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Created March 2, 2017 06:44
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package main
import (
// todo: Move to a separate file for readability.
const classExtensionContents = `<?php
namespace {addOnNamespace}\{originalNamespace};
class {className} extends XFCP_{className}
// ******************** FOR IDE AUTO COMPLETE ********************
if (false)
class XFCP_{className} extends \{originalNamespace}\{className} {}
// todo: Set values though the CLI or a config file.
const (
sourceDir = "/var/xf2/src/"
destinationDir = "/var/xf2/src/addons/datio/TestAddOn/"
addOnNamespace = "Datio/TestAddOn"
// originalNamespace = "XF\ConnectedAccount\Storage"
var matches = []string{}
func main() {
// todo: Move to a another file for readability.
_ = fmt.Sprintln(sourceDir, destinationDir, addOnNamespace, classExtensionContents)
if err := filepath.Walk(sourceDir+"XF/", getFireableDefinitions); err != nil {
for index, match := range matches {
if index > 0 && match == matches[index-1] {
// Generate here struct to be inserted into the type collection
var definitionRe = regexp.MustCompile(`(?:\$this->|\\XF::)extendClass\(['"]\\?(.*?)['"]\);|stringToClass\(.*?['"]\\?(.*?)['"].*?\);`)
var (
adminType = strings.NewReplacer(`%s\%s`, `%s\Admin`)
cliType = strings.NewReplacer(`%s\%s`, `%s\Cli`)
pubType = strings.NewReplacer(`%s\%s`, `%s\Pub`)
func getFireableDefinitions(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
// fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(sourceDir + "XF/App.php")
fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
results := definitionRe.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(fileContents), -1)
if len(results) == 0 {
return nil
for _, submatch := range results {
if len(submatch[1]) > 0 {
matches = append(matches, submatch[1])
} else if len(submatch[2]) == 0 {
var first rune
for _, c := range submatch[2] {
first = c
if unicode.IsLower(first) {
if strings.HasPrefix(submatch[2], `%s\%s`) {
matches = append(matches, adminType.Replace(submatch[2]))
matches = append(matches, cliType.Replace(submatch[2]))
matches = append(matches, pubType.Replace(submatch[2]))
matches = append(matches, submatch[2])
return err
// todo:...
// func findWildcardPath
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