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Last active October 10, 2015 13:28
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A skeleton implementation of the FeeligoApi class
* Feeligo_Mysite_Api
* this file provides a skeleton implementation of the Api adaptation class.
* Feeligo configuration settings
define("FLG__community_name", "YOUR COMMUNITY'S NAME");
define("FLG__community_api_key", "YOUR COMMUNITY API KEY");
define("FLG__community_secret", "YOUR COMMUNITY SECRET KEY");
* enable development mode
* WARNING: remove this for production use!
define('FLG_ENV', 'development');
* require the SDK's built-in FeeligoApi class
* don't forget to modify the path according to your directory structure
class Feeligo_Mysite_Api extends FeeligoApi {
* tells whether a viewer is available in the current context
* the viewer is the User which is currently logged in, when applicable
* @return bool
public function has_viewer() {
//TODO: implement this
throw new Exception('to be implemented');
* Accessor for the viewer
* @return FeeligoUserAdapter
public function viewer() {
//TODO: implement this
throw new Exception('to be implemented');
* tells whether a subject is available in the current context
* the subject is the user which is currently being viewed, when applicable
* @return bool
public function has_subject() {
//TODO: implement this
throw new Exception('to be implemented');
* Accessor for the subject
* @return FeeligoUserAdapter
public function subject() {
//TODO: implement this
throw new Exception('to be implemented');
* Accessor for the website users
* @return FeeligoUsersSelector
public function users() {
//TODO: implement this
throw new Exception('to be implemented');
* Accessor for user Actions
* @return FeeligoActionsSelector
public function actions() {
//TODO: implement this
throw new Exception('to be implemented');
* Singleton pattern: gets or creates a single instance of this class
* @return Feeligo_Mysite_Api
public static function getInstance() {
if( is_null(self::$_instance) ) {
self::$_instance = new self();
return self::$_instance;
* Shorthand for getInstance, allows to call Feeligo_Mysite_Api::_()
* @return Feeligo_Mysite_Api
public static function _() {
return self::getInstance();
* sample implementation of has_viewer and viewer methods
* makes the following assumptions:
* - $_GET['page'] equals 'users' on all user profile pages
* - $_GET['user_id'] gives the ID of the user being shown
* - MySQL is used as the RDBMS
* tells whether a viewer is available in the current context
* the viewer is the User which is currently logged in, when applicable
* @return bool
public function has_subject() {
return $this->subject() !== null;
* Accessor for the viewer
* @return bool
public function subject() {
// check the session cookie
if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == 'users' && isset($_GET['user_id'])) {
// fetch a row from the database matching id=$_GET['user_id']
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE id=".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['user_id'])." LIMIT 1";
$row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
// return a FeeligoUserAdapter for the row
return $row ? new Feeligo_Mysite_UserAdapter($row) : null;
return null;
// require the source file containing the implementation of the Feeligo_Mysite_Users_Selector class
class Feeligo_Mysite_Api extends FeeligoApi {
* Accessor for the website users
* @return FeeligoUsersSelector
public function users() {
return new Feeligo_Mysite_Users_Selector();
* sample implementation of has_viewer and viewer methods
* makes the following assumptions:
* - session information is stored the PHP session cookie
* - MySQL is used as the RDBMS
* tells whether a viewer is available in the current context
* the viewer is the User which is currently logged in, when applicable
* @return bool
public function has_viewer() {
return $this->viewer() !== null;
* Accessor for the viewer
* @return bool
public function viewer() {
// check the session cookie
if (isset($_SESSION['current_user_id'])) {
// fetch a row from the database matching id=current_user_id
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE id=".$_SESSION['current_user_id']." LIMIT 1";
$row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
// return a FeeligoUserAdapter for the row
return $row ? new Feeligo_Mysite_UserAdapter($row) : null;
return null;
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