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Iowa Open Carry Laws
Iowa Open Carry Laws

Iowa Open Carry Laws

Legal information provided is for reference and not legal advice. Consult an attorney for specific legal concerns.

Iowa Open Carry Laws

Legal information provided is for reference and not legal advice. Consult an attorney for specific legal concerns.

Iowa Open Carry Laws

As the national debate regarding gun control and the rights of gun owners continues, states must strike their own balance in their gun laws and regulations. State legislators often respond to incidents of gun violence by assessing the role of law in improving gun safety.

Although the Second Amendment permits individuals to keep and bear arms, states can outlaw certain weapons and accessories. They can also establish licenses and permits for purchasing firearms and carrying concealed firearms in public.

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The federal Gun Control Act of 1968 (as amended) sets a baseline of federal laws related to interstate commerce in firearms, including licensing and regulation for those who manufacture, produce, and sell guns. Among other things, federal law prohibits the possession or ownership of firearms by persons with felony convictions, misdemeanor domestic violence convictions, impairment due to mental illness, or substance abuse. Federal firearms dealers must conduct background checks on all gun purchases through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

Iowa Gun Laws

In 2021, Iowa enacted new laws, including a “permitless carry” law and made the permit application to acquire a firearm optional. As a result, gun sales between private individuals no longer require a background check. The permitless carry law allows law-abiding individuals to carry a loaded firearm on their person, either open or concealed, in public.

Iowa law still provides exceptions where the presence of a firearm is illegal. Under state law and regulations, this includes:

  • Within 1,000 feet of the grounds of a public or private elementary or secondary school or park (weapons-free zones)
  • School buses
  • Casinos

Under federal law, individuals cannot bring firearms to:

  • Post offices and their parking lots
  • Federal facilities
  • IRS offices
  • Federal courthouses
  • Airports (secure areas)
  • Ranger stations
  • Federal buildings in federal parks

The status of gun bans in sensitive areas has become volatile since the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen (2022). In that case, the Court ruled that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to carry arms for purposes such as self-defense in public. It overturned a 1911 law that gave state authorities discretion in issuing concealed carry permits if an applicant showed a special need. The Court held that regulations burdening the individual right to bear arms must be reviewed case by case, and the government must show that the regulation is consistent with traditional, historical firearms regulation in the U.S.

Iowans also passed a state constitutional amendment in 2022. It provides:

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The sovereign state of Iowa affirms and recognizes this right to be a fundamental individual right. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.”

Iowa Department of Public Safety Permitting Process

The Iowa Department of Public Safety continues to oversee a permitting process to aid in reciprocity with other states. An individual may complete a permit application available at the sheriff’s office of their county of residence. Iowa permits include:

  • Permit to acquire a pistol or revolver
  • Nonprofessional carry weapons permit
  • Professional carry weapons permit

Iowans can purchase long guns (rifles and shotguns) once they are 18 years old. To purchase or possess a handgun (pistol or revolver) or get a carry weapons permit, a resident must be 21 years old. Certain exceptions apply for persons 18–20 who are on duty as peace officers, security guards, correctional officers, or members of the military.

Nonprofessional carry permit applicants must show they have met state-issued training requirements, which may include completion of a training course through the National Rifle Association (NRA) or other organizations approved by the Department of Public Safety. Professional carry permits are issued to various law enforcement officers, those engaged in private investigative work, or those who work as security guards.

While Iowa imposes no waiting period for gun purchases, buyers must be of legal age and not fall under legal prohibitions for possession, such as having a felony conviction. Although Iowa does not ban assault weapons, some firearms remain illegal. For example, in Iowa, machine guns are illegal, with limited exceptions for law enforcement and the military. Possession of firearm suppressors (silencers), short-barreled shotguns, or short-barreled rifles is illegal if not compliant with federal law.

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Relevant Statutes (Laws)

  • Iowa Code 724.1, et seq.: Offensive weapons
  • Iowa Code 724.3: Unauthorized possession of offensive weapons
  • Iowa Code 724.4B: Carrying firearms on school grounds — penalty — exceptions
  • Iowa Code 724.4E: Possession of dangerous weapons and loaded firearms by minors
  • Iowa Code 724.5: Permitless carry
  • Iowa Code 724.7: Nonprofessional permit to carry weapons
  • Iowa Code 724.11: Issuance of permits to carry weapons
  • Iowa Code 724.15: Acquiring pistols or revolvers
  • Iowa Code 724.26: Possession, receipt, transportation, or dominion and control of firearms by felons

Illegal Arms

The following firearms are illegal to own in Iowa unless authorized under federal law:

  • Machine guns
  • Short-barreled rifles or shotguns
  • Any weapon other than a shotgun or muzzle-loading rifle, cannon, pistol, revolver, or musket, which fires or can be made to fire a projectile by the explosion of a propellant charge with a barrel of more than six-tenths of an inch in diameter
  • Any bullet containing any explosive mixture capable of exploding upon impact
  • Suppressors (silencers)

Waiting Period

There is no waiting period to purchase a firearm in Iowa.

Who May Not Own

You are prohibited from owning a firearm if you:

  • Have a felony conviction
  • Are an adjudicated delinquent for a crime that would be a felony if it was committed by an adult
  • Are under 21 years old (for handguns, with exceptions)
  • Have a misdemeanor domestic violence conviction or are subject to a domestic violence protective order

License Required?

A license is not required to purchase or own a firearm.

Concealed Carry License Required?

A concealed carry license is not required if a person is not otherwise disqualified under state or federal law.

Open Carry Allowed?

A license for open carry is not required if a person is not otherwise disqualified under state or federal law. Open carry is allowed, except for pistols or revolvers in the state capitol building and grounds or other prohibited locations.

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