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Created July 9, 2017 01:15
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Opinion Analysis query before
INSERT INTO opinions.stattopic (SnapshotDateId, Topic, Tags, TagCount, cntOrigPublishers, cntRepostWRs,
cntPositives, cntNegatives, cntAmbiguous, cntGeneral, SentimentHashes, OrigWebResourceHashes, RepostWebResourceHashes )
p AS (
SELECT 20170630 AS SnapshotDateId
CalcStatSentiments AS (
SELECT p.SnapshotDateId, t.Tag, t.GoodAsTopic, d.DocumentHash AS DocumentHash, s.SentimentHash,
wrOrig.WebResourceHash AS OrigWebResourceHash, wrOrig.Domain AS OrigDomain, wrRepost.WebResourceHash AS RepostWebResourceHash,
s.DominantValence AS Valence, d.PublicationTime AS PublicationTime
FROM opinions.document d, p
INNER JOIN opinions.sentiment s ON s.DocumentHash = d.DocumentHash, UNNEST(s.Tags) AS t
-- Need to use Sentiment tags, so that sentiments relate to topics
INNER JOIN opinions.webresource wrOrig ON wrOrig.DocumentHash = d.DocumentHash
INNER JOIN opinions.webresource wrRepost ON wrRepost.DocumentCollectionId = d.DocumentCollectionId
AND wrRepost.CollectionItemId = d.CollectionItemId
d.PublicationDateId = p.SnapshotDateId AND s.SentimentTotalScore > 0
CalcStatTopics AS (
c.SnapshotDateId, c.Tag AS Topic, [c.Tag] AS Tags, c.GoodAsTopic, 1 AS TagCount,
COUNT(distinct OrigDomain) as cntOrigPublishers,
COUNT(distinct RepostWebResourceHash) as cntRepostWRs,
COUNT(distinct (case when c.Valence=1 then c.SentimentHash else null end)) as cntPositives,
COUNT(distinct (case when c.Valence=2 then c.SentimentHash else null end)) as cntNegatives,
COUNT(distinct (case when c.Valence=3 then c.SentimentHash else null end)) as cntAmbiguous,
COUNT(distinct (case when c.Valence=5 then c.SentimentHash else null end)) as cntGeneral,
ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT c.SentimentHash) AS SentimentHashes,
ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT c.OrigWebResourceHash) AS OrigWebResourceHashes,
ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT c.RepostWebResourceHash) AS RepostWebResourceHashes
FROM CalcStatSentiments c
GROUP BY c.SnapshotDateId, c.Tag, c.GoodAsTopic
CalcStatCombiTopics AS (
css1.SnapshotDateId, CONCAT(css1.Tag,' & ',css2.Tag) AS Topic, [css1.Tag,css2.Tag] AS Tags, true AS GoodAsTopic, 2 AS TagCount,
COUNT(distinct css1.OrigDomain) as cntOrigPublishers,
COUNT(distinct css1.RepostWebResourceHash) as cntRepostWRs,
COUNT(distinct (case when css1.Valence=1 then css1.SentimentHash else null end)) as cntPositives,
COUNT(distinct (case when css1.Valence=2 then css1.SentimentHash else null end)) as cntNegatives,
COUNT(distinct (case when css1.Valence=3 then css1.SentimentHash else null end)) as cntAmbiguous,
COUNT(distinct (case when css1.Valence=5 then css1.SentimentHash else null end)) as cntGeneral,
ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT css1.SentimentHash) AS SentimentHashes,
ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT css1.OrigWebResourceHash) AS OrigWebResourceHashes,
ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT css1.RepostWebResourceHash) AS RepostWebResourceHashes
CalcStatSentiments css1, CalcStatSentiments css2
css1.SentimentHash = css2.SentimentHash AND
css1.Tag < css2.Tag
GROUP BY css1.SnapshotDateId, css1.Tag, css2.Tag
-- HAVING cntPublisherDomains > 1
CalcStatAllTopics AS (
SELECT * FROM CalcStatTopics
WHERE GoodAsTopic = true AND cntRepostWRs > 1
SELECT * FROM CalcStatCombiTopics
WHERE GoodAsTopic = true AND cntRepostWRs > 1
SELECT SnapshotDateId, Topic, Tags, TagCount, cntOrigPublishers, cntRepostWRs,
cntPositives, cntNegatives, cntAmbiguous, cntGeneral, SentimentHashes, OrigWebResourceHashes, RepostWebResourceHashes
FROM CalcStatAllTopics
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