258932000 -93.9556910000 St. Peter & Paul's Church (666 Filbert Street, Washington Square)
Fearless (1993) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Varennes Alley between Filbert and Union
Experiment in Terror (1962) 37.7575192000 -122.4505316000 100 St. Germain Avenue
Experiment in Terror (1962) 37.7892022000 -122.4022462000 1 Monthgomery Street at Post
Experiment in Terror (1962) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Roaring Twenties Nightclub (555 Broadway at Columbus)
Experiment in Terror (1962) 37.7955514000 -122.4033651000 Sheraton Palace Hotel (2 Montgomery Street, Financial District)
Experiment in Terror (1962) 37.8085636000 -122.4097141000 The Sea Captain's Chest (Fisherman's Wharf)
Experiment in Terror (1962) 37.7933614000 -122.3972064000 Wells Fargo Bank (1 California Street, Financial District)
Edtv (1999) 37.8005660000 -122.4182790000 1138 Filbert Street
Edtv (1999) 37.8006900000 -122.3996025000 19 Green Street (North Beach)
Edtv (1999) 43.6170885000 18.9218677000 20th & Connecticut Streets (Potrero Hill)
Edtv (1999) 37.7601533000 -122.4311526000 Castro Theatre (429 Castro Street, The Castro)
Edtv (1999) 35.0032520000 -120.4392400000 Center for the Arts, Yerba Buena Gardens (701 Mission Street)
Edtv (1999) 37.8008190000 -122.4102693000 Mario's Bohemian Cigar Store (Washington Square)
Edtv (1999) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Palace of Fine Arts (3301 Lyon Street)
D.O.A (1950) 37.7945788000 -122.4147608000 Chambord Apartments (1298 Sacramento Street at Jones)
D.O.A (1950) -33.7377915000 18.9691759000 Market & Steuart Streets (Financial District)
D.O.A (1950) 37.7774223000 -122.3953774000 Market Street (from 6th- 4th Streets)
D.O.A (1950) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Mark Hopkins Intercontinental Hotel (1 Nob Hill Circle)
D.O.A (1950) 40.1578402000 -83.0751869000 Powell & California Streets
D.O.A (1950) 37.7738020000 -122.4419510000 Southern Pacific Memorial Hospital (1400 Fell Street)
D.O.A (1950) 37.7951050000 -122.3938610000 The Embarcadero/ Ferry Building
D.O.A (1950) 37.7879938000 -122.4074374000 Union Square
D.O.A (1950) 37.7877355000 -122.4085566000 Westin St. Francis Hotel (335 Powell Street)
When a Man Loves a Woman (1994) 37.7895729000 -122.4137385000 Cybelle's Pizza (1000 Bush Street)
When a Man Loves a Woman (1994) 37.7969186000 -122.4068665000 Grant Street at Pacific Avenue
When a Man Loves a Woman (1994) 37.7571929000 -122.4031392000 International Studies Academy (993 Vermont Street, Potrero Hill)
When a Man Loves a Woman (1994) 37.7944362000 -122.4189552000 Spring Valley School (1451 Jackson Street)
When a Man Loves a Woman (1994) 37.7877355000 -122.4085566000 Victor's Restaurant, The Westin St. Francis Hotel (335 Powell Street)
The Wedding Planner (2001) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
The Wedding Planner (2001) 37.7918782000 -122.4130028000 Grace Cathedral Episcopal Church (1100 California Street)
The Wedding Planner (2001) 37.7702725000 -122.4696838000 Japanese Tea Garden (Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive, Golden Gate Park)
The Wedding Planner (2001) 37.7828248000 -122.5123279000 Lincoln Park
The Wedding Planner (2001) 37.8010394000 -122.4044855000 Montgomery Street at Union Street
180 (2011) 37.7931329000 -122.3965602000 200 block Market Street
180 (2011) 37.7899520000 -122.4001580000 555 Market St.
