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Last active April 22, 2024 13:25
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How to setup your own git server and not use microsoft's github

Hoping you have your own VPS setup by now

SSH into GIT SERVER: you can either create a new user or remain root and give other also root priviledges [dangerous]

ssh root@<Your server's IPV4 addr or domain>
# or 
ssh <new-user>@<Your server's IPV4 addr or domain>

optionally you can also add your ssh public key to the git server

ON GIT SERVER : For creating a new git repo:

mkdir /gits
cd /gits
git init --bare <your-project-name>.git

ON CLIENT SIDE: For pushing first time: [cd into your project dir]

git init
git add .
git commit -m “commit message” -a
git remote add origin root@<Your server's IPV4 addr or domain>:/gits/<your-project-name>.git
git remote add origin <new-user>@<Your server's IPV4 addr or domain>:/gits/<your-project-name>.git
git push -u origin master

Note: Have a readme file, license file and gitignore file. These help!

For cloning an existing project

git clone root@<Your server's IPV4 addr or domain>:/gits/<your-project-name>.git
# or 
git clone <new-user>@<Your server's IPV4 addr or domain>:/gits/<your-project-name>.git

You know how to fork and all that stuff

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