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Last active February 19, 2021 14:19
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Zabbix REST/JSON web service check script
For REST/JSON web service that returns :
"DatabaseConnections": [
"DatabaseName": "database1",
"DatabaseStatus": "Open",
"DatabaseName": "database2",
"DatabaseStatus": "Open",
"DatabaseName": "database3",
"DatabaseStatus": "Open",
"IsAuthenticationEnabled": true
Usage of the script : -u <url> -p <path> [-U <username>] [-P <password>] [-m <GET|POST>] [-d <data>] [-a <basic|ntlm>]
-u, --url <url> The URL to the web service endpoint
-p, --path <path> The path to the JSON element to get. Expects /element1, /array1 or /array1/2/element3...
-U, --username <username> The username if authentication is required
-P, --password <password> The password if authentication is required
-m, --method <GET|POST> The HTTP method to use (GET|POST). [default: get]
-d, --data <data> The POST data to send, if required. Expects --data "key1=value1,key2=value2,..."
-a, --authentication <basic|ntlm> The authentication method to use (basic, ntml) [default: ntlm]
If the path references an unicode string or a boolean, its value is displayed :
./ -u "https://mywebservice.local/api/v2/Status" -p IsAuthenticationEnabled -U user -P password -a basic
If the path references an array or a dict, it is displayed as an JSON object that can be used in a Zabbix LLD discovery rule (type external script), like :[-u,"https://mywebservice.local/api/v2/Status",-p,DatabaseConnections,-U,user,-P,password,-a,basic]
./ -u "https://mywebservice.local/api/v2/Status" -p DatabaseConnections -U user -P password -a basic
"data": [
"{#JSONDATABASENAME}": "database1",
"{#JSONPATH}": "DatabaseConnections/0",
"{#JSONDATABASENAME}": "database2",
"{#JSONPATH}": "DatabaseConnections/1",
"{#JSONDATABASENAME}": "database3",
"{#JSONPATH}": "DatabaseConnections/2",
Then a prototype item named "Database {#JSONDATABASENAME} Status" like below will query each database status :[-u,"https://mywebservice.local/api/v2/Status",-p,"{#JSONPATH}/DatabaseStatus",-U,user,-P,password,-a,basic]
You can post data too :
./ -u "https://mywebservice.local/api/v2/Status" -p IsAuthenticationEnabled -a ntlm -U user -P password -a basic -m POST -d "delimiter=/,sqlquery=SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TOTO;"
import urllib, urllib2
import sys
import json
from docopt import docopt
from ntlm import HTTPNtlmAuthHandler
# Get element from JSON path
def xpath_get(mydict, path):
elem = mydict
for x in path.strip("/").split("/"):
x = int(x)
elem = elem[x]
except ValueError:
elem = elem.get(x)
return elem
def main():
zbxjson -u <url> -p <path> [-U <username>] [-P <password>] [-m <GET|POST>] [-d <data>] [-a <basic|ntlm>]
-u, --url <url> The URL to the web service endpoint
-p, --path <path> The path to the JSON element to get. Expects /element1, /array1 or /array1/2/element3...
-U, --username <username> The username if authentication is required
-P, --password <password> The password if authentication is required
-m, --method <GET|POST> The HTTP method to use (GET|POST). [default: get]
-d, --data <data> The POST data to send, if required. Expects --data "key1=value1,key2=value2,..."
-a, --authentication <basic|ntlm> The authentication method to use (basic, ntml) [default: ntlm]
args = docopt(usage, version="0.1")
# Set authentication if required
if args["--authentication"]:
authinfo = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
authinfo.add_password(None, args["--url"], args["--username"], args["--password"])
if args["--authentication"] == "basic":
auth = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(authinfo)
elif args["--authentication"] == "ntlm":
auth = HTTPNtlmAuthHandler.HTTPNtlmAuthHandler(authinfo)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth)
# Handle POST data
if args["--data"]:
data = urllib.urlencode(dict([arg.split('=') for arg in args["--data"].split(',')]))
data = "None"
# Create HTTP request
req = urllib2.Request(args["--url"], data = data)
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Zabbix Monitoring')
req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json' )
# Handle the HTTP method
if args["--method"]:
method = args["--method"]
req.get_method = lambda: method
connection =
except urllib2.HTTPError,e:
print e
except urllib2.URLError, e:
print e
# Exit if the HTTP response code != 200
if connection.code != 200:
print "HTTP response code is %d" % connection.code
# Load the response as a JSON object
obj = json.load(connection)
print "Cannot extract the JSON response"
# Get the element referenced by the specified path
element = xpath_get(obj, args["--path"])
if isinstance(element, unicode) or isinstance(element, bool): # the element is a unicode string
print element
elif isinstance(element, list): # the element is an array
output = []
# format it as an LLD JSON object
for index, item in enumerate(element, start=0):
props = { "{#JSON%s}" % k.upper(): v for k, v in item.items() }
props["{#JSONPATH}"] = "%s/%d" % (args["--path"], index)
print json.dumps({ 'data': output}, indent=2)
elif isinstance(element, dict): # the element is dictionary
# format it as an LLD JSON object
props = { "{#JSON%s}" % k.upper(): v for k, v in element.items() }
props["{#JSONPATH}"] = args["--path"]
print json.dumps({ 'data': props}, indent=2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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