180 (2011) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
180 (2011) 37.7976769000 -122.3943387000 Epic Roasthouse (399 Embarcadero)
180 (2011) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Justin Herman Plaza
180 (2011) 47.4251146000 -123.1951376000 Mason & California Streets (Nob Hill)
180 (2011) 40.9445003000 -82.2154361000 Polk & Larkin Streets
180 (2011) 37.7643243000 -122.4384077000 Randall Musuem
What's Up Doc? (1972) 38.3626193000 -97.5189644000 22nd Avenue & Balboa Street (Richmond District)
What's Up Doc? (1972) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Alta Plaza Park (Steiner Street)
What's Up Doc? (1972) 37.7857896000 -122.4100315000 San Francisco Hilton (333 O'Farrell Street)
What's Up Doc? (1972) 44.3258932000 -93.9556910000 St. Peter & Paul's Church (666 Filbert Street, Washington Square)
The Towering Inferno (1974) 37.7940913000 -122.4449412000 2898 Vallejo Street
The Towering Inferno (1974) 37.7927271000 -122.4043821000 Bank of America Building (555 California Street, Financial District)
The Towering Inferno (1974) 37.7924250000 -122.4100930000 Fairmont Hotel (950 Mason Street, Nob Hill)
The Towering Inferno (1974) 37.7918782000 -122.4130028000 Grace Cathedral Episcopal Church (1100 California Street)
The Towering Inferno (1974) 37.7943310000 -122.3958110000 Hyatt Regency Hotel (5 Embarcadero Center, Financial District)
The Towering Inferno (1974) 37.7895354000 -122.4298217000 San Francisco Fire Station 38 (2150 California Street, Pacific Heights)
The Rock (1996) 37.8267557000 -122.4229298000 Alcatraz Island
The Rock (1996) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
The Rock (1996) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Palace of Fine Arts (3301 Lyon Street)
The Rock (1996) 37.6788056000 -122.2880726000 The San Francisco Bay
The Princess Diaries (2001) 37.7946426000 -122.4469636000 2601 Lyon Street
The Princess Diaries (2001) 37.7216110000 -122.4288940000 724 Brazil Avenue
The Princess Diaries (2001) 37.7922220000 -122.4811860000 Baker Beach
The Princess Diaries (2001) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Broadway Tunnel (Broadway between Powell and Larkin)
The Princess Diaries (2001) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Cliff House (1090 Point Lobos Avenue)
The Princess Diaries (2001) 37.8085636000 -122.4097141000 Fisherman's Wharf
The Lineup (1958) 37.7934150000 -122.4294280000 2090 Jackson Street
The Lineup (1958) 37.7910621000 -122.4103995000 Mark Hopkins Intercontinental Hotel (1 Nob Hill Circle, Nob Hill)
The Lineup (1958) 37.7798498000 -122.5138482000 Sutro Baths (Point Lobos Avenue)
The Lineup (1958) 37.7976769000 -122.3943387000 The Embarcadero
The Lineup (1958) 37.7796490000 -122.4205520000 War Memorial Opera House (401 Van Ness Avenue)
Petulia (1968) 37.7966900000 -122.4256060000 2417 Franklin Street
Petulia (1968) 37.8018463000 -122.4050336000 307 Filbert Street
Petulia (1968) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Cala Foods (California Street and Hyde)
Petulia (1968) 37.7924250000 -122.4100930000 Fairmont Hotel (950 Mason Street, Nob Hill)
