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Last active November 1, 2016 03:17
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Browser mechanization with python and terminal calls to applescript
import subprocess
import time
tabs = 0
#----------------- open a new tab
def open_new_tab(serach_website):
new_tab_cmd = "osascript -e 'tell application \"Google Chrome\" to open location \"https://" + serach_website + "\" & activate'"
# this will be executed from a shell moment and will open 3 tabs
new_tab_code =, shell=True)
#----------------- activation function for a tab of interest
# Healty practice; Can use later to discretely activate a specific tab
def activate_tab(tab_number):
activate_tab_cmd = "osascript -e 'tell application \"Google Chrome\" to set (active tab index of (window 1)) to " + str(tab_number) + "'"
active_tab_code =, shell=True)
#----------------- counting tabs - healty practice can use later for discretely activate a specific tab
def count_current_tabs():
count_tabs_cmd = "osascript -e 'tell application \"Google Chrome\" to count (every tab of window 1)'"
count_tabs_result = subprocess.check_output(count_tabs_cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
count_tabs_result = count_tabs_result[:-1]
return int(count_tabs_result)
#----------------- activation function for a tab of interest
def activate_tab(tab_number):
activate_tab_cmd = "osascript -e 'tell application \"Google Chrome\" to set (active tab index of (window 1)) to " + str(tab_number) + "'"
active_tab_code =, shell=True)
#----------------- typing function
def emulate_words_onsearch_tab(search_term):
typein_stuff_cmd = "osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"" + search_term + "\" & return'"
type_in_code =, shell=True)
#----------------- deleting function
def emulate_delete(times):
for i in range(0, times):
typein_stuff_cmd = "osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to key code 51'"
type_in_code =, shell=True)
#----------------- DEMO usage
last_tab = count_current_tabs()
activate_tab(last_tab) # takes an argument i.e tab number. I calutaed it earlier
time.sleep(7) # waiting for the url to load properly at slow internet
emulate_words_onsearch_tab("afterlife") # takes an argument of the search terms
last_tab = count_current_tabs()
emulate_words_onsearch_tab("ghosts are immutables")
activate_tab(last_tab - 1)
emulate_words_onsearch_tab("knobs and brains")
# And then you can use web browser to click links and all that stuff
#----------------- checking if they have loaded or not
# third_last_tab_number = tabs - 2
# last_tab_number = tabs + 1
# loading_states = [True, True, True]
# # if either of the laoding states is true
# if loading_states[0] == True or loading_states[1] == True or loading_states[2] == True:
# # iterate through all of the tabs and check their loading states
# for i in range(third_last_tab_number, last_tab_number):
# get_prop_code = "osascript -e 'tell application \"Google Chrome\" to loading of tab " + str(i) + " of window 1'"
# get_loading = subprocess.check_output(get_prop_code, shell=True)
# # it's returned as a string
# state_of_loading = get_loading[:-1] # we are getting rid of last char in the '<state>\n' to make it '<state>''
# print state_of_loading
# if state_of_loading == "False":
# loading_states[i+1-i] = False
# else:
# loading_states[i+1-i] = True
# time.sleep(2)
# if state_of_loading == "false":
# print state_of_loading
# elif (keep_checking[tabs] == False && keep_checking[tabs - 1] == False && keep_checking[tabs - 2] == False):
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