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Created July 20, 2011 09:27
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public class MyLatestActivitySorterFactory implements NativeScriptFactory{
protected ObjectMapper mapper;
//2011-02-12 18:11:00.0
private DateFormat myDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S");
private final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MyLatestActivitySorterFactory.class);
public ExecutableScript newScript(Map<String, Object> params) {
if (mapper == null){
mapper = new ObjectMapper();
return new MyLatestActivitySortScript(params);
class MyLatestActivitySortScript extends AbstractFloatSearchScript {
private Map<String, Object> params;
public MyLatestActivitySortScript(Map<String, Object> params) {
this.params = params;
public float runAsFloat() {
DocLookup doc = doc();
StringDocFieldData myLatestActivitiesField = doc.field("myLatestActivitiesJson");
String myLatestActivityJSON = myLatestActivitiesField.getStringValue();"MyLatest JSON\n" + myLatestActivityJSON);
if (myLatestActivityJSON == null || myLatestActivityJSON.trim().equals("")){
return 0;
Map<Integer, Date> myLatestActivitiesMap = unMarshallMyLatestActivityMap(myLatestActivityJSON);
//String indexFieldName = (String)params.get("indexFieldName");
Integer userId = (Integer)params.get("userId");
Float score = getScore(myLatestActivitiesMap, userId);"MyLastActivity JSON[" + myLatestActivityJSON + "], gives score " + score);
String sortDirection = (String)params.get("sortDirection");"Sort Direction[" + sortDirection + "]");
if (sortDirection == null || (sortDirection != null && !sortDirection.toUpperCase().trim().equals("DESC"))){"Applying ASC sort order!");
score = 0- score;
return score;
public Float getScore(Map<Integer, Date> myLatestActivitiesMap, Integer userId){
Date date = myLatestActivitiesMap.get(userId);
Long time = date.getTime();
Float score = time.floatValue();
return score;
protected Map<Integer, Date> unMarshallMyLatestActivityMap(String myLatestActivityJSON) {
Map<Integer, Date> myLatestActivitiesMap = null;
try {
myLatestActivitiesMap = (Map<Integer, Date>)mapper.readValue(myLatestActivityJSON, new TypeReference<HashMap<Integer, Date>>(){});
} catch (Exception e){
LOG.error("Error unmarshalling myLastestActivities JSON", e);
return null;
return myLatestActivitiesMap;
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