Petulia (1968) 37.8105374000 -122.4770634000 Fort Point (Presidio, Golden Gate National Recreation Area)
Petulia (1968) 37.7702725000 -122.4696838000 Japanese Tea Garden, Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive, Golden Gate Park
Petulia (1968) 37.7974553000 -122.3937942000 Pier 43 1/2
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) 37.7997174000 -122.4074187000 520-522A Green Street at Grant Street
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) 37.8039069000 -122.4640618000 Chrissy Field
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) 37.8007185000 -122.4148445000 Hancock School (940 Filbert Street)
Junior (1994) 37.8045610000 -122.4198720000 2552 Hyde Street
Junior (1994) 37.7764540000 -122.4327570000 722 Steiner Street
Junior (1994) 37.7986380000 -122.2668066000 Chinatown Gate
Junior (1994) 37.7924250000 -122.4100930000 Fairmont Hotel (950 Mason Street, Nob Hill)
Junior (1994) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Hyatt Fisherman's Wharf (555 Northpoint Street)
High Crimes (1977) 40.4531318000 -101.6157773000 Chase H & Q (1 Bush Street at Sansome)
High Crimes (1977) 37.7959302000 -122.4219385000 Condor Club (Columbus and Broadway)
High Crimes (1977) 37.7882406000 -122.4052008000 Maiden Lane
High Crimes (1977) 37.7879938000 -122.4074374000 Union Square
High Crimes (1977) 37.7975684000 -122.4063114000 Vesuvio Café (255 Columbus Avenue)
Dr. Dolittle (1998) 37.7965890000 -122.4339810000 2100 Green Street
Dr. Dolittle (1998) 37.7971759000 -122.4340650000 2107 Union Street
Dr. Dolittle (1998) 37.8023740000 -122.4058181000 Coit Tower
Dr. Dolittle (1998) 37.7959230000 -122.3920520000 Gabbiano's Restaurant (Ferry Building)
Dr. Dolittle (1998) 43.7227800000 -84.2472200000 Larkin & Hyde Streets
Woman on the Run (1950) 37.7877440000 -122.4288180000 1801 Laguna at Bush
Woman on the Run (1950) 37.7939249000 -122.4058278000 772 Commercial Street at Kearney
Woman on the Run (1950) 37.7911620000 -122.4109100000 819 Mason Street at Pine
Woman on the Run (1950) 37.7840081000 -122.4080920000 835-865 Market Street at 5th Street
Woman on the Run (1950) 37.7965168000 -122.4101149000 Cable Car Signal Box (California Street at Powell Street)
Woman on the Run (1950) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Fomer Hall of Justice (750 Kearny Street at Washington)
Play it Again, Sam (1972) 37.7986421000 -122.4059833000 15-17 Fresno Street
Play it Again, Sam (1972) 37.8074647000 -122.4208864000 Aquatic Park (Jefferson Street)
Play it Again, Sam (1972) 37.7764455000 -122.4812620000 Balboa at 22nd Avenue
Play it Again, Sam (1972) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Hyde Street Cable Car
My Reality (2011) 32.5083448000 -117.0391825000 500 Club (500 Guerrero)
My Reality (2011) 37.7918010000 -122.4346030000 Chouguet's (2500 Washington Street)
My Reality (2011) 42.9790743000 -76.5316206000 Grant Avenue & Union Street
My Reality (2011) 33.1245734000 -94.3207481000 O'Farrell & Jones Streets
My Reality (2011) 37.7903477000 -122.4054282000 Triton Hotel (342 Grant Street)
Joy Luck Club (1993) 37.7442040000 -122.4143280000 180 Manchester Street
Joy Luck Club (1993) 37.7473599000 -122.4591614000 375 Laguna Honda Blvd.
Joy Luck Club (1993) 37.7619169000 -122.4025660000 610 Rhode Island Street (Potrero Hill)
Joy Luck Club (1993) 37.7996190000 -122.4143400000 901 Union Street
Joy Luck Club (1993) 37.7941248000 -122.4075468000 Hang Ah Alley (Chinatown)
Copycat (1995) 37.7911358000 -122.4378768000 Alta Plaza Park
Copycat (1995) 37.7817092000 -122.3878808000 Java House (Pier 40, Embarcadero)
Copycat (1995) 37.7736469000 -122.4086882000 Sound Factory (1st and Harrison Streets)
Copycat (1995) 37.8229361000 -122.3702611000 Treasure Island
Copycat (1995) 37.7534153000 -122.4453083000 Twin Peaks
Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Carnelian Room, Bank of America Building (555 California Street, 53rd Floor)
Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993) 37.7831109000 -122.4200435000 CCSF Alemany Campus
Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993) 37.8023740000 -122.4058181000 Coit Tower
Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993) 37.8069840000 -122.4303999000 Maritime Museum, Building 201 (Fort Mason)
Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993) 44.3258932000 -93.9556910000 St. Peter & Paul's Church (666 Filbert Street, Washington Square)
Murder in the First (1995) 37.7783409000 -122.4339839000 Alamo Square
Murder in the First (1995) 37.8267557000 -122.4229298000 Alcatraz Island
Murder in the First (1995) 37.8074647000 -122.4208864000 Aquatic Park (Jefferson Street)
Murder in the First (1995) 37.8027503000 -122.4484931000 Palace of Fine Arts
Murder in the First (1995) 37.8001077000 -122.3943664000 Pier 7
Golden Gate (1994) 37.7681801000 -122.4392915000 Buena Vista Park (Haight Street at Buena Vista)
Golden Gate (1994) 37.8135867000 -122.4780624000 Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate (1994) 37.7955434000 -122.4073628000 Ross Alley (Chinatown)
Golden Gate (1994) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 University of California Hastings College of the Law
George of the Jungle (1997) 37.7984572000 -122.4098399000 755 Vallejo Street
George of the Jungle (1997) 37.8196665000 -122.3437762000 Bay Bridge
George of the Jungle (1997) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 First Bank (550 Montgomery Street at Commercial)
George of the Jungle (1997) 37.7871117000 -122.4065270000 Neiman Marcus (150 Stockton Street, Union Square)
George of the Jungle (1997) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 The Tamalpias Building (1201 Greenwich Street at Hyde)
Final Analysis (1992) 37.7968967000 -122.4028902000 Bix Restaurant (56 Gold Street)
Final Analysis (1992) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
Final Analysis (1992) 37.8052024000 -122.4569607000 Presidio, Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Final Analysis (1992) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Public Health Service Hospital (Presidio, Golden Gate National Recreation Area)
Final Analysis (1992) 37.7877355000 -122.4085566000 Westin St. Francis Hotel (335 Powell Street, Union Square)
Dr. Dolittle 2 (2001) 37.8013656000 -122.4559291000 Building 924, Presido (Golden Gate National Recreation Area)
Dr. Dolittle 2 (2001) 41.2551721000 -82.4066614000 Hyde Street & Lombard Street
Dr. Dolittle 2 (2001) 38.5815719000 -121.4943996000 Sacramento St., Between Pierce & Broderick Streets
Dr. Dolittle 2 (2001) 37.8076087000 -122.4702027000 West Chrissy Field (Presidio, Golden Gate National Recreation Area)
Bicentennial Man (1999) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
Bicentennial Man (1999) 37.7759073000 -122.4245247000 Postcard Row, Alamo Square, Hayes Valley
Bicentennial Man (1999) 37.8229361000 -122.3702611000 Treasure Island
Bedazzled (2000) 37.7999600000 -122.4184480000 1155 Filbert Street at Hyde
Bedazzled (2000) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
Bedazzled (2000) 32.3668052000 -86.2999689000 Montgomery & Market Streets
Bedazzled (2000) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Vaillancourt Fountain (Justin Herman Plaza)
Bedazzled (2000) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Washington Square Park (Filbert, between Stockton and Powell)
The Woman In Red (1984) 37.7928362000 -122.4109034000 Brocklebank Apartments (1000 Mason Street)
The Woman In Red (1984) 37.8010394000 -122.4044855000 Montgomery Street at Union Street
The Woman In Red (1984) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Palace of Fine Arts (3301 Lyon Street)
The Right Stuff (1983) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
The Right Stuff (1983) 37.8029231000 -122.4496181000 Cow Palace
The Right Stuff (1983) 37.7959362000 -122.4000032000 Financial District
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) 37.7137126000 -122.3850009000 Candlestick Park (602 Jamestown Ave.)
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Glen Park Subway Station
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) 37.7851562000 -122.4113273000 Glide Memorial Church (434 Ellis St)
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) 37.7683778000 -122.4571623000 Golden Gate Park Children's Playground
The Lady from Shanghai (1947) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Fomer Hall of Justice (750 Kearny Street at Washington)
The Lady from Shanghai (1947) 37.7690400000 -122.4835193000 Golden Gate Park
The Lady from Shanghai (1947) 37.7963330000 -122.4070320000 Mandarin Theatre (1021 Grant Avenue)
The House on Telegraph Hill (1951) 37.7735129000 -122.4212390000 Market Street
The House on Telegraph Hill (1951) 37.8013407000 -122.4056674000 Telegraph Hill
Sudden Fear (1952) 37.7957520000 -122.4399170000 2800 Scott Street
Sudden Fear (1952) 37.7928362000 -122.4109034000 Brocklebank Apartments (1000 Mason Street)
Sudden Fear (1952) 37.7989752000 -122.4439961000 Lombard Street
Sudden Fear (1952) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 The Tamalpias Building (1201 Greenwich Street at Hyde)
On the Road (2010) 37.7545040000 -122.4000410000 2017 23rd Street
On the Road (2010) 37.8196665000 -122.3437762000 Bay Bridge
On the Road (2010) 35.0486099000 -81.2544400000 Filbert & Leavenworth Streets
On the Road (2010) 38.5815719000 -121.4943996000 Sacramento & Montgomery Streets
Interview With The Vampire (1994) 37.8135867000 -122.4780624000 Golden Gate Bridge
Hulk (2003) 37.8135867000 -122.4780624000 Golden Gate Bridge
Hulk (2003) 37.8013407000 -122.4056674000 Telegraph Hill
Hulk (2003) 37.8229361000 -122.3702611000 Treasure Island
Hulk (2003) 37.7993922000 -122.4024386000 Vallejo Street at Sansome
Heart and Souls (1994) 37.7927430000 -122.4420840000 2810 Pacific Avenue
Heart and Souls (1994) 37.7725023000 -122.4587546000 Conservatory of Flowers (Golden Gate Park)
Heart and Souls (1994) 37.7873702000 -122.4234239000 Stockton Tunnel (Stockton Street at Sutter Street)
Heart and Souls (1994) 37.7796490000 -122.4205520000 War Memorial Opera House (401 Van Ness Avenue)
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) 37.7927793000 -122.4427278000 634 Raycliff Terrace
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) 37.6152230000 -122.3899790000 San Francisco International Airport
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Sutter Street between Powell and Mason
Family Plot (1976) 37.7905480000 -122.4305560000 2230 Sacramento Street
Family Plot (1976) 37.7924250000 -122.4100930000 Fairmont Hotel (950 Mason Street, Nob Hill)
Family Plot (1976) 37.7918782000 -122.4130028000 Grace Cathedral Episcopal Church (1100 California Street)
Family Plot (1976) 37.7930944000 -122.4169949000 Nob Hill
Burglar (1987) 37.7627071000 -122.3967155000 1400 18th Street
Burglar (1987) 37.7697065000 -122.4492276000 1627 Haight Street
Burglar (1987) 37.7699790000 -122.4662880000 California Academy of Sciences (Golden Gate Park)
Burglar (1987) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Green Valley Restaurant (510 Green Street Near Grant)
A Night Full of Rain (1978) 37.7980270000 -122.4078580000 Broadway (North Beach)
A Night Full of Rain (1978) 37.7494219000 -122.3926015000 Embarcadero Freeway
A Night Full of Rain (1978) 37.7924250000 -122.4100930000 Fairmont Hotel (950 Mason Street, Nob Hill)
A Night Full of Rain (1978) 37.7666711000 -122.4198529000 San Francisco Chronicle (901 Mission Street at 15th Street)
The Other Sister (1999) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Palace of Fine Arts (3301 Lyon Street)
The Other Sister (1999) 44.3258932000 -93.9556910000 St. Peter & Paul's Church (666 Filbert Street, Washington Square)
The Other Sister (1999) 37.7881209000 -122.3954958000 Transbay Terminal (Mission Street at 1st Street)
The Maltese Falcon (1941) 37.7967142000 -122.4084476000 Burritt Alley (Off Bush Street, between Powell and Stockton Streets)
The Maltese Falcon (1941) 37.7959230000 -122.3920520000 Ferry Building
The Maltese Falcon (1941) 37.8135867000 -122.4780624000 Golden Gate Bridge
Take the Money and Run (1969) 37.7992760000 -122.4092150000 Bank of America (1455 Stockton Street)
Patch Adams (1998) 37.8229361000 -122.3702611000 Treasure Island
Pal Joey (1957) 37.7841960000 -122.4081100000 Barbary Coast
Pal Joey (1957) 37.8023740000 -122.4058181000 Coit Tower
Pal Joey (1957) 37.7929200000 -122.4274750000 Spreckles Mansion (2080 Washington Street, Pacific Heights)
Pacific Heights (1990) 37.7965360000 -122.4065810000 Chinatown
Pacific Heights (1990) 37.7959362000 -122.4000032000 Financial District
Pacific Heights (1990) 31.9685988000 -99.9018131000 Texas & 19th Streets (Potrero Hill)
Maxie (1985) 37.7759073000 -122.4245247000 722 Steiner Street (Postcard Row, Alamo Square, Hayes Valley)
Maxie (1985) 37.7802635000 -122.4163842000 Asian Art Museum (200 Larkin Street, Civic Center)
Maxie (1985) 37.7918782000 -122.4130028000 Grace Cathedral Episcopal Church (1100 California Street)
Knife Fight (2012) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
Knife Fight (2012) 37.2570117000 -85.5612100000 Green & Laguna Streets
It Came From Beneath the Sea (1955) 37.8039069000 -122.4640618000 Chrissy Field
It Came From Beneath the Sea (1955) 37.8135867000 -122.4780624000 Golden Gate Bridge
It Came From Beneath the Sea (1955) 37.7276095000 -122.3702611000 Hunters Point
Innerspace (1987) 37.8135867000 -122.4780624000 Golden Gate Bridge
Innerspace (1987) 37.7910621000 -122.4103995000 Mark Hopkins Intercontinental Hotel (1 Nob Hill Circle, Nob Hill)
Innerspace (1987) 37.8013407000 -122.4056674000 Telegraph Hill
I Remember Mama (1948) 37.7924250000 -122.4100930000 Fairmont Hotel (950 Mason Street, Nob Hill)
I Remember Mama (1948) 37.7983418000 -122.4071687000 Grant Avenue (North Beach)
I Remember Mama (1948) 37.7959230000 -122.3920520000 The Ferry Building
High Anxiety (1977) 37.7725023000 -122.4587546000 Conservatory of Flowers, Golden Gate Park
High Anxiety (1977) 37.8105374000 -122.4770634000 Fort Point (Presidio, Golden Gate National Recreation Area)
High Anxiety (1977) 37.7943310000 -122.3958110000 Hyatt Regency Hotel (5 Embarcadero Center)
Hereafter (2009) 37.7932825000 -122.4127848000 1160 Taylor Street
Hereafter (2009) 37.7894413000 -122.4015661000 Hobart Building (582 Market Street)
Hereafter (2009) 37.7986904000 -122.4457962000 The Final Final (2990 Baker Street)
Herbie Rides Again (1974) 37.8085636000 -122.4097141000 Castagnola's Restaurant (Fisherman's Wharf)
Herbie Rides Again (1974) 37.8135867000 -122.4780624000 Golden Gate Bridge
Herbie Rides Again (1974) 37.7735129000 -122.4212390000 Sheraton Palace Hotel (639 Market Street)
Heart Beat (1980) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 City Lights Bookstore (261 Columbus)
Heart Beat (1980) 37.8033760000 -122.4171670000 San Francisco Art Institute (800 Chestnut Street)
Heart Beat (1980) 46.7795670000 -117.3134893000 Washington Square Bar & Grill (1707 Powell)
Harold and Maude (1971) 37.7725023000 -122.4587546000 Conservatory of Flowers (Golden Gate Park)
Harold and Maude (1971) 37.7690400000 -122.4835193000 Golden Gate Park
Harold and Maude (1971) 37.7798498000 -122.5138482000 Sutro Baths (Point Lobos Avenue)
Groove (2000) 37.7551760000 -122.3846910000 435 23rd Street at Ilinois
Groove (2000) 37.7551760000 -122.3846910000 435 23rd Street at Ilinois
Groove (2000) 37.7551760000 -122.3846910000 435 23rd Street at Ilinois
Greed (1924) 37.7873702000 -122.4234239000 Bush and Sutter Streets
Greed (1924) 37.7749295000 -122.4194155000 Cliff House (1090 Point Lobos Avenue)
Dark Passage (1947) 37.8135867000 -122.4780624000 Golden Gate Bridge
Dark Passage (1947) 37.8017938000 -122.4043215000 The Malloch Apartment Building (1360 Montgomery Street)
Class Action (1991) 37.7968967000 -122.4028902000 Bix Restaurant (56 Gold Street)
Class Action (1991) 37.7793480000 -122.4188360000 City Hall
Class Action (1991) 37.7643821000 -122.4268206000 Mission Delores (3321 16th Street, Mision District)
Chu Chu and the Philly Flash (1981) 37.7572327000 -122.3999821000 22nd and Carolina Streets (Potrero Hill)
Chu Chu and the Philly Flash (1981) 37.7924250000 -122.4100930000 Fairmont Hotel (950 Mason Street, Nob Hill)
Chu Chu and the Philly Flash (1981) 37.7881209000 -122.3954958000 Transbay Terminal (Mission Street at 1st Street)
By Hook or By Crook (2001) 37.7792952000 -122.4193890000 Department of Public Health (101 Grove Street at Polk, Civic Center)
By Hook or By Crook (2001) 37.7664447000 -122.4219145000 Royan Hotel (405 Valencia Street, Mission District)
Alexander's Ragtime Band (1938) 37.6788056000 -122.2880726000 San Francisco Bay
A Smile Like Yours (1997) 37.7918782000 -122.4130028000 Grace Cathedral Episcopal Church (1100 California Street)
A Smile Like Yours (1997) 37.7736469000 -122.4086882000 Hills Brothers Plaza (Embarcadero at Harrison Street)
A Smile Like Yours (1997) 37.6152230000 -122.3899790000 San Francisco International Airport
The Net (1995) 32.3668052000 -86.2999689000 Montgomery & Market Streets
The Net (1995) 37.7841730000 -122.4015570000 Moscone Convention Center
The Love Bug (1968) 37.7989752000 -122.4439961000 100 Block of Lombard Street
The Love Bug (1968) 37.8135867000 -122.4780624000 Golden Gate Bridge
The Graduate (1967) 37.8196665000 -122.3437762000 Bay Bridge
The Graduate (1967) 37.7356605000 -122.5032393000 San Francisco Zoo (2701 Sloat Blvd.)
The Caine Mutiny (1954) 37.7976769000 -122.3943387000 The Embarcadero
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